Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1707: : She cares

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Jiang Liu's attitude towards Bairan has always been respectful, but for Pluto, it's a bit...

After all, it is a love rival, so even Pluto, Jiang Liu will still see the other party when it is uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

"Come, come, come."

Bairan treated the river well, and when he saw him greet him, he quickly waved his hand and pulled the river over.

"Your daughter-in-law is cunning, I will tell you, I let her give me a bracelet, she talks to me about the conditions, and reflects the capitalist's face."

Bai Ran talks with the river to spit Hua Sheng, and the river smiles gently, "So my wife is rich enough to rival the country."

"That's right, the more money you get, the more you get involved. This is true."

"As you black me, I am this kind of character." Hua Sheng was calm, knowing that white dyeing had no other benefits than broken mouth.

Hua Sheng was also prepared before, so what he promised to give to the white fox was still given.

Sure enough, it's the same as Feng Qingcheng's hair. After the white dyeing, the beauty bubbling.

The finishing touch is the gold pendant, and the extremely majestic style of the wind. Anyone who reads it will love it.

White dye finally, beautifully gone.

Before leaving, he also explained Jiangliu and patted Jiangliu on the shoulder. "Take care of your wife, she is not easy to get pregnant."

"That's for sure, Senior Bairan rest assured."

"Well, if you have any help, let my wife contact me."

"Good." Jiang Liu nodded with a smile.

Then the white dye disappeared in the spring wind of ten miles.

What makes him funny is that he went directly to the underworld, why? It's gone.

Ming Yan was a little busy recently because of the vampire incident in Jiangcheng, which caused many innocent people to die in Jiangcheng.

It is really infuriating that the people above concealed the report for their own benefit.

But concealment can only lie to the living, how can it deceive the underworld?

Therefore, on the side of Pluto, I receive a lot of souls that are dying every day. Those people are not reconciled.

The most important thing is that if you look at the book of life and death, those people have not reached the end of their life, and they really belong to them.

It is the mysterious external force's intervention that will kill your life, so those souls who entered the underworld are not honest, each of them is crying, shouting to return to the sun.

It is impossible to return the sun, because many people's bodies have been cremated and cannot be returned to the sun.

But justice is still needed, and Pluto deliberately investigated the matter for this reason, only to find out that there were vampires in Jiangcheng.

"Is there still a soul from Jiangcheng today?"

"Some, adults, a total of seven people, but two people are in the urban area, and five people are in the suburbs, that is, the bungalow area. It seems that those things can only be started in remote areas. Maybe they are afraid of Huasheng. Girl, gentle girl?"

Wucha understands the power of this, and knows that there is a big guy in Jiangcheng, not all monsters and monsters can come to the wild.

"Seven people? It's a lot. There are no more than one hundred and fifty in the past few days. This is not a small number. I'm afraid... she knows it too?"

Such a big thing, Hua Sheng can not do not know.

As soon as Ming Yan thought of the woman, a strange feeling rose in her heart.

It's a pity that he has a thin skin and can't be like Bairan.

On the surface, he could only use one of her words to refer to Huasheng, but he knew in his heart how much she cared about her.

"Oh hey, is she thinking of you?"

A white light from Bairan appeared on the Fengdu Hall, and Pluto was not surprised. After all, he was always so haunted.

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