Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1588: : Sensational tears

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Zhi couldn't even see it, and he quickly explained for Hua Sheng, "Mom, this is our five sisters, A Sheng."

"What? A Sheng?"

"Yes, it is A Sheng, the old girl you gave birth to."

Hua Zhi pushed Hua Sheng to make her stand closer to her mother.

Madam Hua raised her head and looked up and down, then exclaimed, "Oh, Xiaowu is so old, A Sheng, did you come down from the mountain yourself? What about your grandma?"


"If I go back to my wife, the old lady is too cold to talk about it." After all, Ginkgo is not a family member, so the mood is the most stable.

"Who are you?" Looking at Ginkgo, Madam Hua looked blank.

"I'm Miss Wu's personal maid, my name is Gingko, ma'am."

"Ginkgo, oops, good name, good."

"Thank you for your praise." Gingko smiled brilliantly.

Huasheng glanced at Ginkgo gratefully. The girl was really clever. No wonder Huasheng would like her so much.

"A Sheng, come over, mom take a good look."

"it is good."

Hua Sheng wore a Chinese-style white Luo skirt, a little cheongsam improved feeling, full of immortality.

The hair is also scattered randomly, without makeup on the face, but it looks better than makeup.

Hua Sheng's face value, all these years, are men and women killing everyone, no matter who they are, they will like it.

Mrs. Hua couldn’t get up, she could only stretch out her hands, hold Huasheng tightly, and then looked at her pettingly, "Little Five, send you to live on the mountain with grandma, do you hate me and your dad?"

Hua Sheng shook his head, "It used to be a bit, but now it won't."

"Actually, my mother can't bear it. After all, you fell on me too. In the first few days you left, my mother couldn't fall asleep and cried secretly. Your dad saw me scolding a few words, but he didn't feel so good. But there is no way. When you were born, the master who happened to pass by counted it for you, saying that you grew up on the mountain, which is quieter and more suitable. If you stay at home, your family will be in trouble."

"I understand, I don't blame my mother."

What I said before, I may feel that it is behind the scenes and alarmist.

But thinking about it now, really, if Hua Sheng grew up under the mountain, how many things might happen?

So what the mother said was not deliberately flattering, and she couldn’t flatter her like she was crazy now.

"Good boy, I didn’t expect it to be so big in a flash, it’s so beautiful... I’m not so good with your dad. I gave birth to your three sisters at that time, and I think it was from my previous life. After all, such a delicate girl, hey Yo-ho, when you were born, the whole hospital was shocked. It is said that Director Feng, who delivered you the baby, was excited for a long time, and she couldn’t let go of her arms while holding you, saying that this girl is too handsome, me and Your dad is happy."

"Unfortunately, I am not a boy." Hua Sheng smiled. She knew that the Hua couple had always wanted their son to come.

Otherwise, Hua Zhenyue would not be as tragic as Wu Nan later.

Mrs. Hua's eyes were filled with tears, "Yeah, I thought that way, but men and women were not decided by us. As long as it is her own child, Xiaowu is so big, it looks so good. Is there a boyfriend?"

"Yes." Hua Sheng chuckled.

"Not only there, but also especially rich, Mom, you may know that person." Hua Zhi owed her mouth and sold it directly to Hua Sheng.

"Ah? Really? Whose son, let me listen."

Mrs. Hua's memory was quiet many years ago, so she asked with relish.

"Mom, Jiang's son, Jiangliu, do you know?" Hua Zhi gave Huasheng a smirk.

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