Football Winner

Chapter 440

Shilin Night Market not only has something to eat, but also to play. It is the so-called eating and playing street, so Li Yi had a very happy first day of his solo tour.

During the day, Li Yi is also wandering around. Anyway, he is out to play alone. He can go wherever he wants, and he doesn't need to plan anything at all.

To be honest, it has been a long time since Li Yi went out for a stroll aimlessly like this. Not to mention, it still feels very good after a long absence. The only drawback is that there are no girlfriends and friends around.

Speaking of which, Li Yi really doesn't have any friends around him. As an ordinary person, Li Yi used to have a few good friends, but now, apart from Corleone, he has no real friends.

Especially at Christmas time, it is said that today is Christmas Eve. Although the Asian side is not as enthusiastic as the European side, Li Yi still clearly feels malice by himself.

In Europe, Christmas is a time for families to get together, but in Asia, it is almost a time for men and women to date and even confess.

Anyway, Li Yi felt deep malice during the day compared to his passion for food at night, especially when Li Yi was alone, so after buying some gifts, Li Yi chose to stay in the hotel gym, and in the afternoon he would go to the gym. Han's plane.

Speaking of which, flying to Han Guo was poisoned by Korean variety shows. It is said that in Han Guo variety shows, those MC guests looked very delicious when they ate anything.

For this reason, Li Yi also specially found a Korean restaurant. As for the taste? It's very ordinary, so with this trip to Korea, he wants to really experience the so-called Korean food.

Although many things in South Korea were born out of China, with the passage of time and development, there are some differences, which is one of the reasons why Li Yilai feels.

It doesn't seem like it's the right time. When Li Yi walked out of Incheon Airport and arrived at the hotel, he felt far deeper malice than in Taiwan, because the Christmas atmosphere here in Han Guo was stronger than in Taiwan.

Although Li Yi has never been to South Korea, Li Yi, who has watched many variety shows, can still report many place names. As for language, there is no obstacle at all because of the system.

This is a benefit given by the system. As long as Li Yi wants to, he can learn the language of any country in the world today. Maybe in the future, Li Yi can change his career as a translator if he can't make it in professional football.

Li Yi's first destination was Dongdaemun. Although this time it was a solo trip, it was also a foodie trip, so Li Yi chose Dongdaemun.

Although it was still several years before Li Yi knew Han Zong, when he actually arrived, he still felt a sense of familiarity.

This might be Willie of Variety.

Although Korean variety shows copied from Japan at first, but soon Korean variety shows surpassed Japan, and began to innovate independently, and finally became unique.

At this point, domestic variety shows still have a long way to go. Before Li Yi came to Italy, domestic variety shows were only on the road of plagiarism.

Although plagiarism is shameful, it is also a learning process. As long as the transcendence can be completed in the end, it is a good thing. The real terrible thing is to keep plagiarizing and never have your own.

After all, when it comes to copying, Han Guo has been ahead of China for too many years on this road. You must know that once upon a time, Han Guo used Chinese, and even took pride in learning Chinese.

If Li Yihan had expectations for the so-called food at the beginning, when Li Yi really saw it and tasted a few things, he was only disappointed.

Oni~~~ I want to eat fried squid When Li Yi stopped in front of a small shop that fried all kinds of seafood skewers, two little girls suddenly ran over.

No, it was three little girls, followed by a girl. The first two looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, and the ones behind were older.

Huh? When Li Yi looked at the two little girls beside him, a trace of strangeness appeared in his eyes. Although the two little girls were still immature at the moment, Li Yi still recognized them.

Yeah~~~ Don't say that eating these things will kill you. At this moment, the thinner girl suddenly turned her head and warned her friends.

But Ernie, eating these things is really bad for your health, the other little girl said with a serious face without warning.

Hey one~~~ Hearing this, the thinner little girl put her hand on her forehead with a look of hopelessness on her face.

Guest, your things are ready. At this moment, what Li Yi ordered was fried.

Thank you Li Yi took over the seafood that the boss handed over.

Uh? Because of his constant attention, Li Yi is particularly sensitive to other people's eyes, so Li Yi immediately discovered the source of his eyes.

It wasn't anywhere else, it was the three little girls beside him. At this moment, the thinner little girl was staring at the seafood skewers in Li Yi's hands.

From those bright eyes, Li Yi saw the so-called similar, which is the feeling of a senior foodie.

Do you want to eat? Li Yi asked the three girls after reaching the seafood skewers in his hands.

However, Li Yi's move shocked the three girls. The older girl immediately pulled the two little girls back a step. After all, Li Yi's move was too sudden, and they didn't know each other at all.

I like to eat delicious food, so when I see your eyes, I know we are the same kind Li Yi said to the skinny girl.

Actually, it's okay to eat a little of these things, and then said to the girl who said it was not good for her health.

Excuse me. But seeing the three of them still looking alert, Li Yi didn't say anything else, but left with his belongings.

Maybe before, the two girls in front of him were out of reach for him, but now, Li Yi's mentality has changed a lot. Besides, the two girls in front of him are really just little girls in his eyes.

That person is not a bad person, the eldest girl said.

Huh? Ernie, I really want to see that person there. The thinner girl looked at Li Yi who disappeared into the crowd and said.

Maybe that senior is also an artist, said the youngest girl.

Never mind~~~ I want to eat fried squid skewers. That senior said that as long as I don't eat too much, it won't affect my body. The thinner girl quickly turned her attention to the seafood skewers in front of her. .

You ah~~~ You know how to eat. The eldest girl looked a bit like the thinner girl in the brows.

Since the senior said so, then Ernie will eat a bunch. The youngest girl seemed to be persuaded by Li Yi.

Not to mention what happened after the three girls, Li Yi left and continued his foodie journey, but when he walked all the way down, his stomach was only 60% full. Really, this so-called food lane is not only about the variety of things. Few, and most of them are not worthy of the word food.

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