Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1696: : Become poor

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Even though Mrs. Jiang's face was ugly, Jiang Liu went upstairs regardless.

"Master, what do you want to eat at noon?"

"Stop eating, no need to prepare."

Jiang Liu's words put Auntie Nanny's heart out of nowhere. He went upstairs with anger. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Hua Sheng standing at the door. He was a little startled.

"Have you heard?"

Jiang Liu knew that Hua Sheng should have been awake for a while.

Hua Sheng nodded slightly, and she actually rarely saw Jiangliu so angry, quite worried.

"It's good to hear, so I won't have to explain it to you again, let's go, let's go home."

After talking, Jiang Liu hugged Huasheng and went downstairs.

"Husband, isn't it just to be an amniotic fluid puncture, I actually...maybe..."

Before Hua Sheng's words were finished, he was stopped by Jiang Liu.

"shut up."

That sound is terrifying, and his eyes are super fierce.

I have been married for a few years, and I have never seen him like this. Even if I was angry before, I would not be so angry and directly murder her.

Frightened, Hua Sheng immediately dared not speak. She buried her head at the neck of the river, and put her arms around his neck tightly, daring not to speak.

"River, if you leave, don't..."

Mrs. Jiang was also angry. When she saw Jiang Liu holding her daughter-in-law to leave, she was also angry.

"Relax, I will never let A-Sheng enter this house again. I used to be so kind. Why should I still believe you and give you the opportunity to hurt my wife again and again... It is a shame that I have parents like you ."

"Jiangli, you bastard." Jiang's father might have been irritated by his son's words, so he broke his mouth.

"I am an asshole, but who gave birth to the **** is not you? It is not necessarily a good person who can produce an asshole?"

"Jiangliu, don't say it." Hua Sheng had never seen Jiangliu so angry, so he also felt very scared.

I just hope that this quarrel will pass quickly, it is terrible.

"Jiang Liu, you have been dismissed. Starting tomorrow, you will not be allowed to come to work in the company. You must get out of my way quickly. You must not touch my Jiang family's things at all.

Father Jiang was also dazed and scolded by his son for jerks. That kind of mood was not always a chance for all parents to try.

Jiang Liu just walked to the door holding Hua Sheng, he paused and hooked the corner of his mouth coldly.

"Do you think I'm scarce? The Jiang family has nothing but stinky money."

After that, Jiang Liu stepped out of the door completely and took Huasheng away from the old house.

Behind the parents of the Jiang family, the two old people were directly paralyzed on the sofa... I just felt that the blood was rushing on the net, and the eyes were blank.

Along the way, Huasheng did not dare to speak.

Jiangliu drove his car without saying a word, just looking at the front.

She never knew that her husband was so scary when the fire broke out, and the volcano erupted.

She wanted to speak several times, and tried to persuade him to go back and see his parents. After all, the old man was old, just in case there were three long and two short...

But Huasheng didn't dare to speak, and was really scared by Jiangliu just now.

"What are you looking at?"

Jiang Liu could feel Hua Sheng's desire to speak from the side and stopped her eyes, so she just thought she looked so cute, so she didn't dare to say it.

"Husband, you were just fired by your dad."


"Her husband, do you have nothing?"


"Then your car, your stock, your deposit, your money..."

"It's all gone. I'll be...only you, a poor river, do you want it?" Jiang Liu raised his mouth, and his tone was unconsciously gentle.

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