Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1623: : Find an old friend

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Jiangcheng, in a community in the city center

In the two-bedroom, one-room house, the decoration is extremely warm.

The little boy was lying on the desk writing his homework. Hua Qing looked at the child with a daze.

Their mother and son have just eaten, and in fact, this ordinary day is not bad, but...

In addition, Liu Yuzhou's words that day, but awoke her.

She is really going to find the father of the child, that is, the biological father.

Hua Sheng used to have a lot of friends here, but now the Hua family turned over again. There must be a lot of wine and meat friends who came back to find her and stifle her.

So it is much simpler to check something.

"Who can still contact Ueda Chao now?" Hua Qing suddenly asked in that old friend group.

"What are you doing with him, Qingqing."

"Ah, something."

Another little sister interjected, "Oh, Qingqing is now a person, who has no special needs? People don't break the law, do they? But Tian Chao is not small anymore, there are thirty, can the body still work? ? I heard that those who are cowboys will not lift after the last thirty, and they don’t know the truth."

Everyone thought that Hua Qing had any ugly thoughts about finding that person.

Hua Qing was too lazy to argue with them, anyway, these are not important.

"Qingqing, I saw him once last month, as if I had spent time in the north of the city, what a sales manager." A little sister reminded.

"Okay, I know, thank you."

After saying this, she closed her phone.

"In this life, mother goes out, you lock the door yourself."

"Mom, where are you going?"

"If you shouldn't ask, don't ask, why do you do so much with a child?" Hua Qing's good temperament is really not there, and he is anxious to say a few words to the child.

The child naturally dared not ask, and Hua Qing put on a trench coat and went out.

City North, Time Bar

Tian Chao didn't expect to dream, and could see him again, Hua Qing.

When the Hua family had an accident, Hua Qing was mistreated by the sisters. At that time, in Jiangcheng, it became a joke after tea and dinner.

Tian Chao's relationship with Huaqing is very pure, that is, trading.

He accompanies Hua Qing to solve the loneliness, Hua Qing pays.

At first, it was given to 20,000 or 20,000 at a time. Later, it was taken out to play, and it was given to 57, 000 in a few days.

For a while, Hua Qing was very fond of him, even bought him a Mercedes-Benz sports car, and then took him to play mahjong, drink tea and sing.

The two are also tired of being together every day, Hua Qing is even more than 100,000 to transfer money.

As everyone knows, the money was later adopted by the little cowboy as a female college student.

It is said that the girl is only 19 years old and she is still a little celebrity. The game anchor is said to be a face-lift, but there is no way to be young and beautiful. Men like it.

So Huaqing found someone to beat the boy.

However, this should not be the case. After all, Hua Qing does not support this one. There are several other harems, but those people Hua Qing did not spend so much thought and money. Later, the two were also very troublesome.

So when we met again, it was embarrassing. To be honest, Tian Chao did not want to see Hua Qing.

"why you?"

"Are you surprised?"

"Unexpectedly, the news says you are missing."

"Oh, do you think I'm dead?"

"Yeah, I thought you were dead. After all, your tycoons competed so fiercely. You can start your dad's wife, let alone others."

"Don't see you in a few years, but dare to hit me, you are awesome, Tian Chao?" Hua Qing's eyes were sharp, and he swept the man's face coldly.

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