Football Winner

Chapter 286 Dead Enemy

After a thrilling 3-2 victory over Parma, Cagliari finally dominated the top spot again, but Cagliari only occupied it for one day, because Juventus also defeated the opponent the next day, and Juventus' opponent is Roma, Cagliari's opponent in the next round.

After Prandelli coached a game and then resigned, Roma found his former exploits. Rudy Woller, who led the German team to the World Cup final in 2002, became the team's head coach.

As a player, Woller played in Rome for five seasons, so this German coach is no stranger to Rome, not to mention that Woller led the severely faulted German team to the final of the World Cup and helped Germany. The team went through the toughest period.

And just this past summer, after the European Cup, Worrer resigned as Germany's head coach and happened to be at home.

However, judging from the current situation, Voller's life in Rome is not easy, especially after losing to Juventus, Rome is not far from the relegation zone.

All the next matches against Cagliari will be a life-and-death battle for Voller. It is rumored that Mr. Roma has given an ultimatum to this former hero, and the ninth round must defeat Cagliari.

The president of Roma still firmly believes that Roma is one of the strongest teams in Serie A and a strong contender for the Serie A championship. The current results are an insult to Roma.

Mr. Roma is still dreaming of a strong team, and Roma fans are actually similar. As one of the strongest teams in Serie A in the past few years, it is obviously difficult for them to accept the current record.

Not to mention that what Roma will face next is Cagliari, led by Li Yi. You must know that since the first meeting last season, the two teams have successfully become mortal enemies. Among the current Serie A, Roma hates the most. It's Cagliari.

Although Lazio is the mortal enemy of the same city in Rome, in the hearts of proud Romans, Lazio has fallen and is no longer worthy to compete with them.

The reason why Roma can only play the UEFA Cup this season is because of the game against Cagliari last season. Although the UEFA Cup is also a European Intercontinental Cup, there is no way to compare it with the Champions Cup. This is not only about honor, More because of money.

In fact, not only the fans of Rome, but also the management of Rome, especially the chairman Sensi, Li Yi not only caused him to lose tens of millions, but also made him lose face.

This past summer, Roma tried to invite Li Yi to coach Roma, but unfortunately, Roma's invitation was rejected by Li Yi, and the rejection was very straightforward, with no thought at all.

In Sensi's view, this is a complete insult to Roma. Roma is a strong Serie A team.

Even with a certain reputation in the world, Sensi has always been proud to be the president of Rome.

It is also predictable how Woller will feel when he encounters Cagliari Sensi led by Li Yi at this time.

The current results do not explain everything. I always believe that Roma is one of the strongest teams in Serie A, Sensi said more than once in an interview.

Worrell is an excellent coach, I believe he can lead the team on the right track, and this step, starting from the victory over Cagliari Sensi directly named Cagliari to know how much he hated him Li Yi.

If I remember correctly, Rome has not defeated us so far Li Yi naturally would not be polite when facing the President of Rome.

After the conflict in the first exchange, Li Yi and Roma had no chance of remission, because Totti insulted not only him, but the entire race.

Originally, Totti was still very popular in China, but since that conflict, the whole Asian people didn't like him much, let alone the country behind Li Yi.

Li Yi's remarks directly aroused the anger of the Romans, and in the next period of time, Roma's players stood up and expressed their determination, expressing their desire to defeat Cagliari in the next game.

However, what is surprising is that no one from Cagliari stood up to fight back, and even Li Yi did not accept any more interviews.

Li Yi's performance seemed frightening to the Romans. Although Voller immediately stopped the players in Rome, unfortunately, Voller did not have a high reputation in Rome, so his role was limited.

Under such circumstances, Li Yi led the team to the city of Rome, and in order to prevent any accidents, the mayor of Rome had to strengthen security work. Not to mention the police patrolling the streets, the security of the stadium alone doubled.

I have to say that the fans in Rome can indeed cause trouble. There was trouble in the Roma Derby last season, and from the current form, if it really develops like this, it will definitely happen again.

In fact, Cagliari is also worried about the accident, so before leaving for Rome, Cagliari called on the fans who went to Rome to watch the game to act together as much as possible.

Guys~~~ The anger of the Romans has already risen, so you have to be very careful not to be influenced by them. Li Yi stood up to influence Rome's preparations except for being upset with Sensi. From the current situation, it seems that , Roma players are indeed affected.

There is another reason why Li Yi dared to do this, because the referee in this game was a bald Collina, and Moji's black hand became more and more obvious. Although it has not reached Cagliari, it can be seen from the current Cagliari. It seems that this is a matter of time.

Because Juventus wants to win the Serie A title, it must pass Cagliari. After the eight rounds of the league, Cagliari is also the only team that threatens Juventus.

It is said that this season is also the last season of bald law enforcement. After this season, Colina had a very unpleasant fight with the Italian referee because of the endorsement contract, and the upright Colina chose an extreme method and retired directly.

Compared with last season, Roma's central defenders have changed. The departure of Samuel and Emerson has a huge impact on Roma, even if Roma bought the French genius central defender Mex this summer Back to Aquilani.

It is said that there are still a lot of outstanding young people in Rome, especially the midfielder. De Rossi will not talk about it. If Aquilani is not due to injury, he will be a top midfielder.

But this game two teenagers failed to get the starter, Tomasi, Perrotta, little Mancini plus Cassano, the striker is Totti and Montella.

Both sides of the back line are still Panucci and Candela, the central defender is Mex and Chivu, and the goalkeeper is still Pelizzoli.

As for Cagliari, the goalkeeper Cechre can't move, the central defender is Barzagli and Chiellini, Maicon and Barzaretti on both sides, Conte and Guardiola in midfield, Ribery and Bobos on both sides Base, strikers Milito and Di Natale.

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