Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1372: : Things happen in secret

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Lord Pluto certainly didn't expect Huasheng to bring it up for no reason, but it doesn't matter, Lord Pluto's coldness is only for others.

Huasheng is always an exception, so the cadres all know that even if the Huasheng girl has made many mistakes, Master Hades will not be held accountable.

"Where is the soul of Xie's father and son?"

Pluto raised his head, and suddenly thought that Hua Sheng had come to the underworld not long ago, and it was for Xie's family that he came here.

"It has been taken to the formalities."

"Can there be abnormalities?"

"No exceptions, but..."

"Say." Looking at the people who support him, Lord Pluto naturally doesn't give a good face, just ask.

"But the cause and death records of Xie's father and son are different, so many procedures are particularly difficult to handle, and the adults also said that you have to see how to deal with it in the end. Xie's father and son were kind and hadn't done anything. It's a matter of harming others. It's just that Xie Dongze was derailed once because he was fascinated by his mind for a while, but then the girl Hua Sheng intervened and saved him from the marriage, so look at the adult, how do you deal with this?"

Pluto pondered for a few seconds. "Bring it down and settle down. Let's think about it."

"Yes, sir."

There is nothing special about the father and son of the Xie family. If Huasheng did not run for them, Pluto really did not know who these two people were.

"Master Pluto, there is one more thing..."


Pluto's head was lowered, and Frost's face didn't see a little smile all year round. Fortunately, everyone was used to it.

"Qiao Xue's soul suddenly disappeared in the world, this matter is very strange."

"Qiao Xue?" Pluto tried hard to search for memory, and still couldn't remember this character, after all, it was too small.

Mingchai explained, "Qiao Xue was originally a ray of dead souls in the world. She died in a car accident in her girlhood. Because of the accumulated crimes of previous and previous generations, there was no way to reincarnate for a long time. Originally, such dead souls are many in our underworld. Yes, but it happened that, because she was Qin Wanyu’s first love, she was rescued by the passing **** the wind once, so that she would not be alone and helpless, and drift away..."

"Go on." Pluto knew that there must be more.

"The girl of Feng Xi is empathetic and may have taken her out of pity. At that time, we were also asked to report to you. Because of the particularity of the Feng family, the accidental collection of several dead souls is not a violation. After all, it is not illegal. The Feng family also raised a lot of breeze ghosts themselves and ran for their wind family. But this Qiao Xue was not very peaceful. After arriving at the Feng family, he began to play his tricks. Not only was he not in harmony with the Feng family breezes, but also repeatedly Provoked the relationship between Feng Xi and Qin Wanyu, which caused Feng Xi to have a sense of disgust and drove out. It stands to reason that the souls of the expelled can not live in the world, but Qiao Xue still did not come back to report, Our people have been searching for several days, but they disappeared... This thing is really a bit weird. Although such small people as Qiao Xue are not worth your attention, we are also afraid of any mess in the future, and think it is better to tell the adults ."

"Okay, this seat knows, you withdraw."

Lord Pluto waved his hand and didn't like to listen to these things anymore. No matter whether it was the wind, Qin Wanyu, or Qiao Xue, he didn't care.

He cares about no one but Huasheng.

At this moment, Jiangcheng, late at night

A white shadow appeared in the Yiwan Marriott Mansion where Qin Wanyu and Fengxi were preparing for marriage.

"Who?" Qin Wanyu was not asleep at the time and was watching the game. He felt vigilant when he felt a shadow.

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