Football Winner

Chapter 394 Captain

After a week of physical training, Li Yi generously gave him a home for a day, and taking advantage of this day's home, Li Yi moved into his new home in Rafingar.

Bellucci and his two daughters also came to Spain on this day. Before, the two daughters had been with Bellucci in Leeds, and Li Yi only took time to see each other twice.

Although Li Yi felt that he had done a very covert job, he could not escape the eyes of the English media in the end. In this regard, Li Yi could only say that he was only here to see his daughter.

After this period of development, plus the arrival of Salerno, Bellucci can withdraw. Of course, Bellucci's withdrawal is not to leave Leeds United alone. After this period of time, Bellucci is really interested in running a business The club became interested, and she was going to study hard during this time.

That night, Li Yi also called over a few members of his personal trainer. Of course, Li Yi did not forget Hierro and Ribery. As for Corleone, he came uninvited.

But not only Corleone came uninvited, but also the captain of Real Madrid. No, Raul should not be considered uninvited, he was brought here by Hierro.

I have to say that it was a wise decision to invite Hierro into the coaching staff. After a week of physical training, Li Yi also felt that it was time to have an in-depth exchange with the captain of Real Madrid. Bring people first.

Raul, what do you think this Real Madrid lacks now? After a fairly pleasant dinner, Li Yi took Raul for a walk in the yard.

strength? Real Madrid not lacking? After all, the strength of these superstars of Real Madrid is there. The reason why the superstars can be called superstars is that they are too powerful.

Cohesion, the team has always wanted to make a difference. In addition to strength, it must have cohesion, and everyone must realize that you are a whole, and you are both prosperous and damaged, Li Yi continued.

Raul, do you want to hear my opinion of you? Li Yi asked Raul looking at him.

Huh? Li Yi's escape made Raul a little unable to adapt.

You are an excellent player, Li Yi praised.

Although it was not the first time that Raul heard this, he was still a little happy in his heart, but soon, Raul could not be happy anymore.

But you're not an excellent captain, and you're not even qualified. Li Yi's words were a bit hurtful, no, it should be hurtful, just look at the change in Raul's expression at this moment.

What do you think is the most important quality of a team captain? Li Yi asked again.

Raul still didn't answer, he just looked at Li Yi with his eyes that suppressed dissatisfaction, and slowly waited for the following.

Selflessness and dedication, this is my final evaluation of a good captain. As a captain, you must be selfless, put everything on the team above your personal interests, and at the same time, you must give yourself to the team. everything you can give.

Why do you think there were so many problems in the team's locker room when Fernando was there, but as soon as he left Real Madrid, the whole Real Madrid was torn apart Raul's face became ugly again.

Because Fernando has done these two things, his selflessness and dedication convince all the players, Li Yi said since ancient times.

Of course, you may have a so-called reason, so let me give another example. The captain of the team I was in was called Daniel Conte. What do you think made a player who was not famous before, even the main player could not play? If Raul gets to know Li Yi, he will definitely know Conte too.

And after these two seasons, Conte's reputation is not small. This summer, there are a lot of transfer rumors about Conte. For example, Roma, they still haven't given up. For example, Juventus, or even two Premier League teams Big giants Arsenal and Manchester United.

However, as of now, Conte has not shown the idea of ​​leaving Cagliari. Even in the past two days, there are rumors that Conte will re-sign a contract with the club. Best news.

When a captain truly understands selflessness and dedication, he will become stronger as well. Conte is undoubtedly the best proof.

Raul, don't let your anger blind you, you want to face up to your own problems, face up to your heart, do you really fully accept Zidane, Ronaldo, Beckham and others in your heart? Deep in your heart Don't you think they are a threat to you?

As a player, maybe you are better than Fernando, but as a captain, you are not as good as Fernando. I know, this is cruel, but it's the truth. Li Yi left immediately after speaking.

Raul left without even saying goodbye to the people in the house. Although everyone was curious about this, they didn't say anything. After all, they all knew that Li Yi really wanted to make a difference in Real Madrid, and the help of the Real Madrid captain was essential. .

The next day, Raul didn't have a club, and Li Yi didn't say anything about it. Perhaps for the Lord of the Rings, he still needed a little time to face up and make a decision.

As for Raul's leave, the other Real Madrid players didn't say anything, or they didn't know what happened, so the new training started in the absence of the captain.

Of course, Raul's request for leave did not affect the quality of the training. Although everyone started training with the ball just after full physical training, the first two days were just for feeling. After all, everyone had been away from the ball for more than a month.

Raul did not disappoint Li Yi in the end. On the second day of training with the ball, the Real Madrid captain was the first to come to the club and came to Li Yi's office immediately.

Head~~~ Thank you for waking up, I know what to do. Raul, who had already made a decision, was in good spirits.

Then let's work together. He was sincerely happy for Raul's realization and decision to Li Yi, which not only proved his vision was right, but also allowed him to take a crucial first step.

Immediately before the start of training today, Raul left all the players in the locker room, and when the Real Madrid players came out of the locker room, there was a trace of shock and disbelief on their faces.

But also because of Raul's move, all the Real Madrid players were late. Although Li Yi roughly guessed why the players were late, he still had no intention of opening the door, and everyone started running circles again.

Bruce~~~ How did you do it? Although everyone didn't ask before, Kadinich couldn't help but speak.

You go ask Fernando. Li Yixiao, who was in a good mood, made a joke, then turned and left.

I don't know anything~~~ Really Hierro looked bewildered in the face of the siege of Kadinich and others.

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