Football Winner

Chapter 511 Salted Fish Life

Returning with a reward, Li Yi's trip to Germany this time is really rewarding, not to mention that 3 million euros have already been pocketed 1 million. While visiting the youth training in Germany, he found five German youth training coaches.

Yes, Li Yi signed five coaches for the national youth training under the recommendation of the first German coach and lecturer, but it will take some time before these coaches officially take office.

In fact, Li Yi has already found the foundation of the school. Instead of looking for Shanghai and the capital, Li Yi chose to build the youth training school in his hometown, Zhejiang.

Of course, the biggest reason for Li Yi to do this is to save money. After all, both Shanghai and the capital are expensive, and the most important thing to build a football school is land.

One hundred mu is the land that Li Yi got under the green light from the government. After all, Li Yi's willingness to build a youth training school in his hometown is of great benefit to the entire hometown.

Of course, the breakthrough is just the beginning. If it is really what Li Yi envisioned, it will require at least an investment of nearly 50 million, which is about 5 million in euros. Of course, this is a conservative estimate. With a good character, fifty million is probably not enough.

At present, the school has not yet officially started to break ground. This time, Li Yi has a new idea when he comes to Germany, and plans to invite a German team back to participate in the construction of the school.

You must know that Li Yi did not invite outsiders to invest in this school, which means that Li Yi must bear all the expenses, including coaches and teachers.

Although it is a football youth training school, Li Yi is not ready to give up normal teaching, which is also very common in Europe, so Li Yi is ready to grasp with both hands, after all, not everyone can play.

Li Yi can finally relax. When he returns to China, he only needs to have someone officially break ground to start the construction of the school. Then he can wait until the World Cup semi-finals in Germany and come back again.

When Li Yi returns to Germany, it means that the preparations for the new season will begin immediately. After all, the end of the World Cup is already July 10. At that time, players who do not need to participate in the World Cup will return to the club one after another, while players who participate in the World Cup will return to the club. Push for a week or two.

As for the transfer from Real Madrid, in fact, Li Yi only needs the remote control. Real Madrid is the No. 1 giant in Europe, no, it should be called the No. 1 giant in the world. As long as Real Madrid speaks, no player can refuse, so I don’t think so. There is no need for Li Yi to personally invite him like he did in Cagliari.

Besides, the president of Real Madrid is not yet in the picture. Although Calderon is currently very vocal, no one can say for sure until the dust settles, and this result is estimated to have to wait until the end of June at the earliest.

This is still in the current transfer period. According to the normal system,

It took almost three months for the Real Madrid president to choose.

Florentino is really dark-hearted and only resigned after the club won the championship. This is simply not giving time to prepare, which directly affects Real Madrid's transfers and signings in the summer.

Although there is a hint of helplessness, Li Yi is more happy at this moment, because he can finally take a good rest and be a salted fish thoroughly.

This time, when Li Yi returned to China, he did not stay outside, but went directly to his uncle's place. Uncle Li Yi also knew when Li Yi was coming back, so he prepared a table of Li Yi's favorite dishes early.

My uncle and aunt were a little disappointed that Li Yi couldn't bring back their two daughters. After all, Li Yi's two daughters are so cute, and when people get old, they will want to hold children. Although Li Yi is not their son, they can In Yi's situation, they were already Li Yi's only relatives.

Besides, isn't there a saying that says so? Many nephews are like uncles. Although Li Yi looks a bit different from Liu Dalu in appearance, Li Yi is actually quite similar in some aspects.

For example, Li Yi has a good talent in cooking. He is a person who eats again. Even looking at the photos when he was a child, he is still a little fat. Although Li Yi's father is also a chef, his father is not fat at all.

Li Yi, who was in front of the salted fish, really had time to wander around. For example, he went to Hangzhou to invite his cousin to dinner. The university holiday was in July, and Li Yi had already returned to Europe at that time, so if their siblings wanted to meet, they could only run away from Li Yi. to Hangzhou.

That's why Li Yi is idle now, and even Li Yi drove to Shanghai by himself. This time, it was not for work, but just for private play. There was also a cousin who went with Li Yi.

Taking advantage of the weekend and no classes on Monday, Li Yi took Liu Yao to talk about Shanghai, and also picked up Zhou Jieqiong. It was said that the two hadn't seen each other since the last time they separated.

Although the two have never met, they occasionally talk on the phone, and this lack of meeting is relative. Li Yi hasn't seen Little Loli, but people can see him on TV.

Not to mention, although it has only been two years, Little Loli has grown a lot. Of course, Li Yi has changed a lot, and it can even be said that she is bigger than Little Loli.

Two years ago, he was just a little teaching who won everyone's attention by relying on his youth. Two years later, he created two triple crowns and successfully climbed to the top of Europe, becoming the first person to reform the Champions League.

His identity is convenient, but Li Yi himself has not changed much. When he returned to his uncle, he was still a salted fish. At this moment, he saw little loli Li Yi without the slightest air or strangeness.

That night, Li Yi ate dinner at Little Loli's house. The next day, Li Yi and Liu Yao took Little Loli out to play for a day.

Not to mention, in the crowded Shanghai, Li Yi dressed in ordinary clothes is really not recognized, and with the cover of Liu Yao and Xiao Luoli, no one will think that this is Li Yi.

In this way, after two days in Shanghai, Li Yi sent Liu Yao back to school, while his own went back to his uncle. Although it is impossible for him to go to the store to help now, it is true that there are reporters in the store all day long.

In this case, Li Yi stayed at home and played games in addition to traveling by himself, but even so, time passed very quickly.

On June 25th, Li Yi received a call from Spain. It turned out that the Real Madrid president officially took office today, and the person who became the president has not changed, Ramon Calderon.

Why so fast? Although fast is a good thing, Li Yi couldn't help but ask.

Of course, it's faster, this summer, Real Madrid has fallen too far behind. The importance of summer transfers is self-evident. Although Real Madrid has just won the Triple Crown, it is precisely because of this that summer needs to be supplemented and strengthened.

This should have been a happy thing, but Li Yi couldn't be happy anymore, because the first thing that the new chairman did when he took office was to hope that Li Yi could sign a new contract. Championship reward.

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