Football Winner

Chapter 650 The real opponent in Ferguson's eyes

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The Rose Derby, which used to be nothing to watch, has now aroused the expectations of countless people.

Manchester United is still the same Manchester United team, led by their godfather Ferguson, but Leeds United is no longer the Leeds United team it once was. It went bankrupt and got back on its feet after being relegated.

And this season, under the leadership of the amazing coach Li Yi, Leeds United finally has the qualifications to challenge the giants, which also makes the Rose Derby hot.

It turns out that no team is invincible, and Leeds even more so, Ferguson said after the Leeds-Chelsea game.

Yeah, but we are number one in the standings Li Yi naturally did not dare to show weakness.

After ten rounds of the league, Leeds United topped the standings with a record of 9 wins and 1 loss, while Manchester United ranked fourth with 6 wins, 3 draws and 1 loss.

Not after this game, Ferguson said.

Even so, Leeds United is still above Manchester United in the standings. Leeds United's winning streak was too much to attract attention, so that Liverpool's excellent record was overshadowed.

Leeds United had a nine-game winning streak before, but after the game against Chelsea, Leeds United not only ended its winning streak, but also its unbeaten streak, making Liverpool the only undefeated team in the Premier League so far this season. The team, with 8 wins and 2 draws, accumulated 26 points, only 1 point less than Leeds United.

The media were quite excited to see Li Yi and Ferguson arguing with each other, completely different from the last round of last season's contest.

In fact, this is very understandable. The last round of last season was related to Manchester United's championship and Leeds United's qualification for the Champions League. Both sides naturally want to concentrate on the game to avoid unnecessary accidents.

It's different now, only ten rounds of the season have been played. To put it bluntly, the outcome of this game is not much different from that of other opponents. The only difference is that this game has been dubbed Derby.

Ferguson took the initiative to provoke the victory this time, naturally not to show his sense of existence. A head coach with a status like Ferguson does not need to use this method to attract attention. Therefore, the wily Ferguson must have his own purpose for doing so.

In fact, Li Yi is very clear about Ferguson's plans. Leeds United just lost to Chelsea, which makes Leeds United's heart a little unstable. After all, Leeds United's players are still young, and this season has been smooth sailing again.

Suddenly losing a game under such a smooth situation will definitely have an impact on the mentality of the players, and what Ferguson has to do is not to give Leeds United players a chance to recover.

I have to say that an old guy like Ferguson can be used if he has any flaws. Fortunately, Li Yi is not a vegetarian. Although this guy is young, he seems to have a special talent in some aspects.

Of course, this is also related to Li Yi's status as a Chinese. It is said that the Chinese who play tricks and tricks have been leading the world for thousands of years and can be called ancestors.

Therefore, what the media expected next did not happen. The players on both sides did not continue the coach's tactics, but the two coaches did not mean to stop. You came and I fought.

Moreover, Li Yi not only did not fall behind, but also took advantage of it, which really made Ferguson shout in his heart that Li Yi was a monster.

However, for the media, the talk between the two head coaches is actually enough for them to report. After all, Ferguson and Li Yi are not ordinary head coaches. Although there is a huge difference in age between the two, their achievement status has no age. That big.

Ferguson has dominated the Premier League for more than ten years and is known as the godfather of Manchester United. Li Yi has risen in just a few years, but the championship he won is beyond the reach of many coaches in their lifetime.

Time just passed between you and me as the head coach, and there was only a two-day gap between the tenth and eleventh rounds, so Leeds United came to Manchester soon under the leadership of Li Yi.

A loss doesn't mean anything, and the reason why we lost the last game was not only because of luck but also because of the referee's misjudgment. After the game, the whole world thought that Chelsea's third goal was a misjudgment, but this Nothing has changed, and the loss to Chelsea did have a lot to do with luck.

Winless? There is no such thing as a winless game after this game. Of course, the media will naturally not let Leeds United return to the Premier League's winless record against Manchester United.

As for Li Yi's answer, the media were excited. What they wanted was Li Yi's confidence, um, the slap in the face after losing the confidence, but so far, it seems that he has not been slapped in the face.

Speaking of which, Li Yi seems to be very cautious in this regard. The number of times he has uttered wild words in such a game can be counted on one's fingers, so this game Li Yi must be on the hook, and unlike Chelsea, in order to ensure this victory, Li Yi will definitely not save.

For Li Yi's full confidence, Ferguson showed disdain, but this was only in the face of the media. After leaving, Ferguson immediately put away that disdain and looked cautious.

Leeds United is very strong. This is the conclusion that Ferguson came to after observing more than a dozen games of Leeds United. The reason why they lost the last game against Chelsea was definitely not a problem of Leeds United's strength.

But there is no way out in the current full road. Manchester United made a lot of mistakes in the first ten rounds, and some games that should have been won were not won, and the result is that the gap between the top two points is a bit large.

Although Manchester United still has a chance to catch up, looking at Leeds United's record since Li Yi took over, Ferguson feels that there is little hope, so this kind of direct confrontation has become the key.

Manchester United need to win the match to narrow the difference. Although Liverpool is currently in good shape, with years of experience in confrontation with Liverpool, Ferguson believes that Liverpool will definitely fall behind.

As for Chelsea, Ferguson also didn't take it too seriously, because Scolari and Mourinho are completely different managers, and Chelsea is still fighting with Mourinho's team, so don't look at Chelsea's record at the moment Good, but with the passage of time, Chelsea's contradictions will definitely break out.

Leeds United is different. Leeds United has all the ingredients for a successful team, a great manager, a group of young but extremely talented players who are gradually cashing in on their talent.

But there is also the most important point, the unity in the locker room. If the team wants to be truly successful, the locker room must be united, it must be twisted into a single rope, and it must move towards the same goal.

Arsenal? I'm sorry, Ferguson really doesn't like this team now. With the departure of the old players and the introduction of powerful players in the transfer market without spending money, Arsenal can only be regarded as a piece of shit in Ferguson's eyes. Stick rather than rivals vying for the title.

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