Football Winner

Chapter 423 You come and I go (2 in 1)

Heel return~~~ God~~~ Ronaldo sent a wonderful return pass Facing Puyol's flying shovel, Ronaldo pulled back with his left foot, and then tapped his heel lightly.

Who is it~~~ No. 10~~~ This is the number of Real Madrid's French player Ribery~~~ Ronaldo passed the ball back to Ribery~~~ There are no Barcelona players around the French.

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL~~~ Goal scored~~~ Goal scored~~~ Real Madrid~~~ The first to break the situation on the field was Real Madrid.

Ribery~~~ An iconic shot~~~ The French love this kind of shot. Ribery, who received the pass, didn't make any adjustments at all. The turf flew towards Barcelona's goal and eventually into the Barcelona goal line.

1:0 ~ In the seventh minute of the game, Real Madrid took the lead to break the balance, and the French midfielder Ribery scored the goal. There is no doubt that Ribery at this moment is the focus of the audience and the whole world.

There are rumours that this year's European Ballon d'Or and the World Player of the Year will be between Ribery and Ronaldinho, so now, after Ribery's goal, will the Brazilian have something in return? The commentator who said it was clearly not a fan of either side.

But what he said is quite correct. The moment Ribery scored, the live broadcast immediately pulled Ronaldinho to him, which has already explained everything.

It's hard to imagine that such an outstanding player couldn't find a team three years ago. As Ribery became more and more famous, Ribery's previous situation was also dug up.

In three years, it took Ribery three years to go from playing without the ball to being the No. 1 giant in football today. Of course, Li Yi occupies an extremely important position in it. Even in the eyes of many people, there is no Li Yi. There is no such thing as Ribery now.

However, it was only seven minutes into the game, and although they took the lead, it was not enough for Real Madrid to celebrate, so soon, the game started again.

Eto'o passed back to Xavi, Xavi took the ball and passed it to Deco after crossing the half. In fact, Xavi is not the real core of Barcelona. In Rijkaard's team, Deco and Ronaldo Nardinho is the real core.

Therefore, when Deco grabbed the ball to attract the attention of the defenders, he passed the ball to Ronaldinho's feet and held the ball on the left, but Ronaldinho did not move forward along the wing, but pulled it horizontally. Messi, who ran to the middle, cooperated.

Although the current Mei ball king is immature, but the threat is not low, Li Yi naturally will not be selfless to him, the moment Messi took the ball, Ramos had already rushed up.

In terms of physical fitness, the two are not at the same level. Facing the impact of Ramos, Messi still protected the ball and passed the ball back to Ronaldinho.

Eto'o, this time Ronaldinho passed the ball to the cheetahs. In fact, from the moment Eto'o touched the ball for the first time, there were huge boos from the stands at the Bernabeu.

For Eto'o's provocation before the game, Real Madrid fans obviously will not forget, and this is not the first time Eto'o has done this, and in the face of this situation, Real Madrid fans can only use boos to express their disgust for the striker .

Facing the boos of Real Madrid fans, Eto'o was obviously not affected by anything, and even in Eto'o's mind, this kind of boos was a recognition and an incentive for him.

At Real Madrid, at the Bernabeu, if you are incapable of helping the team to win, then let alone being booed, you are not eligible to enter the stadium.

Beautiful~~~ Samuel~~~ He stopped the ball at the feet of Eto'o After receiving the pass, Eto'o wanted to speed up and wipe Samuel, but Samuel had predicted it in advance. Sentenced, directly broke the ball under his feet.

Counterattack~~~ Real Madrid's counterattack The ball fell at the feet of Baptista, who was receding. The latter turned around and took a long pass to find Ronaldo, who was telling the plug.

Chance~~~Ronaldo~~~Is Real Madrid going to score again?

No~~~ Puyol~~~ Barcelona captain smashed from the side~~~ Foul~~~ Puyol knocked down Ronaldo The stands were booed again for a while.

Yellow card At the same time, the boos were mixed with the voice of the referee playing a card.

However, the referee Gonzalez did not draw the card, he just warned Puyol, because of Puyol's entanglement, Edmilson has withdrawn to the penalty area.

For the referee's decision, not only the fans in the stands could not accept it, but even Li Yi on the sidelines jumped up. Although Edmilson has withdrawn to the penalty area, in Li Yi's view, Puyol's foul has been constitutes a yellow card.

Of course, Li Yi said it doesn't matter. No, Li Yi's dissatisfaction was directly returned by the fourth official. Fortunately, Kadinich was experienced at this time and rushed out in time to pull Li Yi away.

Don't look at Li Yi's calmness sometimes, but in fact this guy can't stand any injustice. Whenever there is a penalty he feels is unfair, he will explode immediately.

Free kick, although the referee did not draw a card against Puyol, he still gave Real Madrid a very good free kick.

Beckham stands at the penalty spot, this is still an opportunity for Real Madrid Unfortunately, Beckham's free kick did not bring goals to Real Madrid, although Beckham can be called a master of free kicks, but the distance is small. Juninho is still a little off.

Offensive and defensive conversion, Harvey split to the right, Messi immediately turned around and attacked Real Madrid's bottom line after holding the ball. Carlos was not prepared enough, and Messi succeeded in the bottom line.

Crossing~~~ No one is responding~~~ Real Madrid has no Barcelona player in the penalty area. Messi's smooth play this time was somewhat beyond Eto'o's expectations, so that he failed to react.

Real Madrid counterattacked, but this time Real Madrid failed to complete the shot. Baptista's pass was interrupted by Barcelona's midfielder Max, who played a quick counterattack.

After stealing the ball, Max once again sent the ball to Ronaldinho, who sent the ball to Eto'o on the striker with a long pass.

The last time was Puyol's performance. This time it was Samuel's turn. Although Eto'o received a pass and rushed into the penalty area, under Samuel's entanglement, Eto'o's shot. Eventually missed the goal.

In the fourteenth minute, Baptista's long-range shot was saved by Valdes, and Real Madrid won the first corner kick of the game.

Immediately Beckham sent the ball into the penalty area, and Barcelona made a mistake in attacking, but unfortunately, Real Madrid did not seize this opportunity. Raul, who was at the rear, failed to compete for Edmilson, and was cleared by the Brazilian header. , Barcelona once again took advantage of the situation to launch a quick counterattack.

Leo Messi~~~ The ball fell at the feet of the Argentine teenager Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. In fact, Messi's future achievements can be seen from this game. Carlos, or the counterattack at the moment.

Carlos~~~ The Real Madrid defender also responded very quickly Carlos rushed directly to Messi, while Salgado retreated and blocked in front of Eto'o.

Carlos did not break the ball under Messi's feet, but it could still be done by slightly delaying Messi's forward speed. It was at this moment that Ramos retreated and then double-teamed Messi together.

Then the referee's whistle sounded, Barcelona got a free kick, and the double-team of Ramos and Carlos finally brought down Messi.

Bruce, now I believe what you said, Kadinic said while looking at Messi on the sidelines.

In the tactical meeting before the game, Li Yi once said that Ronaldinho is the most threatening player, followed by Deco, and the third is Messi.

At that time, everyone in the coaching staff felt that Li Yi valued Messi too much, and even when Li Yi said that Messi would be the core of Barcelona's future, everyone didn't believe it.

But at this moment, after several excellent performances in the opening, Kadinich admitted that Li Yi's vision was correct, so Li Yi's vision has always been correct.

When he became the head coach of Cagliari, Li Yi tried to seduce Messi to his team, but unfortunately, Li Yi did not succeed, and Barcelona refused Li Yi without thinking.

In fact, this past summer, Guardiola also had Messi's idea, but Guardiola is not like Li Yi, he just wanted to loan Messi, but he was eventually rejected.

Ronaldinho, although Messi has performed well, this season, he has always been the younger brother of the Brazilian, and this free kick opportunity also belongs to the Brazilian.

Ramos~~~ Ronaldinho's shot hit Ramos But Barcelona's shot did not end.

Deco~~~ Long shot~~~ The ball bounced back to Deco's feet~~~ Casillas~~~ A wonderful save Deco's shot was stoked out of the goal by Casillas.

In the subsequent corner kick, Real Madrid did not give Barcelona a chance. Samuel fought for the first spot. Real Madrid wanted to fight back quickly, but Barcelona responded quickly and could only enter the positional battle in the end.

Ribery, Beckham divided the ball to the left, and Ribery, who received the pass, attacked Barcelona's defense again.

Van Bronckhorst~~~ Barcelona defender made a fatal error When Ribery changed direction, Van Bronckhorst actually slipped.

Dangerous~~~~ Ribery rushed into Barcelona's penalty area again Faced with this opportunity, how could Ribery miss it.

Max~~~ He stopped in front of Ribery Max responded quickly this time.

Raul, this is an opportunity for the captain of Real Madrid. In this case, Ribery did not choose to welcome him, but passed the ball across to the goal.

Deflected~~~ Raul's shot deflected a little The ball flew out of the baseline against the goal post.

Offensive and defensive transition, the ball came to Xavi's feet again, the latter passed to Deco, just when everyone thought Deco would pass the ball to Ronaldinho again, Portugal passed the ball to Messi.

Messi~~~ Deco passed the ball to teenager Messi quickly started, Messi went straight into the hinterland of Real Madrid.

Defensive player~~~ Where are the defensive players? When Messi rushed into the hinterland of Real Madrid, there were no defensive players in front of him.

So it was very open, Messi rushed to the front and outside of the penalty area with the ball unimpeded, and at this moment, a white figure rushed towards Messi, a sliding tackle that fell to the ground.

The tackle~~~ didn't tackle~~~ God~~~ Ramos' tackle didn't tackle the ball, Barcelona has the best chance.

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL~~~ Goal scored~~~ Goal scored~~~ Barcelona's goal, Barcelona moved a goal back.

Eto'o~~~ Eto'o equalized for Barcelona Ramos did not tackle the ball because Messi passed the ball.

In the face of Ramos' pass, Messi seemed to be ready. With a light toe pick, the ball flew over Ramos and flew into Real Madrid's penalty area.

Samuel and Casillas failed to save Real Madrid this time. Although Samuel had tried his best to turn around, it was still too slow in front of Eto'o. The same was true for Casillas. In the end, it didn't touch the ball.

In the 21st minute of the game, Barcelona equalized the score. Really, the biggest contributor to Barcelona's goal was Messi.

But Eto'o doesn't think so now. In his heart, the biggest contributor to this goal is himself. It can be understood why Eto'o was later swept out by Barcelona.

On the sidelines, Rijkaard rushed out. In this game, the pressure on the Dutch was much more than Li Yi. After all, if this game were to lose, then Barcelona would hardly see any hope of the championship this season.

As for the other side, although Li Yi was depressed, he didn't show it much. He only conceded a goal, but it was not enough to make him lose his temper. It was only 20 minutes after the game, and Real Madrid still had enough time to score a goal.

However, at the moment when Real Madrid was about to kick off again, a fan rushed onto the court, and still streaking. Well, this is the first time Li Yi has seen such a situation on the spot.

Although Li Yi had been coaching in Cagliari for more than two years before, he had never seen such a situation in Cagliari at the time.

Why isn't she a beautiful woman? Seeing a strong man rushing up naked was a bit hot.

What did you say? Li Yi's muttering was heard by Kadinich.

What kind of mentality do you think this person has? Li Yi asked, pointing to the streaker who was being caught by the security guard.

Otherwise, I'll ask for you later. Kadinich directly chatted to death.

In fact, at this time, the streaker has been taken away by the security, and the field has returned to calm, which means that the game can start again.

Real Madrid kicked off the ball, and the ball came to Beckham's feet as scheduled after a two-foot pass, but this time England chose to dribble the ball across the midline and pass the ball out after attracting the attention of the Barcelona players.

Baptista, the Brazilian directly attacked the hinterland of Barcelona after receiving the pass. Seeing this, Max immediately rushed to Baptista and brought the Brazilian down.

The referee still didn't draw his cards. I have to say that Gonzalez's law enforcement was a little soft in this game. So far, he has not drawn cards.

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