Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1731: : Rare interest

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng shook his head, "It seems that the child is not, it should be a poor child."

"Then why..."

"That's because I don't trust Hua Qing. I think she is a person who can use even her own children."

"Well, you are right. I also agree with this. Children are the best weapon for sympathy. In the end, my heart is soft." Hua Zhi is still blaming herself.

Hua Sheng wanted to put her hand on the back of Hua Zhi’s hand to comfort her, “I don’t blame you. You are a pregnant woman who is sensitive to emotions. She can only say that this move is very clever. Besides, you are mortal bodies and have not practiced. Spirituality, without such a high discriminating ability, this is normal."

"It's Muggle." Hua Zhi laughed funnyly.

"Yes, Muggles."

"Hey, actually think about it, there is nothing wrong with being a Muggle, although the ordinary is still stable, and then look at you and the wind, which is not a twist and turn? Fortunately, you all met someone you really love, otherwise this life Even I am not reconciled for you."

"There's nothing to be unwilling about. In fact, it's just a calm state of mind. You can be at ease when you meet."

Hua Zhi smiled and didn't say much.

Hua Zhi and Wang Junxian stayed from morning to night on the day. When they left, they also picked up Mrs. Hua.

Ginkgo was still detained by Gao He, and he hadn't returned to the spring breeze.

So the young couple really realized what a two-person world is.

It's a pity that we can't be so arrogant now. After all, there are babies in Huasheng's stomach. If they are so arrogant, the baby will probably be born to blame his unjust father.

Jiangcheng is also the first time for the lantern

Xie Dongyang once again drank with customers and went to a newly opened venue.

Originally it was just a play, so when the manager of the night show brought in more than twenty girls.

Xie Dongyang was so nonsense, he didn't even see the woman's appearance.

The client was very excited, and he kept telling him, "Sasha, take good care of Mr. Xie."

"Got it, Brother Liu, Mr. Xie, it is better to see it than a hundred times. I used to see you in the news before. I never thought I was so young and handsome."

This kind of wind moon field, the girl said that it would be said ten thousand times a day.

Even if you are fat and full of ears, there is no place to talk, they will be willing to go against their conscience for money.

Therefore, Xie Dongyang, who has played enough for a long time, has always been calm in his eyes.

Until the appearance of a waitress, the girl was not very young and looked very young, but she was only 17 or 18 years old.

Wearing the waitress' black vest and white shirt, the kind of bow tie must still be worn. The soil is a bit soiled, but the people are still pretty.

The girl might be very nervous, so when pouring Xie Dongyang, she sprinkled a little.

Having obtained Xie Dongyang's expensive short sleeves, he had a complex look in his eyes and could not see his anger.

"Are you blind, blind? You can afford Xie's clothes?"

Xie Dongyang's night woman named Shasha raised her hand to fight, but was stopped by Xie Dongyang halfway.

"Mr. Xie, I'm sorry... I came the first day, I didn't mean it on purpose."

The girl was terrified. Xie Dongyang stopped Salsa's hand and stared at the woman's face before saying, "Look up."

Several Feng Chen women around were startled, thinking, did this **** of wealth, Xie Shao, say that she was not close to female sex? There have been legends of Xie Dongyang in other places before. In recent years, the girl who has no night show can let Xie Dongyang see it once. Is it that he is interested in this waitress?

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