Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1662: : No bottom line

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Are you drunk?"

Yu Ping smiled and asked him, there were two lawyers in the office at the time, and Hua Sheng sitting on the sofa without a word.

"Xiao Ping, listen to me, I am so old, my parents like you very much. The previous thing was that I was wrong, but I swear it won't be like that in the future, I want you to give me a chance, but you insist not Ken, my mother called me that day and said that it’s okay to be at home. I’m coming to Jiangcheng to take care of you and let you give birth."

"I do not need."

"I know, so I can't hide it. I told my mother that she was very emotional. You know, my parents are my sons, and they look the same to my children. Now we are divorced, You still have to take the children, how can they bear it?"

"Unbearable, that's their business."

"How can you be so indifferent? Xiaoping you are very kind."

"Kindness only treats good people, Jing Sa, you look at what you do, do you still have a bottom line? Is it interesting that you morally kidnapped me at this time? Your parents are kind to me, then I am to them, aren't they good? ?I was pregnant in October. Why should I give you the baby? Is it because you have a little liquid?"

Jing Sa was embarrassed. I did not expect Yu Ping to be so innocent when he was ironic.

Both lawyers were embarrassed and pretended to cough a few times to ease the atmosphere.

"You blame me for being indifferent and ruthless, causing the current situation? Then when you went out for a gun and slept with other women, why didn't you expect such a day? Want to dump the pot on me? Do you think I am bullying?"

"Xiao Ping... I'm not dumping the pot, I'm begging you... My mother has high blood pressure, and she is in the hospital now... My father has always scolded me... I just wanted to discuss it, I can raise the child, I promise not Will be mistreated, my parents will take good care of him, you can also come back to visit at any time, right?"

"No need."

"Then you are so young, you still have to marry someone in the future, it is inconvenient for you to take children."

"That's not something you should worry about. If you just want a child, then stop here today. I won't promise you. As for you wanting to threaten my divorce with this matter, then I advise you to fight Wrong calculations, I am not in a hurry to divorce, you can continue to drag on, I can afford."

"A Sheng, let's go."

Yu Ping clutched her stomach, glanced at Hua Sheng on the sofa, and went away.

"Xiaoping, you think about it, I can give you that house as compensation..."

This sentence made Yu Pinghuo even bigger. She turned her head and glanced at Jing Sa, "How much is your broken house worth? Your personal property is not as much as mine. You still want to compare with me. Insulted, retain your last dignity."

Jing Sa still wanted to say something, but after seeing Hua Sheng beside Yu Ping, he still didn't dare to speak.

Indeed, if it is better than wealth, then he must have lost miserably.

Hua Sheng's relationship with Yu Ping is there. She can support Yu Ping at any time, but Jing Sa does not have such a strong relationship network and no chance of winning.

He originally wanted to use his parents' affairs, pretending to be poor and persuading Yu Ping, but unfortunately, it was miscalculated.

When he came out, Hua Sheng said, "I thought you would be soft-hearted, but I didn't expect you to be so sensible."

"I saw him through."

"It's done very well, I don't need to come forward, it seems that I am superfluous." Hua Sheng laughed.

"Although, you came here to be shocked, and my sense of security has soared. In order to thank you, I plan to invite you to a big meal."

"it is good."

The two were about to get on the bus, and Hua Sheng received a phone call from his home, saying that it was his mother who had an accident, and immediately drove to Yu Ping and went directly back to Hua's old house.

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