Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1233: : Storm cries

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng disappeared for three years. In fact, in the illusion, she only felt that there were only a few sunlight.

That's because the moon-cutting did the tricks and steal the concept of time.

It has been three years in the world. Hua Sheng did not expect that she could be separated from Jiang Liu for so long. She was very sad and blamed.

Fortunately, Feng Xi obeyed her meaning, and gave everyone a potion of memory loss.

Otherwise, how will the river flow in these three years? How are Hua Zhi and Hua Lin going?

Feng Xi and Hua Sheng flicked back to Jiangcheng, and the moment Feng entered the door, the breeze of the Feng family boiled.

After the shock, it was collective cheering, only Qiao Xue's face was incredible, even... panic.

It was just that the wind was silent in the joy of returning, not paying attention to her micro-expression.

Hua Sheng stood at the door and yelled gently, "Little Black."

The lazy snooze black cat under the sofa, hair instantly erected.

This has been listening for many years, and will not forget even dreaming, this is the voice of its owner.

Its owner, is it back? is this real?

The moment Xiao He opened his eyes, his pupils kept expanding, and even the wind had never seen Xiao Hei's expression.

"Xiaohei, haha, are you blown up?" Feng Xi laughed and laughed.

The next second, Xiao Hei jumped to the feet of Hua Sheng, and rubbed the skirt of his master desperately, telling him how much he missed it.

It has never been able to find her, thinking she was abandoned, and even more afraid that she is dead.

It's sad, but no one understands its words. Even the cat demon translator I found before doesn't understand the meaning of Xiaohei so much.

Xiaohei is like the wind, this world has not forgotten the Huasheng guy, so its heart is very sad.

Hua Sheng squatted down and gently touched Xiao Hei's back.

Hold it as before, put it on your chest, and take care of it carefully.

The voice was also extremely gentle, "Little Black, I'm sorry, I worried you."

"Meow..." Xiao Hei snorted, then his eyes were red.

"Xiaohei, you can talk, I can understand."

The black cat was shocked and looked up at Huasheng inconceivably.

"I entered the seventy-two illusions this time and restored the scene thousands of years ago. I was in the Tianshu Pavilion in Tianshi Mansion and read 10,000 volumes of books. There was a book about psychic beast language. I can understand everything in the future. The language of the beast, so Xiao Hei, you talk to me, I understand."

Hua Sheng's tone is very slow, gentle and gentle, and anyone will be very comfortable after listening.

Little Black almost shed tears in excitement.

It tried his voice, and said hardly, "Master, I... I thought you were dead, I'm so sad."

Hua Sheng raised his mouth, "I will not die, no one will let me die."

"Master, I... I miss you so much, my wife and children are dead... They were killed by the terrier dog... If it wasn't for the wind to save me, I would have been reduced to a meatloaf, woo woo... …I am only left to you now, you will not be allowed to abandon me in the future."

Xiao Hei burst into tears in an instant, and his voice was very similar to that of a twelve-three-year-old boy, but in fact, Xiao Hei was in a cat, and he was an adult in his twenties.

Hua Sheng was not surprised, she seemed to have known for a long time.

She just appeased Xiao Hei's head, "Xiao Hei, I speak, do you believe it?"

"I believe what the master says."

"Your wife Xiaobai, and milk coffee, they have done their fate with you... It's a good thing to die, they have been reincarnated and reborn, they are happier than being cats, don't be sad, we should be happy for them."

"Master, what you said, but is it true?" Xiao Hei opened his mouth wide, and seemed to be looking forward.

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