Football Winner

Chapter 185

Fame with a ball? No~~~ Quagliarella is famous for two goals. In this game between Cagliari and Parma, even in this round, Quagliarella is the absolute protagonist.

A super long shot, an upside-down golden hook, some people may not be able to complete one of these shots throughout their careers, but Quagliarella completed it in one game.

2:2, this is the final score between Cagliari and Parma. When Quagliarella scored the second goal of the game, Prandelli made a decisive adjustment and the whole team retreated.

Although Cagliari's morale has been boosted and he has begun to take the initiative, in the face of Parma, who is completely retreating, Cagliari, who is in poor condition and unlucky, obviously has nothing to do. Quagliarella also made two wonderful progress. There was silence after the ball.

The score of 2:2 was maintained until the end of the game, but after the game, the storm of the game did not pass. In the post-match interview, Quagliarella directly stole Li Yi's limelight. As for Cagliari The first draw of the season went unnoticed.

In the first 14 games, including the Coppa Italia, Cagliari has never tried to draw with an opponent this season. It is said that Cagliari's luck in the Coppa Italia is as good as ever, and the quarter-finals actually meet again. To Perugia, the weakest opponent on the bright side.

You know, the current eight teams in the Coppa Italia are really a gathering of strong teams, or the top seven teams in the standings have all entered the quarterfinals, and the only team that is not in the top seven is Perugia.

Perugia is not only not in the upper reaches of the standings, but also invisible in the middle. After fifteen rounds, Perugia only accumulated 9 points, ranking third from the bottom in the standings.

Book the best goal of the season - Gazzetta dello Sport.

After the game, most of the newspapers printed such words, Quagliarella's two goals were rated as the most exciting goals in Serie A's current position.

Chieti is full of guts, and some people haven't forgotten to go to Quagliarella's former club to make fun of it.

In fact, the management of Chieti is really regretful now. According to the performance of Quagliarella and Parma in this game, not to mention 100,000, even 1 million is too little.

Even after seeing Quagliarella behave like this, Mr. Chieti called the coach to scold him. After all, Quagliarella has only moved to Cagliari for more than a week. The magic couldn't have made Quagliarella progress overnight.

So the result is already obvious, this is the responsibility of the head coach.

But at this time, who cares about Chieti and Chieti's unknown head coach,

At this time, the media relationship is whether Quagliarella really has such strength or just luck.

If it's true, then Li Yi's eyes on people are terrible. So far, the players introduced by Li Yi have performed very well.

Damn~~~ can these guys not be so boring? At home, Li Yi cursed at the newspaper on the table.

Man~~~ You're still so unhappy being praised? Corleone looked at Li Yi with envy.

Hey~~~ Mike, can't you see the sinister intentions of these media? Being reminded by Li Yi, Corleone really thought it was the sinister intentions of the media.

Obviously, the media reported that Li Yi was looking for players to be accurate. What will happen to the players that Li Yi is looking for in the future? Can he still pick up leaks like he does now?

But Bruce, I'm actually curious too. But compared to this, Corleone wentssips about why Li Yi sees players so accurately.

Curious~~~ What are you curious about? I'm just that good. I'm a natural head coach. I just have such a vision. What can I do? I'm desperate, Li Yitian said shamelessly.

Hey~~~ why didn't my parents give me such talent? No one would doubt that Li Yi is a talented head coach, look at this guy, he became a head coach at the age of 21, and after he became a head coach There was no stage fright at all.

However, as a friend of Li Yi, Corleone knows more than outsiders. Li Yi has been working hard on the road of coaching in recent years, but even so, Corleone will feel that Li Yi is a genius, and he is still the kind of A once-in-a-century genius.

The media's touting Li Yi can't stop it. What he can do now is to continue to lead the team well. Although he did not lose the fourth position in this round of the league, Li Yi and his Cagliari still need to hold this position firmly. make more effort.

It is said that both Roma and Lazio have lost this round of the league. The points of the two teams remain unchanged. At the same time, Parma and Cagliari drew with Cagliari, and Parma was originally one point behind the Roma duo.

With 26 points, the three teams behind Cagliari have exactly the same points, while Cagliari, who drew in this round, has 28 points, 5 points behind the first group.

If you look at the standings, Serie A is divided into three echelons this season, the top three in the north are the first echelon, the leader AC Milan has 36 points, and Juventus and Inter Milan are closely behind with 33 points.

Then Cagliari leads the second tier, with Cagliari taking the lead with 28 points, followed by Roma duo and Parma with 2 points.

As for the rest of the team, it's nothing to see, although Sampdoria also has a dark horse appearance, currently behind with 21 points, but in front of Kalia, Sampdoria can only be sad eclipsed.

However, after this round of competition, some media boldly clamored that Li Yi and his Cagliari will be beaten back to their original form, and the record before the winter break will definitely be gone forever.

For these reports, Li Yi is too lazy to pay attention, because in his mind, the previous winning streak is the normal state of Cagliari, this game? It was just an accident.

Speaking of Cagliari, although this game was tied, Cagliari has been unbeaten for six rounds so far, and five of these six rounds have been victories and five consecutive victories.

The five-game winning streak is also the longest winning streak in Serie A this season. AC Milan and Juventus have both won streak, but their league has stopped at four games.

And really speaking, the first team to complete a four-game winning streak was Cagliari. After losing to AC Milan in the first round of the league, Cagliari won all the next four games.

The four-game winning streak between AC Milan and Juventus started from the fourth round, both teams from the fourth round to the eighth round.

As for the meaning of this comparison? Maybe it doesn't mean much to Li Yi, but for Cagliari, it means a lot.

It is true that Cagliari has been silent and degenerate for too long. Cagliari is hungry for victory and honor. Now that it can overwhelm the giants, it must be something to celebrate.

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