Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1652: : There are surprises

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The action of the wind, unintentionally, angered those people, and the other three suddenly rushed like crazy.

With a strange beast-like cry, Feng Xi directly pulled out the exorcism sword and chopped up a meal, and he was already angry.

If it wasn't for this group of ignorant people, doing something wrong in Jiangcheng, she should have bought online at home this time, watching TV and applying a mask.

As far as running so far, come to this icy church to deal with these inhuman and inhuman guys?

The three of them were all rushing away, and this one in the back was directly locked in the throat by Qise Ling, and then fell to the ground, turning him into gray with spiritual force.

In fact, it was all solved, but it took only three minutes.

"Are we too fast?"

Feng Xi always feels that something is particularly wrong today, how could it be so smooth?

Hua Sheng also has this feeling. It stands to reason that such a big thing, the enemy should not be such a weak guy?

As the two hesitated, there was a sudden movement behind them.

The two of them looked around and found that they didn't know when, two black coffins rose up underground.

"I depend, I'm afraid..."

The wind jumped behind Huasheng, pretending to be a coward.

Where would Huasheng believe her, just open her hand, "Remove your claws, come less."

"Hahaha, you said that I followed my grandfather when I was a few years old. I have been to large and small cemetery groups, and even ate in the cemetery and slept in the cemetery. Me, is this person stupid?"

The wind just simply felt that someone was making a mystery in order to frighten the two little girls.

But Huasheng never dared to underestimate the enemy. She looked at the two coffins motionlessly.

Suddenly the coffin cover stood up slowly...

"I rely on, this thing will not be refined?"

Hua Sheng still didn't speak. She always felt the taste inside was a bit familiar. Could it be that the person she knew?

The next second, the lids of the two coffins all fell, the wind was shocked, and Hua Sheng was shocked.

Inside, one is Hua Qing and the other is Hua Qing's son.

The two of them closed their eyes and didn't move. They didn't know whether they were dead or alive. They wore black priest robes, which was very strange and scary.

"Are they both..."

"Everything is careful." Hua Sheng frowned slightly, not daring to act lightly.

But Hua Sheng still reminded late, the wind was already rushing towards that side, but just a few steps, as if he had been cast a curse.

"The wind." She was a little flustered.

At this time, there was a sound of voice, "Huasheng, give you a chance to choose, the wind, and the two in the coffin, you can only save one side."

"Who came out?" Hua Sheng raised his head, just about to open his eyes.

As soon as I heard what sound began to rustle, she took a closer look by the dim light, not only scalp numbness.

All are black spiders, and they are not small, many, many, there should be thousands.

Coming from all directions, that movement, you hear it once, absolutely don't want to listen to it the second time.

At this time, Hua Qing and the child woke up.

That child Hua Sheng also met for the first time. She and Fengxi only guessed her identity because she knew he was beside Hua Qing.

"Mom, is that auntie?"

Hua Sheng stunned, did not speak.

"My aunt saved me, my aunt, my mother and I didn’t die, we were caught by bad guys, our aunt saved us... I’ve seen your photos, your photos are on my mother’s mobile phone, my mother said, you and the third aunt are the most at home Two beautiful aunts." The child's voice is very young, Hua Sheng can also distinguish from the breath, this child is still alive, Hua Qing is still alive, they are still human...

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