Football Winner

Chapter 130 Offense and Defense

Capello OS: I am a world-class champion coach, Roma is a team competing for the championship, and the score is only tied now. This is not a happy meaning, let alone that the opponent is still a child.

Li YiOS: I can't express my true thoughts, I can't be in a hurry, the whole world is watching, especially those damn media, and the players also need to set an example.

To put it bluntly, both of them are pretending.

But the effect is still obvious. Seeing Capello with a straight face, Roma's players also realized that they are only tying the score, and the opponent is still a newly-promoted team, a team they despise.

At the same time, when Cagliari players saw how easy their coach was, the nervousness of losing the ball slowly disappeared, and even the players couldn't help but wonder if this goal had been taken into consideration, after all, the opponent was Rome.

As for the fans watching this game, various interpretations also flashed in their hearts, but their interpretations have no influence on the game, Li Yi and Capello.

Oh oh ~~~ Roma rushed up again After the game restarted, Roma immediately pressed.

Cagliari, who has suffered a loss, will naturally not let Rome succeed, but even so, Rome's scramble has caused great trouble for Cagliari's offense.

Bruce, what should we do? Kadinic couldn't help asking Li Yi on the sidelines.

What should I do? Li Yi turned his head and glanced at Capello on the other side and walked out.

This is Capello's challenge to him, of course, this is Li Yi's own idea.

In fact, although Capello paid enough attention to Li Yi, Li Yi did not have the qualifications for Capello to challenge him. The reason why Capello continued to use pressing was his confidence in his team.

If that's the case, then I'll just face you. Li Yi walked to the sidelines and yelled at the Cagliari players on the court taking advantage of a dead ball.

And with Li Yi's roar, Cagliari's offensive began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

When the ball came to Cagliari again, Guardiola was no longer in possession, but 0 went straight to find Bobosky.

Poboski~~~ Candela he broke through A change of direction, an acceleration, Bobosky directly crossed the candela.

Chivu, after Poboski crossed Candela, Chivu resolutely moved to intercept, Candela also desperately chased back.

Passing, Bobosky has long passed the age of enthusiasm, and after attracting enough defensive attention, Bobosky returns with his heel.

Cassetti~~~ Cagliari right-back rushed up.

Crossing~~~Tony~~~Dras~~~I hit it~~~Tony hit the ball Although Tony is a few centimeters shorter than Dellas, in terms of physical fitness, Tony is no worse than Dellas , and even faintly overwhelmed him in this battle for the top.

Strength, Tony's header failed to match strength Although Delas overwhelmed Delas, De Las also did what he should do.

Immediately, Roma sent a goal kick, Pedzzoli passed the ball to Samuel, and then it was the Cagliari players' turn to fight, only to see Tony rushing towards Samuel.

Passing the ball, Samuel made an oblique pass and gave the ball to Panucci. Ribery rushed to harass him decisively. Although Panucci was not afraid of Ribery, as a veteran, Panucci was still Very robust.

Emerson, in the Roma team, the real core is actually Emerson, and even in Capello's tactical position, Emerson is higher than Totti.

This can be seen from the fact that Capello has to take Emerson everywhere after Capello. When Capello coached Juventus, the first thing he did was to bring Emerson to Turin. Galactic Warship purchased it.

The move to Real Madrid was a tragedy for Emerson, of course,

This is also related to Emerson's own, and since then, the midfielder has withdrawn from the mainstream stage.

But now Emerson is one of the best midfielders today. Facing Conte's advance, Emerson was very calm and forced the ball into the Cagliari midfielder under Conte's harassment. .

Immediately cooperated with Totti, the Roma captain retreated decisively when Emerson rushed into the half-time of Cagliari, but Guardiola also came up.

This is the most direct collision between the midfields of the two sides. From the point of view of both sides, Cagliari is at a disadvantage. Conte is not a full-time defensive midfielder like Gattuso, although he has strengthened his defense recently. In terms of training, but in Li Yi's tactics, he mostly uses running to contain his opponents.

To put it bluntly, Conte’s tactics in Li Yi are similar to B2B, but in terms of personal ability, Conte can’t compare with those top B2B, not to mention that Li Yi requires Conte to focus more on defense, which is why Li Yi asked Conte Reasons for strengthening training in this area.

However, at the moment Conte is standing in front of a real top B2B. As for Guardiola, his defense relies more on judgment and awareness.

Disadvantages, facing Totti and Emerson Cagliari in the middle is indeed at a disadvantage, but there are too many uncertainties in football games, and strength is only part of it, otherwise the Galaxy Battleship would not be so tragic.

And the combination of Totti and Emerson is not perfect. Both of them have a great disadvantage, that is, the speed is slow.

So, by the time the duo slid into Cagliari's heartland, blocked by Conte and Guardiola, Cagliari's defenders had largely retreated.

Fast~~~ Too fast~~~ Although Cagliari launched an active fight, when the players needed to defend, they still pulled back as soon as possible. Cagliari is fast in one aspect, Rome is slow is another aspect.

Or themselves, Totti and Emerson are very confident in themselves and their team. Although Rome fell behind at the opening, this did not change the inner cognition of the Roman players.

They are Roma, one of the strongest teams in Serie A, even in Europe, but what about Cagliari? That's just a newly promoted horse. Even if he performed well in several rounds, it still cannot change the fact that the newly promoted horse is.

Especially when Roma quickly tied the score, the Roma players' perception was stronger.

But now, Cagliari is telling Roma with the facts that they are indeed newly promoted, but they must not be taken lightly by any Serie A team, even if you are the title contenders this season, one of the strongest teams in Europe.

Beautiful~~~ Cagliari's defense is really beautiful~~~ Roma's proud and powerful offensive power can't break through the defensive line created by Cagliari Li Yi is also a head coach from Italy after all .

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