Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1144: : Another deception

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

The wind has no makeup, so when crying, tears shed down the corners of the eyes, Qin Wanyu really looked at it.

Qin Wanyu recently drove the black Audi A8, which is much lower-key than the previous sports cars.

Feng Xi is here to say a few words alone, or go to the company to find it, if there are too many people, the two will have to talk about it.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, look upset, as if I'm putting you off right."

Qin Wanyu said this deliberately. In fact, he was in a mood. After spending so long together, even the children had been pregnant.

The wind cannot be, neither can Qin Wanyu.

In fact, in those days when Feng Xi was hospitalized, although Qin Wanyu didn't go, he found a nurse in the hospital as an eyeliner.

I report the situation every day, take care of the wind, and even send a lot of small videos to Qin Wanyu.

It is said that women like to speak right and wrong, but in fact men are the same, all with a hard mouth and a soft heart.

This kind of breakup itself was not due to the involvement of a third party, or something was derailed, so neither of them would be able to let go.

The wind rarely cries like a girl, but...

"Qin Wanyu... I'm sorry."

"Okay, don't cry, get in the car and say."

The wind shook his head.

"What do you mean? Don't you want to go down the steps?" Qin Wanyu frowned.

Feng Xi said nothing, when Qin and Wan were too late to respond, he rushed straight up and kissed him.

Qin Wanyu was also very sudden, he was stunned.

When he reacted and wanted to kiss him back, they had already withdrawn and took a few steps back.

"What's your meaning, what do you mean?"

"Qin Wanyu, will you forget me?"

The wind laughed sweetly, but Qin Wanyu saw that she was still crying.

Qin Wanyu asked was startled again.

"A Sheng has disappeared, no one knows where she went, and the river will gradually forget her, no matter how much hope. Time is actually the most cruel, it can let you in the passage of time, to the past Everything that I loved is weakened, and even blurred in the end. One day, the river will forget A Sheng, Qin Wan Yu, and you will forget me?"

"Fart, Lao Tzu is not Alzheimer's disease, forget what to forget." Qin Wanyu was reluctant to hear this.

Feng Xi wiped her tears and smiled again, "Qin Wanyu, you have proposed twice. Actually, I didn't answer it positively. I told you today, I, Feng Xi, like you very much. This time is my whole life. In the happiest time, I like Qin Wanyu very much. I want to live with you all my life. I want you to wear a wedding dress."

"Wind, are you serious?"

Happiness came too suddenly, and Qin Wanyu couldn't adapt.

"Yes, so you go back today and prepare well. Waiting for me at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow, the old lady will get the certificate with you."

"Wind, you lie to me, you are a dog, no, lie to me, you are a turtle."

Qin Wanyu was very anxious about Feng Xi's words, so he quickly said something, and Feng Xi laughed with a smile.

"You still laugh, you promise me quickly."

"Go back and get a good night's sleep. See you tomorrow."

"You go back to me with me." Qin Wanyu pulled the wind into his arms and fell in love with it. The misunderstandings were all solved, and he went back to his home to do what, how boring.

"I have to go home and get my hukou."

"Oh right." Qin Wanyu suddenly realized.

After watching Qin Wanyu's children drive away with excitement, Feng Xi gradually put his smile away.

"Master, the time is up, you should enter the gate of the underworld, we have helped you to contact Master Pluto."

"Okay." Fengxi Zhu lips lightly opened, turned and disappeared in the dark corner of the basement.

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