Football Winner

Chapter 70 First Defeat

Losing~~~ Losing~~~ Cagliari finally lost~~~ After a string of incredible victories, Cagliari finally ushered in its first defeat in over two months.

In the 33rd round of the league, the last round, when Cagliari was very lucky to beat Salernitana, Cagliari surpassed Ancona in the standings, rising from the original third to the second two.

But in the thirty-fourth round, Cagliari had to stand in the most direct dialogue with Ancona, and now, the referee has blown the whistle of the end of the game.

0:2, a very clean score, from the first minute of the game, Cagliari showed an attitude towards the game, sloppy, chaotic, and without any cooperation.

This is not the Cagliari that we are familiar with, this is not the Cagliari that has achieved crazy records before, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes at this moment, I would even doubt whether these players are players I know. Don't hide your disappointment.

The previous victory made the Chinese become arrogant and defiant, which also affected the players on the court. Now, this Chinese has to pay the price for his defiantness. How could Casapa pass this opportunity.

No~~~ It's not Bruce's fault, it's the journalists, it's the whole Italian media, their flood of praise drowns out Asemini, making Cagliari players arrogant, arrogant, and arrogant. Confronting no one, Giovanni defended Li Yi.

Even if it was the Italian media who deliberately killed Cagliari, as a head coach, he had to find a way to solve it, and it turned out that the Chinese couldn't do it.

In order to win the league, the Cagliari management should be decisive and change to an experienced Italian coach, Casapa said at the end.

However, what made Casapa extremely depressed was the complaints from countless Cagliari fans after he said this, and even the windows of Casapa's house were forced to be replaced that night. The Sapa family never slept well, even if the famous commentator called the police, the situation could not be alleviated. In the end, the Casapa family could only temporarily move to the hotel.

Fans are emotional, what happened to Cagliari before, and what kind of record Li Yi has achieved after taking office, the fans can see for all to see.

At the beginning of Casapa, everyone can understand Li Yi, because almost all Cagliari people are like this, but as Li Yi leads the team to become better and better, Cagliari fans have completely accepted it and began to support this Young and somewhat excessive head coach.

In this case, Casapa did not change because of Li Yi's excellent leadership, and as time went on, Casapa became more and more extreme, more and more extreme. The last brainless.

Li Yi ignored Kazapa, and the fans did not do anything drastic because of their past affection, but this time, Kazapa's remarks angered the fans of Cagliari.

His heart can be punished. Casapa actually encouraged the Cagliari management to fire Li Yi. Although the Cagliari management may not pay attention, the fans could not accept it.

Because in the eyes of Cagliari fans, Li Yi is the savior of Cagliari, not only taking the team out of the relegation zone, but also allowing the team to rush to the upper reaches of the standings, into the promotion zone, and even compete for the championship.

After seeing Li Yi leading the team so well, many Cagliari fans began to yearn for Li Yi to stay in Cagliari for a long time and lead Cagliari to Serie A, to a higher level, and even to rebuild for 30 years. previous glory.

Of course, Li Yi doesn't know the fans' thoughts, but even if he knows Li Yi, he will laugh at most. After all, he has huge ambitions. Not to mention the small temple in Cagliari, the chaos and decline of Serie A in the future is not worth it. nostalgia.

As for what happened to Casapa, Li Yi later learned from Cardini, although Li Yi didn't say anything on the surface,

But I still praise the behavior of the Cagliari fans in my heart.

Fans can harass Kazapa, but they can't stop the crazy criticism from the media the next day, and the media has made a lot of progress in the battle of wits and courage with Li Yi.

In these media reports, they put the responsibility for losing the game on Li Yi. The reason for losing this game lies in Li Yi's identity.

It was because Li Yi's pre-match preparations were not in place, and it was because of Li Yi's tactical failure. The commander on the field was too incompetent, and he didn't know how to adjust when he was behind.

To put it bluntly, it means that Li Yi is responsible for Cagliari's loss in this game.

But is it actually so? Li Yi himself knows this, and Cagliari's players also know it, but no one in the team has pointed this out.

The day after the loss, Li Yi didn't seem to take it to heart in the face of the frenzied criticism from the media, and even had a smile on his face when he returned to Asemini.

On the training ground, Li Yi has always been very relaxed and freehand. It seems that he has not been affected by losing and being criticized by the media at all. He even played the pursuit game with the players during training.

Seeing that Li Yi was not angry, the tense nerves of the Cagliari players finally loosened.

In three months, Li Yi not only conquered the fans and management, but also established a huge prestige among the players, and even completely controlled the locker room.

Honey~~~ Wait a minute, you can eat it right away Actually, there is a reason why Li Yi is in a good mood, because just last night, after returning home after the game, he was greeted with a fiery enthusiasm And the wild body is entangled.

Miranda Kerr came back. After finishing work, Miranda Kerr returned to Cagliari as soon as possible. In order to surprise Li Yi, Miranda Kerr also tricked Li Yi to end her work the day after.

Of course, Li Yi's behavior during the day doesn't mean that Li Yi really doesn't care about yesterday's loss at all. It's not just because it was the first faux pas in his coaching career, but also because Cagliari dropped from second in the standings to fourth.

After losing to Ancona, Cagliari still has 54 points, while Ancona has changed from 52 points to 55 points. Above Ancona is Siena, which has won two consecutive victories, with 56 points, and Sampdoria continues. Maintain this lead.

Originally this round of the league should have the opportunity for Cagliari to draw in the point difference with Sampdoria, because Sampdoria did not win this round of the league.

Fortunately, Li Yi didn't value the Serie B championship very much. His initial goal was to upgrade, to be promoted to Serie A, so he didn't care much about missing this opportunity.

Even if Cagliari has a chance, because the next round of Cagliari's opponent is Sampdoria.

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