Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1340: : Alienation

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Zhi was going to hate Zhao Shixun at the beginning. At that time she was still young, and her eyes were full of children.

I felt that Zhao Shixun was dying, and I hated how I could have **** with him right now.

Later, as she grew older, she slowly understood Zhao Shixun's choice.

How can a dignified seven-footed man cringe because of greed and death and personal enjoyment?

The important task of peacekeeping is really a great achievement of a lifetime, so Hua Zhi slowly forgets.

When Zhao Shixun came back and wanted to propose, Hua Zhi had already fallen in love with Wang Junxian.

Nowadays, Zhao Shixun presented the Medal of Peace to his most beloved girl at Hua Zhi's wedding. This may be the best meaning.

A young and beautiful story from a young age finally ended.

Suddenly, Wang Junxian felt a bit regretful. He felt that he was too narrow and the pattern was too small. It was really not as good as Zhao Shixun.

I was thinking about whether to come to grab my relatives. Where would I think that people really came to bless them.

The weight of a medal of peace is incomparable in how much gold and jewelry it is.

Because how much is the highest honor that life has returned?

Hua Zhi still shed tears when she received the medal.

Wang Junxian lowered his head, embarrassed to speak, and suddenly felt that he was so small in front of Zhao Shixun.

Zhao Shixun looked at Hua Zhi's face at close range and couldn't tell the taste.

He knew that from now on, he really would not be qualified to miss Hua Zhi and go to Hua Zhi.

This girl he loved for most of his life, was finally the wife of someone else on this day, and has nothing to do with him ever since.

A tremolo-like song sounded, that was when Zhao Shixun offered the Medal of Peace.

He sang: I finally lost you. In the crowd of people, I finally lost you. When my life felt glorious for the first time. When the surrounding applause surged like water, I saw sad tears in your eyes.

Hua Zhi was even worse when he heard him sing and cry, and his hand holding the medal was shaking all the time.

She knew what this meant for Zhao Shixun.

"You must cheer up and get married early... I believe there will be a girl who is better than me and will come to you... to give you happiness."

Hua Zhiqiang endured his emotions and looked at Zhao Shixun, saying one by one.

Zhao Shixun raised his mouth and nodded.

At this time, there were applause all around, and the noisy music.

When everyone came back to God, Zhao Shixun had already left.

"This is a pure man."

Qin Wanyu said this, and he was moved to cry when he was shown it. It was really pure men.

Gao He also gave a thumbs-up, "This is a man with blood, flesh, sentiment and justice, but he has nothing to do with Sister Hua Zhi, ah, he is so uncomfortable in his heart and feels so sad."

Wang Junxian quickly recovered his emotions and was busy taking care of Hua Zhi's emotions. He took Hua Zhi into the lounge on the grounds that the bride changed dresses.

Everyone outside was also seated. The Wang family was generous this time, and the meal standard for each table was 38888. A hundred tables were opened.

In other words, today the wedding reception alone cost more than 4 million yuan, which does not include drinks.

When Qin Wanyu went to the bathroom halfway, the embarrassment almost hit the wind.

It turned out that the wind suddenly felt uncomfortable and walked to the bathroom.

Qin Wanyu opened his mouth and just wanted to speak, and saw that the wind passed by directly, and ignored him.

"Brother Wanyu."

Qin Wanyu turned back when he heard the voice, but saw a strange face, but the voice was...

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