Football Winner

432 Affirmation

Pavin, who was yelled at, looked to the sideline for the first time, but unfortunately, Li Yi didn't say anything. At this moment, the Real Madrid head coach was sitting in his position, chatting with the assistant coach with Erlang's legs crossed. Don't worry about the situation on the field.

Disappointed, but more regretful, regretting why I didn't discover the coach's intentions, regretting why I have more confidence in myself.

To be honest, after hearing Li Yi's words, Pavin was moved except for being incredible. Yes, he was moved. Pavin could never have dreamed of it. He thought he had been abandoned by the whole world, but there were still people who gave him hope, but this one. Hope was abruptly put out by himself.

No~~~ I still have hope~~~ I still have a chance~~~ This game is my chance, this game is my hope, as long as I move and perform well in this game Maybe this is the so-called Blessed to the soul?

In fact, Li Yi's words played a role. When looking at Li Yi, Pavin remembered Li Yi's words, and Li Yi told him that this game would be his last chance.

Not reconciled? Pavin was definitely not reconciled, but he didn't care about it at that time, and no one paid attention to Pavin. The media infinitely magnified Pavin's mistakes and ridiculed them. Because of the magnification of the media, Pavin became an unbearable waste in the eyes of fans, and became a The sinner of Real Madrid's entire back line bears all the blame for Florentino's signing mistakes.

Over time, Pavin began to deny himself, the confidence that was not very firm was completely destroyed, his performance became worse and worse, and the media and fans continued to push all the faults on him.

Originally, Pavin had already accepted his fate. Pavin wanted to escape from Real Madrid and was ready to escape from Real Madrid, but now, someone actually told him that he was not a waste and still had expectations and hopes for him.

At that moment, Pavin felt a shock in his heart and felt incredible, and all of this finally turned into moving.

On the pitch, the game had restarted, and Casillas sent the ball to Gravesson, who threw the ball to fix.

On the side, veteran Figo, but this time the Real Madrid veteran did not choose to attack with the ball himself, because Juanfran behind him had already rushed up.

Passing the ball, Figo passed the ball behind the defender after pulling the space for Juanfran, creating a chance for the young teenager to make a bottom pass.

This time, Negredo did not attack by himself, or Real Sociedad did not give him this opportunity again. Under the interference of defenders, Negredo passed the ball to Owen on the other side.

However, Owen's first shot failed to help Real Madrid score. Although Owen threw off the defender, the cushion shot in front of the goal finally ended above the crossbar.

In the 15th minute, Owen completed the second shot of the game. This time, it was from Figo's inner cut. The two rushed into the penalty area, and Owen finally kicked.

This shot is still very different from the first, if not for a brilliant save by Lesgo, or Real Madrid would have already scored.

However, only three things happened. Just two minutes after Owen's shot, Real Madrid scored the Real Sociedad's half again. In the hinterland of Real Sociedad, Guti sent an imaginative pick pass.

Don't look at Guti's irritable character on the court, his foot skills are very good, and he can often make wonderful breakthroughs and imaginative passes.

Speaking of this pass, Guti first passed it back to Gravesson to confuse the defender, and then waited for the defender to slack off a little and sent the ball into the penalty area.

However, Guti's pass is full of suddenness and requires a conscious forward to cooperate, and Irving is undoubtedly such a good player.

At the moment when Guti passed the ball, Owen had already started, and then rushed into the penalty area of ​​Real Sociedad, and the ball arrived. At this time, the Real Sociedad goalkeeper attacked.

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL~~~Real Madrid, it was Real Madrid who broke the goal first~~~ A pass from Guti,

Owen volleyed forward.

Volleys~~~ Michael?? Owen~~~ He showed the excellent sense of smell a striker should have So far this season, Owen has scored 5 goals in the league.

Don't look at the small number of goals scored by Owen, you must know that during this period, Owen stayed away from the stadium for a month and a half. At present, Ronaldo, who has scored the most goals in Real Madrid, has 7 until now, and then Raul opened the scoring. Owen and Ribery who scored twice in the last game.

The number of goals that bloom more is the real horror of Real Madrid this season. You must know that it is taboo for a team to complete all goals scored by one player, and rely too much on one player.

You know, Real Madrid currently not only conceded the fewest goals in La Liga, but also scored the most goals in La Liga, with 40 goals in 12 rounds of the league, with an average of 3.3 goals per game, the highest in La Liga or even in Europe.

Real Sociedad, who conceded the ball, quickly stopped the counterattack, and with the changes in Real Madrid's backline personnel, Real Sociedad also knew exactly who they should use as a breakthrough.

Garitano passed Nihart through, and the latter rushed to Pavin with the ball, but this time, Nihart could not easily get past the defender who had been facing him like a piece of wood before.

This is not the first time that Nihart and Pavin have played against each other, but this time the pressure Pavin brought to Nihart is unprecedented, and it even ended with Nihart's pass.

In this regard, neither the commentator nor the fans took it to heart. After all, Pavin can still make a good defense occasionally, otherwise why would he stay in Real Madrid all the time, so outsiders do not know Pavin's changes, even It was Li Yi on the sidelines. In the end, the attack of Real Sociedad ended with a long shot.

In the 24th minute, Real Sociedad once again entered the hinterland of Real Madrid, and this time it was Alain Bleu who attacked Pavin. However, this time Pavin failed to prevent Alan Bleu's breakthrough.

But the latter also failed to pass the ball or shoot, because after the breakthrough, the Real Madrid center back immediately chased back and interrupted the Real Sociedad attack with a tackle.

Foul~~~ Stupid Real Madrid's central defender not only sent the opponent an unnecessary set-piece, but also applied for a yellow card for himself. This flying tackle just interrupted Real Sociedad's attack.

In fact, not only the commentators and fans thought the foul was stupid, but even Pavin himself felt that the foul was unnecessary, so he looked to the sidelines again, but this look made his eyes a little wet.

Because the head coach walked to the sidelines because he was indifferent to himself, when he looked at the head coach, he was raising his right hand and extending his thumb.

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