Football Winner

Chapter 157 Monica Bellucci

As long as you open your mouth, the next thing becomes easier.

Monica Bellucci is here because of an invitation from a friend, and she's here because of her husband's infidelity.

This most beautiful woman in Italy had been married four years ago to French national treasure actor Vincent Cassel.

Men all over Italy were heartbroken the day Monica Bellucci married Vincent Casso.

After the marriage, Bellucci did not stop his acting career, and the actor's career was destined to be unable to accompany each other for a long time, especially when Bellucci went to the United States for filming.

This time, for example, Bellucci returned to France after months of filming in Hollywood to surprise her husband, but it turned into a fright when she saw her husband and another woman riding a horse.

Bellucci then returned to Italy and accepted an invitation from a friend, who, of course, was a woman, who was with Corleone at the moment.

Mike, your friend is really amazing. Yes, it's amazing, it's really amazing, you know, sixteen men have gone to talk to Bellucci before, but they have not been successful.

The sixteenth happened when Li Yi was speaking to Corleone, and Li Yi was the seventeenth, but obviously, Li Yi succeeded.

envy, jealousy, hate? These are not enough to describe most of the men present at the moment, especially the men who failed to talk to each other.

I'm going~~~ Although I know the charm of the head is very big, I never thought it could be so big. On the other side, Ribery said to Lamy.

What method did Bruce use? At the same time, Boboski, Guardiola, Hierro and Zola and other veterans also gathered together.

Josep~~~ How can I finally hear a hint of envy from you? Hierro couldn't help teasing.

The two can be said to cooperate seamlessly in the game on the court, but off the court, the hostility of their origins doomed them to be unable to become so-called friends.

Don't you envy? Guardiola asked rhetorically.

Uh~~~ Well, I'm not only envious, I'm also jealous. If I could, I'd like to rush over and grab that guy's collar right now. Saying that, Hierro glared at Li Yi's back viciously.

Li Yi didn't know that he had become the envy of all the men in the audience, but even if he knew he didn't care, he was already the least popular person in Italy anyway.

I've changed my mind now, if you want to keep sitting here, you have to drink with me, Bellucci said, pushing his glass.

Then I'll go. Li Yi's actions exceeded Bellucci's expectations again, but Bellucci's reaction was also very fast, and his hands were directly wrapped around Li Yi's waist.

Don't go. The posture of the two of them is a bit too intimate, especially at the moment Bellucci is still wearing a striped dress. When the two bodies are close together, Li Yi suddenly feels what it means to be in the sea.

Well, compared with Bellucci, Miranda Kerr is just ~~~~

I'm just joking. Li Yi grabbed Bellucci's hand around his waist and released it.

Although Li Yi enjoyed being in such close and intimate contact with such a beautiful woman, the beautiful woman in front of him was too stunner. For a moment, Li Yi felt that he was a little bit out of control.

However, the desire came more violently than Li Yi imagined, and before he could separate from Bellucci, somewhere there began to move wildly.

Bellucci, who was close to Li Yi, immediately felt the changes in some parts of Li Yi. Even though he had a lot of experience, Bellucci didn't know what to say for a while. The atmosphere between them began to develop in a strange direction.

As for how far it has developed? At this moment, the two of them knew that when a man and a woman drank,

What happens next is predictable.

Especially when a drunk man is drinking with a woman who wants to get drunk.

Thinking of last night's madness, some parts of Li Yi changed again,

Well~~ Bellucci felt the change in Li Yi's body for the first time.

Don't make trouble, let me sleep for a while. Bellucci patted Li Yi's chest.

Then you get up first and let me take a bath. Li Yi was very helpless, because he found that some aspects of himself were getting bigger and bigger.

Don't~~~ That's it, let me lie down like this for a while. A thirty-nine-year-old woman's petty temper didn't violate it at all, but she was so cute, Li Yi felt that she must be crazy.

In 1964, Monica Bellucci was eighteen years older than Li Yi.

In fact, Li Yi never dreamed that he would do such a thing with a woman eighteen years older.

Thinking of this, Li Yi fell into deep distress. After all, he is not Cesc Fabregas and Lamy, and there is no special plot.

It is true that Bellucci is very beautiful, even at the age of 39, he still has a fatal attraction, and even more mature than young girls, which makes people crazy.

But Li Yi always believed that as long as he wasn't drunk, he would definitely be able to control himself, otherwise he wouldn't be clean until now.

Take last night as an example, even when Li Yi was sitting and drinking juice, nearly ten girls took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

But it's too late to say anything now. What should have happened has already happened. Besides, although Li Yi is a little cranky, the fact is that this guy has no regrets at all.

What should Li Yi worry about now is the next relationship between them? Just a one night stand? or something else?

You know, the woman lying on her body is not an ordinary woman, and she is also a married woman.

like? Bellucci is indeed very beautiful. Even at the age of thirty-nine, it is still amazing and even fatally attractive, but the first time the two met, although they felt amazing, they did not reach the point of love at first sight.

Besides, at the age of two years, Bellucci is really about the same age as his uncle, and one more thing, can his uncle and aunt accept Bellucci?

If he brought Bellucci home, would his uncle break his leg?

Well, Li Yi is obviously thinking too much, and he doesn't even think about what kind of woman this woman is in his arms.

How could a mature woman like Monica Bellucci, who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, didn't know what she was doing? If it wasn't for her own willingness, there would be no possibility of last night's madness.

Women also have desires, especially when this woman is still at a wolf-like age, and she returns home after being separated from her husband for several months, but sees her husband cheating.

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