Football Winner

Chapter 583

The match between Leeds United and Manchester City has attracted huge attention in China because the manager of Leeds United is Chinese, and Manchester City also has a Chinese in the team.

Sun Dahai, currently the most successful Chinese player to study abroad, has been playing for this team since he moved to Manchester City in the Premier League in the 2001-02 season, and it has now been seven seasons.

Although Sun Dahai is not an absolute main force in the Manchester City team, he is still the most successful player in China to study abroad, and it can even be said that he is the platoon of China studying abroad.

Of course, this was in the past, and now the face of Chinese football is Li Yi. Although Li Yi is a head coach, Li Yi's achievements in the field of head coaching are so high that there are few people in the entire world football. comparable.

Regarding the appearance of the Chinese player, Li Yi took the initiative to call him, and Sun Dahai was a little flattered. In the past, it was not clear about Li Yi's status in Europe in China, or they could not feel it exactly, but Sun Dahai in Europe is different.

In 1977, Sun Dahai may be older than Li Yi, but in terms of status, there is no comparison with Li Yi, which is conducive to the communication between the two.

Li Yi is not a person who likes to show off, and he can't stand others posing in front of him, so this exchange was very friendly, and the two even agreed to have a meal together after the season.

In China, the media named the game China Derby, but this so-called China Derby is a bit unreal. Not to mention a coach and a player, can Sun Dahai face Leeds United? Appearance is a problem.

In the past two seasons, Sun Dahai's appearances in Manchester City have dropped sharply. Last season, he only made 13 appearances in the whole season, and this season, it is estimated that it will not be more than last season.

In the past two seasons, Manchester City's strength is gradually increasing, which is mainly due to the stay of the former prime minister of Thailand. Naturally, there are better choices, and it is natural to change.

However, there are also domestic media who are unhappy about what happened to Sun Dahai. The 31-year-old Sun Dahai is actually in good condition, so in the pre-match interview, there are also domestic media who hope that Li Yi can bring Sun Dahai to Leeds United.

In this regard, Li Yi can only ignore it with a haha. Sun Dahai can indeed be brought to Leeds United as a substitute, but this is not in the interests of Leeds United.

31-year-old Sun Dahai has no potential, and even his state will continue to decline in all aspects. Li Yi's buff is not invincible, he can only slow down.

Rather than wasting a worthless veteran, it is better to leave this plan to young players, so Li Yi will definitely not buy Sun Dahai,

Not even if it's free.

Since Thaksin took over last year, Manchester City has also been ambitious. Not only did they invite Eriksen, the so-called famous coach, but also the transfer market did not spend less money.

Speaking of which, Manchester City's performance in the first half of the season was amazing. It only grabbed the first group and was even called the team most likely to break the Premier League pattern this season. Unfortunately, in the second half of the season, Manchester City seemed to have no success. .

In the standings, Manchester City was not only surpassed by Leeds United, but now the difference between the two teams has widened to as much as 6 points. You must know that at the end of the half-time, Manchester City was ahead of Leeds United by as much as 7 points.

However, Manchester City can still act as a shit stick. For example, in the twenty-sixth round, Manchester City sacked Manchester United in the Manchester derby, which helped Arsenal a lot, but it is a pity that Arsenal were in the twenty-sixth round. He fell behind in the seventh round, and was actually tied by the penultimate Birmingham.

However, this game once again confirmed the danger of football. You know, directly at the current position, Birmingham will only win two more games than Derby County.

Similarly, Manchester City also lost the game in this round, losing to Everton led by Moyes, the first opponent after Li Yi coached.

If the top four in the Premier League belong to the first group, then both Everton and Manchester City belong to the second group. Of course, from the outside world, Leeds United also belongs to the second group. In addition, Aston Villa , Blackburn, Portsmouth are doing well, all belong to the second group.

So before the game, the English media hoped that Manchester City could block Leeds United. You must know that since Li Yi came to England, the English media have never taken advantage of Li Yi, which is absolutely unacceptable to them.

Coupled with Leeds United's winning streak, although Leeds United lost to Chelsea in the FA Cup, Li Yi's indifference really discouraged the media.

What about the league? Leeds United has won six consecutive victories, five of which were won under the coaching of Li Yi, and with this wave of winning streaks, Leeds United has become the leader of the second group, and even threatened the first group.

However, the media are destined to be disappointed, because Leeds United took the initiative directly after the start of the game, and the strong pressure forced Manchester City to usher in the first shot after the thirteenth minute of the game.

This really aroused the dissatisfaction of Manchester City fans in the stands. You must know that this is Manchester City's home court. As a result, it has been suppressed from the beginning of the game, and Leeds United are the main opponents.

The only consolation for Manchester City fans is that although Leeds United performed very strongly, their shooting success rate was really touching. In the first 20 minutes, Leeds United only had one shot that hit the goal frame.

However, anything can have a quantitative change and a qualitative change, so when Leeds United reached the 30th minute, the score on the field finally changed.

Gareth Bale, Wales, who returned to the starting lineup in this game, showed his strong personal ability. He relied on the first place in speed to pass Joel Luka, and then left his powerful explosion outside the penalty area and passed Ao Nuo. Ha, rush into the restricted area.

Olic understood and retreated with another defender. The result was that Bell faced the goalkeeper Joe Hart, and facing the impacting Manchester City goalkeeper, Bell pushed calmly, and Joe Hart also responded quickly with his fingertips. Actually hit the ball.

But unfortunately, Joe Hart's fingertips can't change the fact that the team was broken. Although the ball changed its trajectory slightly, it finally hit the inside of the goal post and bounced across the goal line.

Gareth Bell~~~ Wonderful individual performance of the Welsh teenager. It is rumored that Manchester United have already targeted this outstanding Welsh teenager and are ready to bring him to Old Trafford to take Giggs' class This rumor actually starts from It started last summer, and it hasn't stopped even though Ferguson bought Nani.

And in the so-called media revelations, Ferguson is not only interested in Bell, there are many veterans in Manchester United.

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