Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1268: : Go fight

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"I can do it." Hua Sheng smiled slightly.

There is already a fight on the gap, and I am eager to try, "Oh, I haven't done a good job in a long time. The pair of women with the surname Zhuo should have disappeared. If they haven't poured out time recently, can they be arrogant? Wu Nan, who should have been a dead man for a long time, has lived to this day, and he is really dead. When I stopped you, I didn’t let you kill his mortal body. We are already a living dead person. We killed him, and weeded the monsters and demons. Ashen, I know you hate Wu Nan. He killed your dad, and the river flowed into the road of reincarnation. So you must kill him personally, so he left it to you, Zhuo Ya and Zhuo Man's two scourges, let me deal with it."

"Are you sure? Wind girl?"

"Cough...Isn't that the end of the conversation? In case I fell into the wind while packing up the sisters' flowers, I also asked the goddess to help your master bedroom."

Feng Xi knew his strength, but he didn't know the strength of Zhuoman and Zhuoya.

In case she was really embarrassed, she didn't take the others, of course, she still needed A Sheng's shot. This is a fact, and she didn't feel embarrassed either.

"Relax, we're done."

Huasheng succeeded in sneaking and chopping the moon in the seventy-two illusion, so that the second hall of the Devil Realm could fall into a hundred years of sleep.

After that war, she was no longer afraid of any creatures.

Compared with the big boss like the cut moon, what does Zhuoman and Zhuoya count?

Only, Zhuo Ya and Jiang Liu...

There seemed to be a past that Jiang Liu could not remember.

Thinking of this, Hua Sheng slowly spoke, "Three o'clock tonight, you wait for me, I will go back and prepare."

"Oh, you still need to prepare, don't scare me."

"To prepare, I have to tell Jiang Liu."

"Good, then you go."

Hua Sheng got up, didn't take a few steps, suddenly thought of something, turned his head, "The wind, there is something else, can't be careless."


"Both Zhuoya and Zhuoman are not the ultimate trump cards. They are the masters of Miao Jiang Gu, and they are also monsters of half-humans and half-demons. But...they are just little ones. In my opinion, there is a bigger one behind her door The monster is in control, you must be careful."

"Wow, in your tone, I have a fight with my grandfather. Although it is a bit wordy, but I believe that your analysis is correct. Originally, I did not regard the sisters as the ultimate BOSS. Since there are people behind, then pick up one by one. Lao Tzu has a lot of time, and as long as my Feng family is alive, I will kill the demon for the rest of my life."

When Feng Xi said these words, there was no trace of tyranny.

Hua Sheng knew that she had really gradually integrated into this role, provoking Feng Jia Da Ren to carry it on her shoulders.

Such winds make Hua Sheng rejoice.

"There is one more thing that you should pay attention to."

"Goddess, please."

"Don't make trouble... please be serious, what I want to say is really important."

Hua Sheng frequently shook his head helplessly, wherever the wind was good, sometimes he would be hanged, and there was no serious way.

"No kidding, you are also my goddess, you are my are the gods of the nine heavens, the gods of the gods." Feng Xiao pointedly pointed at the nineth heaven.

There was a goddess with a sip of wind, Hua Sheng was really a little uncomfortable, so she glared at her and made her not kidding.

"Oh, why do you stare at me, haha, if you don't make trouble, A Sheng, please tell me."

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