Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1362: : Broken friendship

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Feng Xi and Qin Wanyu didn't know what to say downstairs.

Hua Sheng didn't even bother to listen. After she went upstairs, she helped Xie Dongyang lying on the bed of the guest bedroom.

Then he extended his hand to cover him and looked at her quietly.

Huasheng once wanted to show Xie Dongyang a lot of life, that is, fortune-telling with bamboo sticks.

It was like giving it to Yu Ping, but she found that she was no longer so courageous.

At that time, I just married Jiang Liu, and when I met Yu Ping for the first time, I was still a spectator.

So I took a look at Yu Ping's fate, but now Xie Dongyang has too much involvement with her. In this case, Hua Sheng is already irrational, not calm, and cannot do this as a bystander. .

For example, if you know that Xie Dongyang can only live to be 35 years old, does it help or not?

The words of help are embarrassing flames, violating Heavenly Dao, the great things have been tasted, and almost died on the sky.

If you don't help, do you really see the last single seedling of the Xie family died in middle age?

The prophet unknown is not a particularly good thing, why do people still like to count hexagrams?

Could it really be better if we figure out that we don’t have much time?

The wind rose quickly, less than ten minutes or so.

"You two haven't settled yet?"

"Reconcile a fart, I will not take care of this man in the future."

The wind was not angry, Hua Sheng smiled, knowing that she was angry, the world knows that they really love each other, that is, death, death, this state is much like Hua Zhi when he first fell in love. And Wang Junxian.

"Okay, then I won't intervene." Hua Sheng smiled.

You don’t need to persuade to know about the two of them. Feng Xi knows better than anyone else, and Qin Wanyu can’t give up.

"Xie Dongyang is not awake yet?" Feng Xi glanced at Xie Dongyang wondering.

"not yet."

"That wound is all right?"

"I checked, it's all right."

"Then it was estimated that your aura was rushing into your heart, oops, it seems that your aura should be used with caution in the future, especially for these Muggles." Feng Xi also paid attention to it, and the power of Asheng was getting stronger and stronger, but Muggles are becoming increasingly unbearable.

Hua Sheng also agreed, nodding, "I will pay attention in the future."

That is, between the two, Xie Dongyang woke up and suddenly coughed a few times.

Huasheng and Fengxi all moved up immediately, Xie Dongyang opened his eyes weakly, "Asheng, haven't you left yet?"

Feng Xi noticed that Xie Dongyang's name for Huasheng changed from Shengsheng to Ashen, it seems... this kid is guilty and stunned.

After all, I have known him for so long, and for the first time I saw Hua Sheng's temper.

"Do you want to drink water?"

Hua Sheng did not avoid suspicion, just like his relatives, helped Xie Dongyang sit up with the wind.

His lips were dry with bloodshot eyes, and his face was extremely pale, where there was a little temperament of the younger brother.

There is no similarity with Xie Dongyang in the past. It can only be said that it's just a trick to make people. How long has it been since the Xie family had so many things?

"it is good."

Xie Dongyang said a good word faintly.

Huasheng took the glass across the air and handed it over to Xie Dongyang.

He drank the entire glass of water in small sips, and the hand holding the glass shook slightly.

Hua Sheng couldn't bear to help him drag the bottom of the quilt so as not to spill it on the bed.

After drinking the water, Xie Dongyang raised his head and looked at Hua Sheng, so close, he really wanted to kiss her...

But at the moment, he really didn't dare. He stubbornly just looked at the side face.

"Xie Dongyang, are you okay? If you're better, let's count the two?" Hua Sheng said with a cold face.

"Oh, the friendship boat is about to turn over. You two talk, I won't disturb." The wind looked at the atmosphere so bad, and hurried away.

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