Football Winner

Chapter 616

OPPA~~~ How can you hide it from us? At this moment, the nine people looked at Li Yi aggressively.

Today, not only did Kim Taeyeon have no schedule, but it was rare for Lin Yoona to end the filming early, so the group secretly came to Li Yi's house under the leadership of Kim Taeyeon when they were young.

Li Yi's home is not a small one, but at this moment when all the members came here, it still seemed a bit crowded, and under the leadership of Jin Taeyeon, these people looked guilty.

It was said that Lin Yuner always felt that Li Yi was very familiar, although Li Yi pointed out that the two had met once on Christmas, but Lin Yuner felt that Li Yi's familiarity was definitely not because of the glance that night.

But Lin Yuner really couldn't remember it, and she stopped thinking about it over time. This situation was not until Li Yi returned to Europe to coach Leeds United. Lin Yuner accidentally saw this news and the photo of Li Yi on the news, which made her know Why do I feel that Li Yi is familiar.

What followed was that the whole Girls' Generation knew, which also gave them a real feeling. Although they usually rarely watch football, they may not even recognize Li Yi's appearance, but this does not mean that they have not heard of Bruce? ?plum.

In the past, they only listened to Misty, and occasionally heard someone say how powerful Li Yi is, but after knowing Li Yi, they have a more intuitive understanding, especially now that they are coaching again.

The results of Leeds United have already explained everything, and it made them feel even more incredible. The guy who made a lot of trouble in Europe actually went to South Korea to open a coffee shop and even made coffee for the guests himself.

What is this called? Out of the hall, into the kitchen, although this sentence is used to describe a woman, but with the development of the times, it can also be used to describe rare.

What is this called? A gentle big brother next door has suddenly become a superstar. Although Li Yi is not in the entertainment industry, in the world of football, Li Yi decided to be a superstar, even if he is only a superstar. head coach.

It is precisely because of this that Jin Taeyeon and Li Yi have less contact. After all, Li Yi's identity has brought her a considerable impact.

If it wasn't because of Montenegro this time, it is estimated that Jin Taeyeon would not take the initiative to call Li Yi. In fact, Li Yi has been actively contacting Jin Taeyeon during this time.

It was also because of this phone call that the relationship between the two seemed to be back to what it was before, because Jin Taeyeon finally realized that no matter what Li Yi's identity was, he was still the one she knew. expression.

Do I have to advertise myself when I'm dating you? Am I not called Li Yi? Did I even give a fake name? Li Yi's words left everyone speechless when they were young.

The name Bruce Lee is only used in Europe, and Li Yi prefers his Chinese name to this European name, so he always introduces himself to his friends like this.

Okay~~~ Find a place to sit by yourself. You can eat the snacks you want, but you have to keep your stomach. I have prepared a lot of delicious food for you. After Liu Yao came, Li Yi started cooking at home Much less, plus Bellucci too.

OPPA, let me help you. Lin Yuner and Cui Xiuying, two foodies, immediately said after hearing Li Yi's words.

The kitchen is too small, there are so many people, you two confidants decide who will come in to help. In fact, Jin Taeyeon also wanted to speak, but she was much slower than the two foodies.

Although snacks are very attractive, Li Yi's craftsmanship is more attractive than snacks, and both Lin Yuner and Cui Xiuying have tasted Li Yi's craftsmanship with Kim Taeyeon, so they are more willing to keep their stomachs than snacks.

Li Yi walked into the kitchen, but the living room had a heated discussion because who of the two went in to help, and such discussions were obviously fruitless, so the most popular two decided to guess.

OPPA~~~ I'm here to help! Soon, Lin Yuner's slightly awkward voice sounded.

For a time, the room was filled with various voices, the voices of eating snacks and chatting, the voices of the TV, and the voices of Li Yi and Lin Yuner busy chatting in the kitchen.

Li Yi and Lin Yuner are actually relatively familiar. Li Yi, Lin Yuner and Xu Xian want Kim Taeyeon to meet Li Yi a day earlier.

In addition, I met through Kim Taeyeon later, and I usually chat for a while, so I don't have a lot of life. Besides, Lin Yuner always had the idea of ​​stealing her teacher.

Yeah~~~ Lin Yuner, you are not allowed to steal it. At the same time, there are also foodies who are worried and come to warn Lin Yuner from time to time.

It was so lively. Li Yi now likes liveliness more and more. In the past, he thought it was good to be alone, but as people began to appear around him, he gradually fell in love with the feeling that there were people around him.

But soon, Li Yi regretted it, because these nine people were too noisy. When Li Yi came out of the kitchen, everyone would say something to me when I was young, and Li Yi couldn't resist every question you asked me. .

You know, Li Yi has never been so embarrassed when he has to face hundreds of reporters every week, especially when he asks about gossip. This is human nature, and women are even more terrifying.

It is said that when they were young, everyone was at an age full of fantasies about love, but they couldn't fall in love because of work.

Although Li Yi was a little overwhelmed during the process, the result was still very good, but Li Yi was a little depressed. You know, this guy prepared a lot of chicken soup, but it didn't work.

Of course, it is definitely a good thing to not use it, it proves that everyone's self-regulation ability when they are young, and if you want to be in the entertainment industry, you must know how to self-regulate.

Speaking of which, the entertainment industry is very similar to the football world, especially the Korean entertainment industry, where there is a lot of pressure and competition, and newcomers make their debut almost every day.

A meal was eaten for several hours. When the meal was done, it was already ten o'clock. Li Yi would naturally take them back at this time. Li Yi drove back and forth three times. Fortunately, Li Yi lived here. The place is not far from the host when it is young.

You can call me no matter what happens, Li Yi said as he touched Jin Taeyeon's head when he arrived downstairs in the dormitory for the last time.

Don't touch~~~ The president is not tall, Jin Taili immediately patted off Li Yi's hand and said.

Uh~~~ It's better not to be tall, that's how cute Li Yi said after changing hands.

Yeah~~~ I'm going to be angry. Jin Taeyeon did not escape in the end.

Okay, okay~~~ Li Yi stopped teasing Kim Taeyeon.

Go back and have a good rest, don't think too much, believe me, you will be successful in the future, and you will become the most successful girl group in Korea, Li Yi said with a serious face.


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