Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1749: : Too heavy

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Thank you mom."

Ginkgo knew that the money could not be refused, but could only take it and thank it with tears.

"Go to see your sisters soon."

Ginkgo got up and glanced at Huafeng, shouting, "Sister."

Hua Feng nodded with a smile, took out a red envelope and handed it over, "Good girl, welcome to join our Hua family."

"Three sisters."

Because Hua Qing didn’t come, Hua Zhi was the second one. Hua Zhi also handed over the prepared red envelopes, and also told him, "We will be a family in the future, and I have any difficulty telling me that the third sister will support you. ."

Ginkgo nodded excitedly, and then looked at Hualin, "Four sisters."

Hua Lin nodded with a smile, then looked at her husband, "Hurry to take out the red envelope."

Hua Lin held Bai Kangning, so her husband gave it to Bai Hao. Finally, she walked to Hua Sheng, and she just wanted to call her a lady. Suddenly she thought that the name was wrong and she couldn’t call it, and then she held it for a long time. The sentence, "Sister A Sheng."

After I said this, I cried, and finally couldn't hold it anymore.

And he couldn’t help but hug Huasheng, and his nose was rubbing against Huasheng’s skirt, but Huasheng didn’t dislike it, but just patted her on the back, “You girl, you might think it would be awkward to call Wujie, then It’s okay to call Sister A Sheng, good boy. In the future, your temper will be more convergent. You are also a famous person now.

"Well, I must not give a little... no embarrassment to our Chinese family."

Ginkgo was crying like a flower cat. Hua Sheng wiped her tears for a long time. After the ceremony, everyone gathered for dinner.

Hua Feng said that she had something to do at home before she hurried to eat.

Hua Lin felt a little, and asked everyone, "Sister Sister looks a little strange, do you have any opinion on this matter?"

Hua Zhi said with a cold voice, "Don't you dare to say that she is now a temporary acting president. The shares of Wumei and I can be replaced at any time. The elder sister is old and has a heavy mind, although not as good as Huaqing. Vicious, but always a bit selfish, no matter, we continue to eat."

In fact, Hua Feng is really dissatisfied, she is not afraid of what the Ginkgo does as a daughter, after all, these giants like to do such things.

The Hua family is not the first to do this, which is not a rare thing in the upper circles.

However, it is the first one who can give shares, which is simply biological.

The Huajia Group is now starting again, and the market value is also several billions of dollars. Even if she is given a little share, it is a huge amount of capital.

Is it really so good for someone who has nothing to do with him? Hua Feng can't understand, can't understand Hua Sheng's fool's approach.

Of course, it is also because Hua Feng takes money too seriously, so it is impossible to understand.

After she left Hua Zhi's house, she went directly to Hua Qing to vomit.

And an hour later, the headlines of all major media are-Huajia recognized the sixth woman named Huaxing, not only giving identity but also shares.

As soon as the news came out, it was a thunder on the ground.

It exploded. After all, it was still night. When everyone was off work, almost all the hot searches exploded.

This is a rare thing. After all, the Hua family is not in the entertainment industry. After Hua Zhi retired from the circle, after Huasheng avoided the media, there was almost no such big traffic.

Even when Hua Qing came back a while ago, he still brought his children. There are some media outlets who report on the child's biological father.

But this time, why did it explode, because... the Hua family gave shares, but it gave tens of millions of money to an outsider.

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