Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1386: : A desperate battle

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

After listening to the familiar voice, Feng Xi turned his head and almost sprayed.

Poof... That was Qin Wanyu. Qin Wanyu was really right. Why did he come here without sleeping at this time?

When Qin Wanyu came, the wind was at a disadvantage. She was surprised and angry when she saw Qin Wanyu.

Surprisingly, seeing the person you like at this time is a kind of happiness.

But at this time, the wind is hard to protect by itself. Qin Wanyu came here with a Muggle. Isn't this adding chaos?

If it is not good, she will die here, so the wind is scared, she doesn't want to lose Qin Wanyu.

"You come to fart, hurry up."

The windless and angry person shouted at Qin Wanyu. He only wanted to scold him, so he went back to himself, so as not to waste his lips.

Qin Wanyu didn't say anything, holding a miniature chainsaw in his hand, directly facing a zombie behind the wind, and piercing it directly from his back.

The zombie was cut away by Qin Wanyu from behind, suddenly unable to support, and slowly paralyzed on the ground...


Feng Xi was really surprised. What she didn't solve with her thunder spells, Qin Wanyu actually solved it with a small chainsaw? This is a bit of a lie, she quickly asked, "What the **** are you?"

"This is a chainsaw, didn't you see it? I just recharged it and can use it for eight hours..."

"Nonsense, of course I know it is a chainsaw. I mean... your chainsaw shouldn't be that good...what did you use on the chainsaw?" Feng Xi is the head of the Feng Shui family, where can I believe ordinary Chainsaw against zombies?

Qin Wanyu smiled and did not rush to answer. The zombie who stuck the wind on the neck was also a chainsaw.

The sound of a squeaky electric drill came, and the zombie immediately separated and piled on the ground into a pool of water, a pool of black-green water.

"I watched TV and said, what kind of urination is evil? When I came out, I looked for the five-year-old kid in the neighbor's villa, **** me with urine, and then smeared it on the chainsaw, but this bear It’s estimated that the child didn’t drink much water before going to bed... not much urine, just use it..."

The wind:...

"Blink away, how much is inside, I saw them."

After talking, Qin Wanyu was rushing to the funeral parlour with the chainsaw. Before waiting for a few steps, he was pulled back by the wind and pulling his collar.

"Qin Wanyu, why don't you come back to me, your uncle..."

"What's the matter? Come on?" The innocent face returned.

"Are you going to die...Do you know how many zombies are there? Just your little broken chainsaw and left **** luck... also because I had already hit them hard before, and there was not much energy left, and you picked up a big one Cheap. Do you really think you are the exorcist?"

Qin Wanyu: Um...

"Hurry back and hide behind me."

The wind is tense because she always feels that it will not be too flat tonight. On the surface, these corpses have changed and they are going to be out of the cage.

But when I think about it deeply, it's terrible.

A Sheng has not been here for so long, unlike her character, there must be something delayed.

The breeze that went to report to A-sheng did not return. Is it said that it has been...

The wind took a deep breath, "You guys, be careful, it will not be a peaceful night tonight... If you don't want to hang here, just watch me, stare at the guys inside, and... pay attention to the movements around you. ...I'm afraid there is something else."

The wind just fell... I heard something strange in the abandoned factory building around the funeral home.

The sound was uncomfortable to listen to, like a child and a mother cat.

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