Football Winner

Chapter 253

Xiaobie wins the newlyweds, not to mention that the couple is still separated for a long time. Cousin Liu Yao is also a good person. After learning that her cousin is coming, she went directly back to the dormitory that night.

After Leng Xuan and Li Yi formally established their relationship, Liu Yao and Leng Xuan moved out of the dormitory together. Of course, the apartment was prepared by Li Yi so that they could be alone with their girlfriends in the future.

This decision was very prescient. After all, in Li Yi's situation, if he went to the hotel, he would be easily recognized.

After a crazy night, Li Yi was still in good spirits the next day. As for Leng Xuan, there was a trace of satisfaction in his exhaustion, and Liu Yao didn't wake up until after class at noon.

The next group of three did not go out. It was really not suitable for Li Yi to appear outside now. Besides, in Hangzhou, Liu Yao and Leng Xuan have not visited less in the past year.

Although being with different people will have different moods, Li Yi is really inconvenient now. You know, according to the news that Li Yi got, the fans are playing to find fault with everyone, just to find out where he went.

So for the next two days, Li Yi worked as an otaku for two days, either playing games or watching TV, and cooking for his cousin and girlfriend at mealtime.

However, during this period, Cagliari's signing of the striker was also completed, and Palacio's transfer went smoothly. After receiving that Cagliari was interested in him, Palacio immediately expressed his interest in him. The yearning for Serie A, not to mention that the current Cagliari is still the Serie A champion, and can be on the big stage of the Champions League next season.

2 million euros, this worth is nothing to Cagliari, Li Yi leading the team to win the championship will not change the fact that Cagliari is a small club, but Cagliari has indeed made a lot of money this year. Funds are abundant.

With the official joining of Palacio, Cagliari's signings this season have basically come to an end. Of course, this is a major premise, and no one in the Cagliari team will leave.

Judging from the current situation, no one should leave Cagliari anymore. In the days since Li Yi returned to China, good news about the renewal of the player's contract has been reported from Cagliari.

Especially the most fierce players who are rumored to be the most fierce, the first is Ribery. After signing a new contract, the French has won the first grade in the team. At Ribery's age, this annual salary is already very high. considerable.

You know, two years ago, let alone the annual salary, he didn't even play the ball, so he had to go to the construction site with his father to move bricks.

But now, with Ribery's outstanding performance and making more and more money, the Ribery family has also lived a good life. Not only has they built a villa in their hometown, so that their parents can live without food and clothing. Start a small business with the help of Ribery.

Similar to Ribery are Rami and Valbuena. Although Rami and Valbuena do not earn as much as Ribery, compared to ordinary people, compared to their age, they won the game. Exploding 99% of the world's people, after all, even if the two of them have less than one million euros in income each year.

On the second day of Ribery's contract renewal, Juventus and AC Milan took a fancy to Barzagli and Chiellini also completed the renewal, which also indicates that the two giants in Serie A failed to poach.

Speaking of which, Juventus really lost Corleone for their failure to poach.

But now the manager of the two is Corleone. As the son of the Corleone family, even if Corleone is not the heir, it is not something Moji can do.

Chiellini's original agent was not Corleone, but after the end of last season, Chiellini took the initiative to switch to Corleone. This guy is also smart, knowing Corleone's energy and then changing the door.

However, Chiellini is not the only one in Cagliari to change the door. This season, Maicon and Milito have been officially put into Corleone's banner.

The two also renewed their contracts after Chiellini and Barzagli. Both performed very well last season. Maicon has steadily overtaken Cassetti, and Milito will become Cagliari next season. A sharp knife on the front line.

After more than a year of development, the agency is growing rapidly, and its players have unknowingly come to 20 people. These 20 people are all famous in the future, and Corleone has not stopped expanding. pace.

Every transfer period is the busiest and most active time for agents, and Corleone is no exception. Even before the season is over, Corleone has been busy.

But for Corleone, he enjoys this kind of busyness. For this reason, he can even give up women. No, with the busyness of this period of time, this guy broke up again, that is, the godmother of Inter Milan, Vieri's Ex-fiancee, the sexiest woman in Italian football.

Corleone's busyness also indicates that the European transfer market is in full swing. It is said that Chelsea, after the unsuccessful pursuit of Ribery and Cech, the madman immediately changed his target.

The Dutch Peter Pan Robben and the AC Milan goalkeeper Abbiati, well, these two are people Li Yi once liked and rejected Li Yi.

Speaking of Cagliari's outstanding performance last season, these two must regret rejecting Li Yi last season. After all, if they chose Cagliari, they would be the Serie A champions now.

Especially Abbiati, the AC Milan goalkeeper almost sat on the bench last season, but Li Yi bought him to replace him and Cech won the best goalkeeper in Serie A.

At this time, Abbiati will inevitably not think, if he accepted Li Yi's invitation last season, will the best goalkeeper now become him?

It is a pity that there is no if in this world. For some things, to miss is to miss, and it is precisely because of missing Cagliari that when he received the invitation from Mourinho this time, Abbiati did not hesitate at all, and decided to pack up and head to Chelsea. .

However, Mourinho kept his mind. He did not buy Abbiati directly, but chose to rent it first and then buy it. In Li Yi's opinion, Mourinho did not give up on Cech.

Chelsea actually has no influence on Serie A. The reason why Li Yi is concerned is just curious about how his appearance will change Chelsea.

In fact, there are quite a few changes. Abbiati is one of them, and the second is the Serbian and Montenegrin striker Kežman. This striker was originally supposed to move to Chelsea with Robben, but after Chelsea bought Tony, he did not buy it again. Kejman.

However, Li Yi is most concerned about Drogba. If Chelsea did not buy Drogba in the end, Li Yi really wanted to try if he could bring him to Serie A.

Although Cagliari is the Serie A champion, he really can't compare with Chelsea in terms of gold and dollars, so Li Yi can only wait for the result from Chelsea.

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