Football Winner

Chapter 586

Bruce has a group of outstanding young players, Wenger said in an interview with the media.

In the heart of young players, Wenger is definitely a master. With the establishment of Arsenal's new stadium, Wenger began to cut down on his clothes and seduce young players everywhere.

I don't know that Mr. Wenger is most optimistic about those players in Leeds United, a reporter immediately asked.

Luka Modric and Gareth Bale, I see in them all the qualities of a great player, Wenger read out two names.

Damn~~~ This guy really has no good intentions. Facing Wenger's psychological warfare, Li Yi could only curse in his heart.

Young players, who are not careful, competitive, and easily admit that they are inferior to their teammates. Wenger first praised the Leeds United team, and then specifically pointed out Modric and Bell, not to make other young Leeds players to them two. People are grumpy, and even make other players want to prove themselves in the next game.

Mr Wenger also has a group of talented players, especially Bendtner, he is the most talented player I have ever seen. As the saying goes, it is also not indecent. Since Wenger wants to play psychological warfare, he will use the law. , then Li Yi pushed it smoothly.

Bendtner is a player with extremely high talent, but this guy has extremely strong self-confidence in addition to his high talent, although now he has not shouted Beyond Ibrahimovic in three years, become the best shot in the Premier League and the world in five years. A first-class striker, but in the Arsenal team, the Danish striker has always felt that he is the best, that he is above his teammates.

Because of this, Bendtner is quite dissatisfied with Adebayor, who is more popular with Wenger than himself. In Bendtner's view, Adebayor should serve himself and act as his wingman.

However, Adebayor is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The African center, known as a little monster, openly stated this season that if Arsenal cannot win the championship this season, he will retire.

But in the end, Arsenal achieved nothing this season, and the African center naturally did not fulfill his promise, and even chose to leave Arsenal after the season ended, forcing Arsenal to pay 80,000 weekly salary to keep him.

I have to say that in the face of Adebayor, Wenger made a huge mistake. If it was Li Yi, he would definitely not give him a rest, and even let him go to the reserve team directly.

But Wenger's choice also caused Adebayor's rampant, and Adebayor did not stay in Arsenal for a long time. In the summer of 2009, he moved to Manchester City.

So when Li Yi publicly praised Bendtner for completely ignoring him in front of the media,

The African center quickly stood up and expressed his disdain for Li Yi and Leeds United and his determination to win the game.

This guy is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. In this regard, Wenger suddenly had a headache.

Li Yi's remarks can be said to hit the heart of Arsenal. Adebayor and Bendtner have already looked at each other unpleasantly. This season, there have been many quarrels in the locker room, and even the media have so-called revelations.

After Henry left, Wenger established Van Persie as the core of Arsenal's striker. Van Persie also performed very well in the season. Unfortunately, the Dutchman's injury ruined his future, and then Adebayor rose strongly. , Wenger can only enable Bendtner.

It's not unreasonable that this guy can achieve such results. When Li Yi and Wenger were playing psychological warfare, in Manchester, Ferguson looked at it with gusto.

Leeds United is Manchester United's mortal enemy. Although Manchester United did not take Leeds United to heart in the past, with the entry of Li Yi, Ferguson began to pay attention to this mortal enemy. As for Arsenal, where Wenger is ahead?

Once upon a time, the Premier League was a competition between Manchester United and Arsenal, and Ferguson and Wenger's friendship is the biggest attraction in the Premier League.

However, with the passage of time, the rise of the Premier League, Manchester United and Arsenal, Ferguson and Wenger's duopoly era completely passed.

Liverpool want to regain their former throne, Chelsea's strong rise has made the Premier League enter the four-nation hegemony, and now, with Li Yi's entry, Leeds United's strong rise, the Premier League will usher in the top five.

This is definitely not a good thing for the former rulers like Manchester United and Arsenal, because it means that their status is shaken and the championship is difficult.

But for fans, especially the majority of neutral fans, the rise of other teams is definitely a good thing, because it means that the competition in the league will be more intense and the game more enjoyable to watch.

Why the Serie A in the 1990s was so popular and called a small World Cup, not because the competition in the league was fierce and the stars gathered from each team.

Although the current Premier League is not as good as the Serie A in the 1990s, the current development has begun to move towards the former small World Cup, and in the near future, the Premier League will truly usher in a grand event.

Ferguson is still in the mood to watch the show because he pays attention to these two teams. The coaches of other teams have not this week. They are more concerned about the final result of the game than the battle between the two.

Moreover, Li Yi and Wenger stopped very tacitly in the following time. Although the confrontation between the two was very short, they knew each other very well that if they continued, they were just doing nothing, and no one could really help the other.

Besides, they have caused a lot of trouble for each other. Li Yi needs to eliminate the grudges in the hearts of these young players in the team, and Wenger needs to mediate the contradiction between Adebayor and Bendtner.

The demise of Li Yi and Wenger made the media very uncomfortable. You must know that they were just excited and waited for the follow-up of the two sides. As a result, the two were silent like this.

And not only did Li Yi and Wenger keep silent, they also asked the players not to accept any interviews, and refused to allow the media to enter their respective training grounds in any form.

Time passed so quickly, Wenger brought Arsenal players from London to Leeds in a blink of an eye, and with the arrival of Arsenal, the most watched game of this round will officially kick off.

In the pre-match interview, both Li Yi and Wenger complimented their opponents very tacitly.

Mr. Wenger is a manager who deserves the respect of all. Li Yi's words are sincere. If it weren't for Wenger's hard support, Arsenal might have collapsed.

Although the media and even the fans have always blamed Wenger for not being able to lead Arsenal back to the top, but I don't think about what kind of life Wenger lived in Arsenal. Arsenal has always invested the least among the four giants. Teams have spent more than a few pounds in recent seasons.

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