Football Winner

Chapter 591

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL~~~3:0~~~Falcao~~~Leeds United striker scored twice, this is his eighth goal for Leeds United With these two against Arsenal Goal, Falcao's worth must soar again.

After the 3 million euro transfer from River Plate to Leeds United, Falcao's worth is expressed in a straight line. When the time comes to March, Falcao's worth has reached 15 million.

The football field has never been short of a goal to become famous, not to mention that Falcao has continued to score goals. Now he can score twice against the giants Arsenal, which already shows the problem.

Therefore, after this game, the European giants will definitely pay more attention to Falcao. Li Yi's ripening progress can be quite gratifying, and he has succeeded more than half.

And this goal also reflects Falcao's personal ability. After receiving a pass from his teammates, he dribbled the ball and punched Senderos. After rushing into the penalty area, he scored with a strong shot.

Complete defeat~~~ Who would have thought this game would end like this Wenger moved frequently on the sidelines and even made adjustments one after another, but these adjustments failed to bring even a single goal to Arsenal. The ever-changing Leeds United scored another goal, completely letting the game lose its suspense.

Counting stoppage time, there are only about ten minutes left in the game, and according to the current score of 3:0, it is obviously impossible for Arsenal to create any miracles.

Immediately, Li Yi also began to make substitutions. While killing time, he replaced Falcao, Bell and others who performed outstandingly. The Leeds United fans in the stands did not stingy with their applause and cheers.

When Li Yi ran out of three substitutions, the game was entering substitute time, and the score was still 3:0. Arsenal fans who came from afar began to boo to express their dissatisfaction.

However, their boos did not change anything. When the referee blew the whistle at the end of the game, the score on the field remained unchanged.

Complete victory, perfect revenge, Arsenal played Leeds United 3:0 in the first half of the season, and now, Leeds United has also returned Arsenal with a 3:0.

But there is an essential difference. What team is Leeds United? Losing 3-0 is normal, but what about Arsenal? The Premier League giants, one of the strongest teams in the Premier League over the past few years.

I'm afraid Leeds United is really going to rise. This is the thought of all the media on the sidelines after the game. Although they are reluctant to admit it, they are very clear in their hearts.

In this game, Leeds United took the initiative from the beginning to the end. Although Leeds United did not have an advantage on the scene, it can create opportunities and threaten the goal.

Leeds United is far better than Arsenal, which is directly reflected in the score.

In the subsequent handshake, although Wenger lost, he still maintained his demeanor. In the post-match interview, Wenger said that the reason why Arsenal lost the game was not because Leeds United was too strong, but Arsenal themselves Something went wrong.

In fact, Wenger's remarks are true. In this game, Arsenal have problems not only in the front line, but also in the back line, but the media are not willing to believe it. In their view, this is just Wenger's dead duck mouth.

As for the winner, although the media didn't want to see Li Yi's face, they had to. They even wanted Li Yi to say a few more words. In fact, Li Yi did not accept interviews at all during this period of time, even if the official arrangements were made. Two unnutritious words made their teeth itch with anger.

Victory over Arsenal is indeed something to be happy about, but the score doesn't mean everything. A victory doesn't change the whole league situation. If Leeds United wants to go further, it must work harder and focus more. This time Li Yi is rare Seriously back to the question of the media.

This is of course not because Li Yi showed weakness to the media and bowed his head. He was just for the young players of Leeds United. Winning the giants can give the players confidence, but at the same time it will also make them arrogant.

Young people need to be encouraged, and at the same time, they need to pour cold water in a timely manner to make them recognize the reality, and this in-betweenness needs to be well grasped, otherwise it will easily cause adverse effects.

Of course, Li Yi didn't know that the media would really help him. For the media, it doesn't matter what the truth is. They usually talk about how to attract people.

Therefore, only a few of Li Yi's are actually published, and even the local media of Leeds United couldn't help but brag about the victory.

Li Yi can understand this. Speaking of which, Leeds United has not won such a victory for a long time. Although Guardiola has led the team well, his record has always been a little worse when facing the giants.

In the face of the traditional four giants in the Premier League, Guardiola's only victory was in Chelsea, and the remaining three were either a draw or a loss.

It is understandable why even the own media can’t help it, let alone the fans. After the game, the fans left the stadium singing and dancing all the way. This night’s Leeds United will be very lively compared to the bar owner. would also be very happy.

Even Leeds United looked excited, especially the original coaching staff of Leeds United. In contrast, Li Yi's personal coaching staff seemed much calmer. No matter what, they have already won the Champions League. Although a victory is happy, but Not worth the excitement either.

Winning the game is customary to give the players a holiday. In addition, Leeds United only needs to play the league now. The stadium is relatively easy, so Li Yi directly gave him two days of vacation.

Li Yi didn't go there during the two-day holiday, so he stayed at home with peace of mind and accompanied his two daughters. Before they knew it, the two daughters had reached kindergarten age.

Bellucci was heartbroken because of this. During this time, he often took Liu Yao out to find kindergartens, and every time he came back to a Bellucci, he would talk to Li Yi. Li Yi listened very carefully, but Can't give any opinion.

And compared to Europe, Li Yi hopes that his two daughters can study in China, but this is not realistic, neither Li Yi nor Bellucci can leave Europe now.

Anyway, the study is not in a hurry. It will take a long time for the two daughters to actually go to school. You can think about it slowly, and this is Li Yi's plan to let Bellucci decide.

It is rare for Li Yi to accompany his daughter without thinking about anything, but the other giants in the Premier League don't have such leisure time. Even if they are on vacation, even at home they are studying the game between Leeds United and Arsenal. people.

These people naturally saw Arsenal's problems at the first time. It can be seen that it is not so easy to use and penetrate them, and Leeds United's performance is enough to make them feel threatened. .

Especially Liverpool, you must know that the current Liverpool is only 1 point ahead of Leeds United. If you are not careful, you will be overtaken by it and fall out of the top four.

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