Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1389: : King of the Underworld

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The reason why Qin Wanyu can come to the wind is really evil.

He was a Muggle himself, and he didn't have any colds for these things, but after Qiao Xue was blocked by the Fengjia talisman, the Fengjia talisman still glowed slightly, flashing and flashing all the time. Qin Wanyu thought it was I dazzled myself and produced hallucinations.

Later, after a closer look, I realized that it was not an illusion, but it was always flashing.

Does he think it's a windy thing? So he immediately called Fengxi, sent WeChat, and called the landline at home.

But no one answered, Qin Wanyu knew that something was wrong.

So he didn't go to the place where Feng Xi lived, and directly found someone to investigate and monitor, as well as Feng Xi's location.

Finally, he found this funeral home. Before he came, he specially prepared it.

Because the wind is going out at night, it must be the devil.

He could not go empty-handed, so he only had the stalk with a boy's urine, but really don't say, fortunately, with this chainsaw, suddenly the wind was alone to deal with the two mutated zombies. When will it stand?

So, who said Muggles are useless?

On the other side, Huasheng is about to collapse. She used to think that her palms were in a hurry, and no one was not afraid.

Even the twelve ghosts of Hades are terrified of her.

But today, no matter how she used her spiritual power to condense the flame, she still failed to throw away the female spider.

To be exact, it was a sky net woven by this female spider, layer by layer, densely packed.

Those spiders are also three layers inside and three layers outside, trapping her and the river and Xiao Hei.

The mother spider is not malicious and does not want to do anything to her, but it really makes her unable to move.

If you don't want to leave anymore, the wind will be over there... maybe there will be danger.

When the wind finally became anxious, he launched the technique of sound transmission and went directly to the mansion.

"Ming Yan, help me."

With just four words, Pluto arrived almost instantaneously, and the speed of the action was staggering.

Pluto, a black ghost umbrella, came in the air with a 360-degree tornado.

The wind was inexplicably big, Huasheng had to close his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, the huge skynet and thousands of spiders had disappeared, leaving only a woman in a red dress opposite, becoming a bare-rod warrior .

Pluto is a black nine-claw golden dragon python robe, and his dark long hair gleams strangely in the black.

After completing the task, the ghost umbrella returned to the owner with pride.

So, the scene you see is probably like this.

On the viaduct in the middle of the street at midnight, a man with a fascinating charm, dressed in a retro dragon pattern runs, holding a black umbrella. The picture is extremely charming, and I don’t know if I thought it was a fairy tale. After all, the actors are too beautiful and the scenes are too realistic.

"I didn't expect that the King of the Underworld loves to do so much business."

The woman's voice was already accented at this time, or hermaphrodite.

That is to say, every time she speaks, there are men's voices and women's voices in her voice, just like two people talking together, which makes people chill.

I used to think that there was a kind of black terror that made people close to collapse and the breath of death.

Now the red female spider exudes a much more terrifying feeling than Lord Pluto.

Isn't it scary enough even for Huasheng who can't figure out the origin with the God of Heaven's formula?

"Don't use Tianshen formula, she is the one who can figure out the identity." Pluto glanced at Hua Sheng with a gentle tone.

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