Football Winner

Chapter 289

When the second half of the game restarted, when the players from both sides returned to the court again, the Romans were shocked, no, it should be said that everyone was shocked.

Worler is really brave? Li Yi on the other side couldn't help but say.

Because it was none other than Totti, the flag of Rome, and it was not one person. Woller replaced two people in a row, and Cassano was replaced with Totti.

God~~~ Worrall made a crazy substitution Totti, the team captain and flag, must not sit on the bench as long as he is healthy and allowed by the training.

But what about now? It was replaced after two goals in the first half. It has to be said that at this moment, everyone was shocked by Worrer's courage.

It was replaced by two young players, Aquilani and De Rossi, and with the appearance of these two, Roma changed to 4231, Perotta came to the wing, and Aquilani appeared in the attacking midfielder. , De Rossi and Tomasi form the defensive midfielder.

Surprisingly, Li Yi really did not expect this substitution of Le Verr, let alone Li Yi, no one who watched this game would have thought that Le Verr would have such courage, look at the chairman's private room at this moment. Sensi, who was also stunned when he learned that Totti and Cassano had been replaced.

Although he is the chairman of the club, he can only act as a spectator when he is on the pitch. Even when the head coach really makes a decision, even Totti can only obey.

Of course, Totti can still express his dissatisfaction with the coach in his own way, such as not returning to the court. In fact, after Worrall made the decision to replace him, Totti went directly to take a shower and change his clothes, um, peer There is also Cassano. When the game started, the two had actually left the Stadio Olimpico in Rome.

With the new start of the game, everyone's attention gradually returned to the court, and Roma, who had opened the whole second half, also used a shot to announce that they had not given up on the game.

Aquilani passed it back to De Rossi, and the Roma teenager took the ball and crossed the half-court.

It even broke through Conte directly. After all, the captain of Cagliari has already received a yellow card. Although Conte will still move without hesitation when necessary, he still has to endure it when it is not necessary.

Cagliari is indeed leading by two goals now, but there are still 45 minutes in the game. If Conte gets another yellow card at this time, it will definitely be a fatal blow for Cagliari. Conte is the team captain. , naturally need to consider more.

Not to mention that the opponent is still Rome now.

With the grudge between Conte and Roma, he would never want to be sent off in this game.

However, after crossing Conte, De Rossi could not go further, because Guardiola had already reacted and tackled him directly. Compared with Conte, Guardiola was so scruples.

However, De Rossi is De Rossi. Although he is still young, he can react very quickly. When Guardiola was about to touch the ball, De Rossi actually pulled his left foot back, and the ball was passed back to Thomas who was behind him. West foot.

Tomasi did not dribble the ball, but sent it to Perotta's feet, who in turn sent the ball to Aquilani, who had already appeared outside the penalty area at the moment.

Long shot~~ Aquilani~~~ Roma teenager has no stage fright, and he shoots decisively. Aquilani did not hesitate after receiving the pass.

However, as a top goalkeeper, or even the top three goalkeepers in the world, Cech will naturally not be separated in the game, so although Aquilani's shot is of high standard, it did not really cause any damage to Cagliari's goal. threaten.

Beautiful~~~ Petr Cech~~~ The Cagliari goalkeeper flew up and directly caught the ball Aquilani's long-range shot was of high standard, but Cech's save was even more exciting.

Although Rome has changed was just a wave of offense, Li Yi on the sidelines saw the difference in Rome for the first time.

Worrell is not only courageous, but also capable. Li Yi then turned to look at the German coach.

And just when Li Yi turned his head, Woller also turned to look at Li Yi. Although Li Yi was already famous in Europe, he was still shocked.

But what shocked Worrall was the team led by Li Yi. According to what he knew, the team in front of him was formed by Li Yi.

As a coach, championship is the pursuit, but in addition to the championship, there are many other pursuits, such as Li Yi's single-handedly building a team of his own.

But at the same time, Worrall is very clear that he does not have such an opportunity, or that Roma will not give him such time and opportunity, and all he can do now is to leave himself decently.

And if you want to leave decently, you must beat Cagliari, which is why he dared to replace Totti and Cassano.

Worrall wanted to make a new impact on the outcome of the game by making substitutions, but Li Yi had to keep his current advantage and even further expand his advantage to ensure victory.

Cagliari's counterattack, and when Cagliari counterattacked, Li Yi left his position, he stood on the sidelines, and in this way he told the players on the field that the game was far from over.

Conte once again held the ball and entered the Roman half, and as Conte moved forward, the Roman frontcourt staff began to cooperate with his captain's actions. Facing Rome, Conte had enough freedom of choice. This is Li Yi's decision to Conte of trust.

In fact, Conte never let Li Yi down. In this attack, Conte was more of a pretense, just to attract the attention of Roma's defenders.

When Conte came to the front of the penalty area to attract two players, he returned the ball with a heel to send the ball to Guardiola's feet.

A straight pass, Guardiola kicked the ball into the penalty area of ​​Rome, Di Natale, at the moment Di Natale has no defensive players around.

However, Di Natale did not shoot. Although there were no defensive players around Di Natale, someone reacted and rushed to Di Natale with a sliding tackle.

In fact, the hero and the bear are often on the line, and with the referee's whistle and hand movements, the result is already very obvious.

The Stadio Olimpico was stunned because the referee pointed to the penalty spot, which meant it was a penalty.

At the same time, the referee also walked towards the Roma defender who made the sliding tackle, with dazzling blond hair and a handsome face.

Mex, who would have thought that Mex, who got a yellow card at the beginning of the first half, would get another yellow card at the beginning of the second half, and this time there was a bonus, an extra penalty kick.

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