Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1406: : Artificial respiration

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Eh? What's the matter, Xing'er."

The return of Gao He Fengchen's servants came to explain, why did he get kicked out by his girlfriend before he could meet?

"It's cold outside, it's minus twenty degrees, let Xiaohe come to talk about it first."

In the end, it was Huasheng who was mild, so quickly opened the door and let Gao He enter the room to speak.

Gao He immediately took the opportunity to come in, not forgetting gratitude, "Asheng's sister-in-law is a person of good heart."

"You don't slap any more, your own business, whether our two couples go upstairs first, you can solve it yourself. Tap, I tell you, my wife's house is antique, if ginkgo is broken, Nothing. If you break it, you have to pay according to the market price."

The words of Jiang Liu made Hua Sheng amused. She secretly squeezed Jiang Liu and told him not to scare Gao He.

Gao He was also wronged. Why did he go out and play for a few days, and when he came back, it would be a big deal.

The dim light was on in the living room, Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu both went upstairs, and even Xiao Hei left the living room in disgust.

The heating in the room was very sufficient. Ginkgo wore a long nightdress with a suspender. The funny thing was that the group on the top was blue Doraemon.

In addition, the ginkgo is already younger, although it is not so delicate, it is also attractive.

She spread her long hair and stared at Gao He with staring eyes.

"Xing'er, I'm a little hungry. Can you get me some food first?"

Gao He drove back to Jiangcheng with people all night and did not drip along the way, which would be a little hungry and not pretend.

"If you don't have anything to eat, hurry up."

"Xing'er, don't you do that? What's going on, wasn't it okay yesterday? Why can't you look down on me today or alive?" Gao He is also cheeky and coquettishly selling cute with Ginkgo.

He is younger and more open-minded than his brothers, so it's not bad to beg for his girlfriend.

"Gao He, you give me this set less, you tell me first, who is Liu Mengjie?"

"Which Liu Mengjie?" Gao He really didn't know anything about the name Gingko, so I asked very casually.

Gingko was very dissatisfied and went to give Gao He a slap directly and hit it on the back of his head.

This slap is full of anger, so the strength is not light, buzzing Koga's brain.

Then the wonderful part came...

Gao He directly covered her head, barely suffering, and then slowly fell to the ground, "Xing'er...I'm a little dizzy..."

"Don't act anymore." Gingko stared with cold eyes.

"Don't lie to you, baby. I was injured in the wilderness this time, and I just hit my head against the falling stone. It was a bit uncomfortable at that time. Just your slap should have increased the blood vessel blockage in the back of the brain... I I am afraid..."

Before he finished speaking, Gao He fainted directly on the ground.

Ginkgo suddenly paled in fear, "Gao He, don't scare me, don't pretend, get up."

She shouted a few words, and Gao He didn't move. Ginkgo hurried over and squatted on the ground, holding up Gao He.

Touching his face, "Goga, you wake up, don't scare me."

She shouted for a long time without seeing Koga responding. Gingko's voice was shaking. She was really scared.

It's fake to break up, but it's because of jealousy, but I never thought I would really separate from Koga.

Ginkgo was terrified when he saw Koga suddenly unconscious.

Tears are about to fall, "I'm going to find the lady, take you to the hospital, you insist..."

She turned around and was about to go upstairs, but Gao He grabbed her hand.

"You don't need to go to the hospital, you can give me artificial respiration." Gao He closed his eyes and said shamelessly.

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