Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1679: : Redeem the merits

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

After listening to the wind, nothing happened for a long time...

At this moment, the air seemed to be still.

Until a minute later, Feng Xi smiled, "Oh, don't make trouble, let's be serious, A Sheng, you said those vampires..."

"The wind, when did I lie to you?"

"Ah? Do you really..."

Feng Xi pointed to Hua Sheng's belly, seeing that her lower abdomen was still very flat, I couldn't believe it. I just felt I could not lift my chest in one breath.

Is this too exciting? Huasheng wants children, this matter has become everyone's wish.

Now that Huasheng says she is pregnant, the wind is a little unbelievable.

After all, happiness came too suddenly.

"Huh." Hua Sheng knew what Feng Xi was asking. Although she was a little speechless with excitement, but... this reaction was purely normal.

"Oh my god……."

After Feng Xi exclaimed, he quickly covered his mouth as if it were a big secret.

"My God, Hua Sheng, Miss Hua Sheng, Ms. Hua Sheng, Goddess Hua Sheng... My fairy, are you really... pregnant?"

Hua Sheng lowered his head and raised his mouth slightly, already too lazy to repeat her words, too lazy to answer.

Wait for the wind to calm down and talk.

"God, goddess, how long has the child been, does Jiang Liu know?"

The wind came running excitedly, hugged Huasheng's neck, excited.

"Just a month later, Jiang Liu didn't know yet, to be were the first to know. If it wasn't for you to ask me to divination, I'm not going to say it yet."

"My mother, you can do it, you are hiding all of us, you are really looking for a fight."

The wind is love and hate, and he wants to reach out Huasheng's head, but he can't bear it, and the tears of surprise will fall.

After she calmed down a bit, Hua Sheng said, "I was going to talk about it after three months."

"You are so superstitious as a fairy." Feng Xi's face scorned.

Hua Sheng laughed and said nothing, what a fairy, what she wanted to do now was just a mortal, what good is a fairy, is it not a kind of suffering to be immortal?

"By the way, you said just now, you can't gossip, is it related to pregnancy?" Feng Xi reacted.

Hua Sheng nodded, "I know that I am very careful when I am pregnant. I don't dare to use any spiritual power now. I am afraid to affect the fetus. Every time I go to the hexagram, I actually consume a lot of energy, especially the harder the hexagram, the more it consumes, so ......"

"I get it. It turns out that way. Then I'll start the hexagram. Although it doesn't necessarily have your accuracy, at least... I can still find out where those things are."

"No, let me go back and let Xiaohe go."

"What? You said let Xiaohe go?"

The wind was stunned. At this time, the black cat walked in from the door, without any hassle, walking all the way to Huasheng and then got down.

It's the same as without it.

"Xiaohei is more powerful than you think, let it be checked, so as not to frighten the snake."

"This... alright, then we have to be careful recently."

"Well, I will."



"Can you let me tell Jiangliu about your pregnancy?" Feng Xi held Huasheng's hand and shook it. She was really cheeky.

After all, the river was very angry last time because of Beihan Bingyu. Although forgiveness later, Feng Xi always felt that he was very sorry for the river.

Thinking, if A Sheng agrees, he wants to make up for it.

"Okay, let me tell you."

Hua Sheng saw Feng Xi's thought at a glance, and readily agreed, Feng Xi's heart suddenly blossomed.

I just got up and ran downstairs, and waited for the river to come back, so that I could give myself an atonement.

After the wind came downstairs, Hua Sheng reached out and touched the black cat, "Xiaohei, I need you to run errands."

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