Football Winner

Chapter 629 Responsibilities

Head~~~ Is this really for us? Bell stroked the car that belonged to him, still in disbelief.

Is this still fake? Li Yi shook his head and laughed.

Although the Leeds United player had a hunch, when he actually heard it, he couldn't help but be excited and shocked, even unbelievable.

Especially the two backup goalkeepers in the team, these two are very talented, but they have no chance to play, but even so, they actually have their own cars.

There are currently 22 players in the Leeds United first team, and almost every position is equipped with two players, so including Lewandowski and Vardy who are on loan, a total of 26 players.

As for the extra car, it naturally belongs to the head coach Li Yi, but Li Yi bought the car at his own expense. At the same time, Li Yi paid for it to be sent to Spain and Germany.

There are only twenty-six cars that can be regarded as sponsorships, and they cannot be regarded as sponsorships. There are Li Yi's personal endorsement fees and club sponsorship fees.

This is a gift from Li Yi or the club to the players. At the same time, it can also play a promotional role. Aston Martin is also very clear about this, so it spared no effort to transform these cars.

It turned out that when the players drove the car away, the front page the next day was all about Leeds, about Aston Martin, about these cars.

Leeds United once again attracted the attention of the whole of England, and it also played a role in publicity. It can even be said that the effect is outstanding. You know, even if Aston Martin spends a lot of money, it may not be able to achieve this effect. After these reports, Aston Martin laughed to the bottom of his ears.

That's not to mention, there are similar reports in Spain and Germany, as Pepe and Falcao as well as Olic have all received gifts from Leeds United.

Even if it radiates to the whole of Europe and even the world, 30 modified supercars are indeed very attractive, especially if they are given to players in the name of the club.

There are many clubs with car sponsorships, let alone giants, but it is the first time to see such a generous and innovative.

A win-win situation. Seeing this result, both Leeds United and Aston Martin are extremely satisfied.

The outside world is very lively, but in fact Leeds United players have begun to concentrate on preparing for the second round of the league, this game Leeds United will be a guest at Ewood Park to challenge Blackburn.

Blackburn had a good season last season.

But this does not mean that this season can continue the performance of last season. In the football world, except for the giants and strong teams, few teams can always guarantee their own results.

So if you want to become a giant, let’s not talk about winning more championships, the most basic thing is to ensure your own record, because record is the foundation of all championships.

Of course, Li Yi did not forget Jiang Ying. After two days of consideration, they decided to follow Leeds United to Lancashire to watch the game.

So before leading the team to Blackburn, Li Yi first met with Jiang Ying and gave them two VIP tickets.

However, something went wrong at this meal. It is said that Li Yi's life is very regular, and even the English media have given up tracking and reporting on Li Yi.

But this time, Li Yi's luck was not very good. He actually met a reporter during dinner, so there was a report on Li Yi's night meeting with two beauties the next day.

Fortunately, the reporter did not bring a camera. The pixels of current mobile phones cannot be compared with those of later generations. The pictures are not clear, and Jiang Ying and her cousin were not really photographed.

Although it didn't cause any trouble to Jiang Ying and her cousin, when Li Yi appeared in the pre-match interview the next day, almost everyone's attention was not on the upcoming game.

In fact, I can't blame the media for being so excited. After all, this is the first time that a woman has appeared beside Li Yi except Bellucci, Liu Yao and the staff.

You are sports reporters, this is a football game, please don't ask about the football accident, about the accident in this game, Li Yi certainly would not respond.

Of course, Li Yi did not want to hide anything by doing this. He is single now, and he can do whatever he wants. The reason why Li Yi is unwilling to answer is because he knows that no matter what he says, the media will not believe it, and it will be endless. .

So the result of this interview was that they broke up unhappily, although there was no joy there before, no, it should be said that there was no joy before.

For the attention of Li Yi and Leeds United, Black could have been quite envious. You must know that Leeds United was not as good as them two seasons ago.

So in the face of Leeds United, Blackburn must be unwilling. If it is a wealthy team, maybe Blackburn will not have any unwillingness, because in the opinion of Blackburn, this should be the case, but Leeds United is a wealthy team? A team that nearly went bankrupt three seasons ago.

However, Blackburn soon discovered that their unwillingness seemed to be useless, because after the start of the game, Leeds United had firmly occupied the initiative on the field.

Although the second round of the UEFA Champions League qualifiers was held in the middle of the week, Li Yi still sent the entire main lineup in this game. Obviously, with a 3-0 lead, there was no need for the main force in the second round.

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL~~Gareth??Bell~~~Leeds United winger was very firm in this game, and his shot was even more decisive After the game started, Bell became the most active player in Leeds United.

1:0~~~~ In the thirteenth minute of the start of the game, Leeds United completed the goal, Bell received Modric's score, and Wales rushed into the penalty area of ​​Blackburn with the ball like no one.

In fact, all Leeds United players have noticed Bell's changes. Since Bell was released from the head coach's office, not only has he trained more seriously and worked hard, but his whole personality has changed.

And at the moment on the court, Bell told his teammates and Li Yi with his actions that he was indeed changing. He would become stronger, he would become more confident, and he would take on a core responsibility.

In fact, it is not only Bell that has changed, but also Leeds United's tactics. During this time, Leeds United players obviously found that Leeds United's tactics began to tilt towards Bell.

The reason why Reus was so active in the last game was that Leeds United's tactical tilt was stimulated. Reus told Li Yi in this way that he could do better.

In fact, in some positions in Leeds United, the line between the main force and the bench is blurred, especially the two winger positions, but this season, the line has become more obvious. On the contrary, the lines with clear lines between the main force and the bench last season have begun to blur this season.

But in fact, one thing will not change, whether it is the main force or the bench, the playing time given will not be less.


Remember Aishang in 1 second:

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