Football Winner

Chapter 506: The Founder of Three Crowns

Real Madrid's carnival, from the Stade de France to the Bernabeu, to the whole of Madrid, the iconic statue of the goddess of harvest once again put on the flag representing Real Madrid.

The triple crown champion, Li Yi came to La Liga to create the triple crown after creating the triple crown in Serie A. Like Serie A, this triple crown of Real Madrid is also the first triple crown of La Liga.

While Li Yi created such a great cause, he also set a new record, that is, he became the only head coach to defend his title after the Champions League was restructured.

The grand occasion, Real Madrid celebrated the treble this time with an unprecedented grand occasion, celebrating the tenth Champions League trophy in the club's history.

Half a city, this time it's really half a city, and with people in half a city participating in the celebration, Madrid is almost paralyzed.

Three days, no~~~ This time Real Madrid celebrated for five days, but as coaches and players, they only participated in the first three days of celebration.

Returning to Madrid from Paris, Li Yi has completely become a hero of the city. No, it should be said that it is a half-sitting city, because half of the people belong to Atletico Madrid fans, and they obviously do not regard Li Yi as a hero.

As for Real Madrid's players, after the first three days of celebration, most of them left Madrid, because the World Cup in Germany is coming soon, and they need to go to their respective clubs to report.

After the players have all left, Li Yi alone is meaningless. Besides, the celebrations for the first three days were crazy enough, and Li Yi, who was determined not to drink, was barely sober.

Although the coach and players were lost, it did not affect the celebration of Real Madrid fans at all, and even the top management of Real Madrid did not care, because the top management of Real Madrid had more important things.

That is the election of the new chairman. Florentino has officially announced to the Real Madrid management, and he will announce his resignation after the celebration is over.

For this moment, Florentino has been preparing for more than half a year, and now the results of Li Yi's team can make the plan more perfect.

Therefore, when the time came to the sixth day, when Real Madrid’s celebration came to an end, Florentino officially announced his resignation as Real Madrid’s president. As for the reason, he had paved the way for more than half a year without any problems.

For Florentino's departure, the Real Madrid fans who were still immersed in the joy of winning the championship certainly retained it. This is the fans. When your team's results are not good, he wants you to resign immediately, but when the results are up, they will Sending you all the support.


The two sides staged a good show, with the retention of Real Madrid fans and the reluctance of Florentino, but their good show did not affect the election of Real Madrid's new president, because someone has long been waiting for this moment.

Real Madrid's management was not interested in replacing Li Yi. After participating in the first three days of celebration, Li Yi stayed at home quietly for two days, accompanied by his two daughters.

Li Yi will definitely return to China next, and the two daughters will obviously not go back with Li Yi, after all, Bellucci has always been taking care of them.

It is said that Li Yi's two daughters are not afraid of life at all. At the Stade de France, after Raul lifted the trophy, Li Yi brought his two daughters into the stadium and had a good time on the court.

In fact, the children on the court are far more than Li Yi's two daughters, Ronaldo's son, and Raul's four sons. It is said that the captain of Real Madrid can really give birth, and the third child gave birth to four sons.

Of course, it is not bad for Beckham to have children in rotation. The English heartthrob is also the father of three sons. The youngest was outstanding last year, but unfortunately he failed to make a double hit like Raul.

I don't know if there is a problem with Real Madrid's feng shui. Anyway, Real Madrid's players are very capable of having sons, and Zidane's four sons are also present.

Seeing so many pigs, Li Yi regretted in his heart. Although the two daughters are still young, not even two years old, for a father, pigs are pigs at any time, and cabbage is cabbage.

Compared with Li Yi's inexperience, Figo is much smarter. The Portuguese superstar is out of Real Madrid, and this time he won the championship, he did not let his three daughters enter the stadium.

Childhood sweethearts are also very popular in Europe. Even in the Champions League, many love affairs are childhood sweethearts. After seeing Li Yi's two daughters, many Real Madrid players have this idea.

Three million three games? With the end of the league, Corleone will also be busy.

Yes, only need to comment for three games. In the past two days, Li Yi knew from Corleone that Sky Sports wanted to invite himself to comment on the World Cup, and gave a very attractive price.

Heartbroken, Li Yi is really heartbroken. Three games cost 3 million yuan. To put it bluntly, one game only takes a few hours, and three games add up to not much time.

No other requirements? Li Yi is short of money. Leeds United can be self-sufficient after being promoted to the Premier League, but the team still needs signings this summer. Li Yi still has to pay some money. Besides, his football school plan It has also started, and it requires a lot of money in this regard.

There is only one requirement. You must participate in the commentary in the final. The other two games can be decided by yourself, Corleone said.

Promise them, I can decide to explain the two games now, the first one will be in the opening, and the remaining one will go to the semi-finals Li Yi finally failed to lower the temptation of 3 million, although he had just returned from Real Madrid Got almost a million euros.

Then I'll let them come over to sign the contract. Corleone also knew that Li Yi needed money in all aspects, so he told Li Yi about the invitation from Sky Sports.

What about Real Madrid? Corleone couldn't help asking.

Let's go with the flow, if the new chairman chooses to believe me, then I will continue to work here for a year or two. If you want to drive me away, it is very simple. It is indeed very simple, as long as the new chairman of Real Madrid violates Li Yi and Flo Lentino signed the contract, then he can directly end the contract and ask Real Madrid for the remaining salary.

This is also a big hole dug by Florentino for the successor, which can not only disgust the successor, but also lower the status of the successor in the hearts of fans.

Who is Li Yi? He is the creator of Real Madrid's Triple Crown, an absolute feat of helping Real Madrid win the 10th Champions League, and has won the love and support of all Real Madrid fans. If the successor really dares to touch Li Yi, then he will definitely face Real Madrid fans. fury.

But because of this, Florentino is a little worried. If the successor does not move Li Yi, then there will be a big flaw in his plan. In fact, this is why Florentino wants to renew the contract with Li Yi. , is to force the successor, because Li Yi's power in Real Madrid is too great.

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