Football Winner

Chapter 165

There is a landscape on the pitch, and there is also a landscape on the side of the pitch. Cagliari's young coach has already rushed out of the bench to celebrate the team captain's goal.

On the other side, the elegant and handsome Mancini was also blinded by Cagliari's opening goal at first, but soon, Mancini reacted.

Go out, we don't have any way out now. Based on Mancini's understanding of Li Yi, it is better to take the initiative to take advantage of Li Yi's advantage to be forced to death step by step.

So when the game resumed, Lazio decisively rushed into Cagliari's half with the ball, Albertini had the ball, but soon, the Lazio midfielder sent the ball out.

Lopez on the left, then the latter moved the ball along the flank, Cassetti strangled the inner lane, and did not give Lopez any space to cut inside.

Cross~~~Kolady~~~Heading~~~No~~~Kolady didn't attack the goal, he chose to head the ball~~~Inzaghi.

Cech~~~ Cech~~~ Or Cech~~~ Where did Cagliari get the goalkeeper from? When he saw Cech flying to block the shot from Inzaghi's close range again, The commentator of the city of Rome looked helpless and desperate.

From the beginning of the game to the present, the biggest contributor to Cagliari's clean sheet is Cech, Hierro and Barzagli almost froze Corradi and Inzaghi, but Lazio's offense has not been frozen.

It's just that one shot after another was blocked by Cech.

The corner kick, Mihajlovic, the Lazio veteran beat Barzagli, who was ten years younger than himself, to complete a header, but the header finally flew over the defense line above the crossbar rather than Cagliari's goal.

Counterattack, Cech took the goal kick with big feet, Stam and Tony fought for the top, this time Tony failed to win Stam, the ball was back to Cagliari's half by Stam.

However, the ball was still at the feet of Cagliari, Conte blocked the ball before Inzaghi, and then sent the ball to the feet of Guardiola.

In a direct pass, Guardiola did not let the ball stay under his feet for even more than a second, and directly sent the ball into Lazio's half-court and into the hinterland of Lazio with a long-distance pass.

Suazzo, the Cagliari striker, rushed into the heart of Lazio very quickly and rushed towards the ball.

Chance~~~ This is Cagliari's chance Suazzo had caught up with the ball in a blink of an eye, and only Mihajlovic was left in front of Suazzo at the moment.

As long as Suazzo can get past Mihajlovic, it's a one-shot, then Cagliari has a great possibility to expand the lead.

Oh~~~ No~~~ Suazzo~~~ Today's Suazzo's condition is really bad, he was stolen, and the ball under Suazzo's feet was shoveled away by Mihajlovic.

God~~~ How can Suazzo be so stupid? Giovanni looked in disbelief at the moment.

In fact, not only Giovanni, but also Li Yi, who had rushed out from the sidelines and was ready to celebrate at any time. The surprised expressions of the fans in the stands could almost swallow two eggs.

No~~~ Cagliari's attack is not over~~~ Ribery~~~ The Frenchman is rushing towards the ball Just when everyone was surprised that the ball was broken by Mihajlovic at Suazzo's feet At the time, Ribery behind was desperately rushing forward.

Stam ~ ~ Stam has made a contribution Just as Ribery was about to touch the ball, a figure shot out from the side.

Flying shovel~~~ Stam's kick fell to the ground and flying shovel When Ribery rushed up, Stam didn't stand still, he also rushed towards the ball.

Stam, who is 1.91 meters tall, has a big stride, so his speed is not slow, but even so, he still failed to get in front of Libei.

In this case, Stam decisively flew to tackle the ball, and finally grabbed the ball before Ribery.

Damn~~~ Li Yi was so angry on the sidelines.

If I remember correctly, it seems that Stam will leave Lazio next season Looking at Stam who performed so well,

Li Yi said that he was not moved, that was a lie.

Although Stam is 31 years old and will be 32 years old next season, Li Yi himself is different, not to mention the buff-type skills, the system also has black technology.

But soon, Li Yi expelled this idea, not to mention that his defense line is now saturated, and Stam's worth and annual salary alone cannot be afforded by Cagliari.

Although Stam is very good, if you break the balance of the team for a Stam, it will be a bit of a loss. You must know that veterans such as Hierro, Zola and Guardiola are all receiving veteran basic salaries.

Hierro came to Cagliari and came to the world's No. 1 league to prove that although he is old, he is still in good shape.

Zola is because the fallen leaves return to their roots, and as far as the entire Italian league is concerned, Cagliari meets Zola's requirements, so he chooses to come back.

Finally, there is Guardiola. If it weren't for the appearance of Li Yi, Guardiola would have been far away from the European continent at this time. Indeed, Guardiola who left Europe might make more money than in Cagliari, but it would also make him far away from Europe. Mainstream league.

Guardiola is a person with a plan. He has already started to think about coaching after retirement, so as long as he can stay in Europe, he will definitely not care about the salary, and it is said that he can still learn a lot with Li Yi now. Things, even Bobowski's annual salary is the maximum salary in the Cagliari team.

On the court, the offense and defense have been converted. After Stam's tackle, Cagliari didn't get a chance because the ball landed at the feet of Odoi on the right.

Counterattack, this time it was Lazio's turn to counterattack, Odoi did not covet the ball, and after catching up with the ball, he gave it to Albertini, and then Albertini also sent a straight pass.

However, Lazio's striker does not have the speed of Suazzo, so this counterattack is really on the right side, and little Inzaghi continues to send forward after receiving the ball.

Fiore, Lazio seized the opportunity that Barzaretti had just inserted, and when Fiore received Inzaghi's ball, Barzaretti was still behind him.

That is to say, Fiore at this moment can unimpeded to launch an impact towards the restricted area of ​​Cagliari.

Lazio~~~ This is Lazio's chance~~~ Fiore rushed into the penalty area of ​​Cagliari with the ball At the same time as Fiore rushed into the penalty area, Corradi and Inzaghi were also one after the other. Rush into the restricted area of ​​Cagliari, drag Hierro and Barzagli.

Cech~~~ Cech~~~ The Cagliari goalkeeper rushed out, can he create a miracle? At this moment, all the Cagliari breathed hard and stared at Cech. Fiore and, of course, Lazio.

Oh~~~ no~~~ Fiore didn't shoot, God~~~ he didn't shoot.

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