Football Winner

Chapter 444 Against the Yellow Submarine

Seeing Real Madrid returning from the winter break in such a state, La Liga wailed, especially on the Catalan side. After all, in the hearts of Catalans, only Barcelona can compete with Real Madrid.

In other words, this is also the status quo of the entire La Liga. Although there are other teams from time to time, the final competition for the championship is still Real Madrid and Barcelona.

For example, Osasuna has the same points as Barcelona in the standings at the moment. You must know that Osasuna ranked 15th in the standings last season and 13th last season. This is a typical middle and lower team. team.

But this season, before the 16 rounds of the league, that is, before losing to Real Madrid, the Osasuna team was ahead of Barcelona, ​​but even so, no one really regarded Osasuna as the final contender for the championship. Including Real Madrid and Barcelona.

In the hearts of Barcelona people, it is a matter of time to surpass Osasuna, especially in the second half of the season, a team like Osasuna that has no foundation and bench will definitely fall behind.

As for Real Madrid led by Li Yi, to be honest, Li Yi's eyes have always been on Barcelona.

With the end of the first leg of the Spanish King's Cup, La Liga's teams once again returned to the league, and the next round of the league is another opportunity for Real Madrid.

Because Barcelona ushered in the Catalan derby, the derby is the most likely to be unpopular, even if the strength of the two teams hangs, so Li Yi has high hopes for the Spaniard.

However, when the result of the game came out, Li Yi was disappointed again. Although the Spaniard almost did it, he scored the first goal in the game, but was finally overtaken by Barcelona with two goals in a row.

With the end of the Catalan derby, Barcelona began to focus on Real Madrid, because Real Madrid's opponent in this round of the league is not weak, the yellow submarine Villarreal.

Villarreal ranked third last season and successfully entered the Champions League knockout rounds this season. Even though most of their energy is involved in the Champions League, Villarreal still performed well in the league this season, with 17 rounds of matches. Stopped Villarreal is currently ranked fourth with 30 points.

It is precisely because of Villarreal's outstanding results that Barcelona has hoped for it, and even the whole of Spain has hoped for it.

It's just that Real Madrid's return from the winter break is so good that the Spanish media dare not cheer for Villarreal with great fanfare.

No matter how thick the media's skin is, they will still be beaten and swollen. There is no doubt that in the past six months, the media has been somewhat afraid of being beaten by Li Yi.

The media did not jump out, but Li Yi still did not dare to be careless, because Li Yi knew very well that the Villarreal team in front of him was very strong.

Love Song Stadium, the most romantic stadium in La Liga, can even be said to be the most romantic stadium in the world football name, but in football games, romance is doomed to miss.

But Li Yi led Real Madrid to this stadium. He doesn't care about the romantic name. What he wants is a victory and 3 points.

Villarreal, who played at home and had the kick-off, were quick to attack, but when the ball came to the feet of Riquelme, their core midfielder, a strong figure leaned forward.

Riquelme is known as the last classical midfielder on the football field, with a very near-perfect technique under his feet, but in fact the temper of this classical midfielder is not as good as the technique under his feet.

Even many people in the world of football use weirdness to describe the character of this classical attacking midfielder. It is precisely because of his weird character that Riquelme has not reached the height that people expect.

But Li Yi knew that in Villarreal, Riquelme ushered in the most satisfying and glorious period of his career, so Li Yi did not dare to underestimate what Riquelme meant,

Even in order to watch over Riquelme, he sent Baptista to stare at him directly, and Li Yi gave a death order before the game, and Riquelme must not be allowed to get the ball smoothly.

Because Li Yi is very clear that a player like Riquelme needs to have the ball at his feet, and only when the ball is at his feet can he show his true strength. Riquelme is actually very similar to Zidane in this point.

Why is there less and less classical front waist? It's not because of the development of football now that the rhythm and situation on the field are getting faster and faster. The classical front midfielder who needs to have the ball at his feet and slow down the team's rhythm is destined to be eliminated.

In the next ten years, the world football will basically not see the classical front midfielder, and even the midfielder will gradually change.

Therefore, if you want to curb Villarreal's attack, you must look at Riquelme. There is no doubt that the physically strong Baptista is the best candidate in the Real Madrid team.

Sure enough, because of Baptista's close defense, Villarreal's first attack did not pose any threat. Riquelme, who could not send a deadly pass, could only choose to pass back, and then pass the full back Lin wing inserted a cross to create a chance for Forlan to shoot.

In this Villarreal team, the core is undoubtedly Riquelme, but at the same time can not underestimate other players, such as Cazorla and Valencia and the striker Fran.

Especially Forlan, although the Uruguayan striker is not suitable for the giants, once he reaches the middle and upper reaches of the team, he will start to hang up in various ways.

Because of this, Fran is also Villarreal's most difficult player to defend. No one knows if this guy will suddenly hit a magic ball.

I really want to do whatever I want. Although the first wave of Villarreal's attack is not threatening, but soon, the second wave of attack scared Real Madrid into a cold sweat.

Although Riquelme was still unable to take the ball comfortably, Cazorla's cut from the flank still created a chance for Fran, who received a pass from Cazorla and Fran decisively shot a long kick from outside the penalty area. shoot.

Casillas~~~ St. Igor I have to say that Casillas' high evaluation over the years is really not blown out. Fran's shot is not only sudden, but also has a considerable speed and angle. But even so, Casillas blocked the ball before it flew into the goal.

Sergio Li Yi, who saw this shot, rushed out and shouted at Ramos.

Before the game, Li Yi had instructed Ramos not to let Fran take his foot easily outside the penalty area, and the reason why Fran completed this extremely threatening shot was because Ramos didn't pay enough attention.

With Li Yi's prestige in the Real Madrid locker room, Ramos naturally didn't dare to say anything. Besides, this is his own problem, not to mention that Ramos is now convinced of Li Yi, and the master-disciple relationship has been established.

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