Football Winner

Chapter 125 Let the whole Serie A hear our voice

Fans and friends, welcome to watch the fourth round of the Serie A match between Rome and newly-promoted Cagliari, which will be broadcast live by the National Sports Channel. In the National Sports Channel's studio, the commentary lineup is exactly the same as the first round.

It is the highest standard again, but this lineup has made many fans unable to help but complain, and the games that the National Sports Channel chose to live broadcast also made fans complain.

In the first round, Cagliari faced off against the new Champions League champion, AC Milan, a traditional giant in Serie A, and now in the fourth round, Cagliari faced another traditional giant, only Rome under the three giants .

Although Roma did not perform well in the league last season, one thing cannot be denied. Roma is still a strong team in Serie A and a title contender.

Does the National Sports News have a grudge against Li Yi?

It's no wonder the fans think so. The first game of the live broadcast was against AC Milan. The opponents of the two Cagliari in the middle were not strong, and they all won. Although the game has not yet started, no one thinks Li Yi What threat can Cagliari lead to Roma at the Stadio Olimpico.

Look at what players are in the Roma team, Roma Prince Totti, small plane Montella, talented young Cassano, midfielder Emerson, Tomasi, Dakot, back line Panucci, Mousae Er, Candela, Zebina and Chivu, who almost reached half of Cagliari's team.

Well~~~ National Sports Station must have a grudge against Li Yi, the fans watching the game said with certainty.

Cagliari has been in good form recently, having won two straight after losing the first round fans' thoughts People in the studio don't know.

Does that director think Cagliari has a chance in this game? Duan Xuan asked.

Hehe~~~Is there a chance?~~~Although it's not big, there are still some Zhang Lu's very recognizable voice came.

After three rounds of the league, the cooperation between Cagliari players has become more tacit, and several veteran players have also shown excellent form. Zhang Lu began to analyze the situation in Cagliari.

Domestic fans watched the live broadcast, while in faraway Italy, Cagliari players had warmed up and returned to the locker room.

Guys~~~ Are you nervous? Li Yi said after bringing the players into clean jerseys.

Not nervous Ribery answered Li Yi.

Frank, what do you want me to say next? Li Yi glared at Ribery.

Hahaha~~~ There was a burst of laughter in the locker room.

The whole of Cagliari knows that Ribery is Li Yi's most valued player, and even in the words of the media, Ribery is Li Yi's pro son, although Li Yi is only one year older than Ribery.

Papapa~~ After laughing, Li Yi motioned for everyone to be quiet.

I can tell you, I'm very nervous. Immediately, his eyes narrowed, his face dissatisfied with the joking expression just now.

Seeing Li Yi like this, the goal gradually became serious, and he looked at his head coach.

Because this is our battle of proof, a game we challenge the whole of Serie A.

Cagliari's players were waiting for a pair, looking at their coach in disbelief.

Before the season started, Li Yi talked about relegation. As the so-called up and down effect, over time, the players also felt that the goal of this season was to avoid relegation.

Relegation? That's what I used to confuse outsiders. Now, I tell you, my goal has never been relegation, and I don't even set any goals for myself, because I know that you have unlimited potential, as long as you Know your shortcomings and correct them, as long as you work hard enough, we can challenge any team, we can beat any team.”

As the saying goes, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Following Li Yi's words, the inconceivable expressions on Cagliari's young players' faces slowly disappeared.

It turned into excitement, became frenzy, and became full of fighting spirit.

Roma is a strong team in Serie A, second only to Juventus, AC Milan and Inter Milan. It is our best test stone.

At the same time, in the locker room of the home team at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, Capello was also making his final pre-war deployment.

Don't underestimate this newly-promoted horse, they are definitely much stronger than you think. Capello is known for his rigorous military governance, and no one will shush his opponents.

It is said that Capello during the Roman period is not the 1:0ist in the future. No, it should be said that Capello can switch freely, what lineup the team is, and what tactics he can play.

What does this represent?

This means that Capello is a real tactician, far from being comparable to the master Pei who is still in Valencia.

Capello during the Roman period was known for his attacking and passionate playing style. In Serie A, which is all about defense, Rome can be described as quite an alternative.

Although the attack power is not as good as it was two years ago, Rome's core tactics have not changed. Speaking of which, Rome and Cagliari still have some similarities in tactics.

For example, we focus on wing attack, but this season's Rome's wing attack is not as good as last season. Cafu's departure has a great impact on Rome. Even now, Rome still has such excellent defenders as Panucci and Candela.

Last season's results had a big blow to Capello's prestige in the locker room, so at this moment in the locker room, many players led by Roman Prince Totti did not take Capello's words to heart.

Of course, they are also qualified to ignore Cagliari. They are Roma, they are strong in Serie A, and they are a team determined to compete for the championship, not a newly promoted horse who talks about relegation.

Capello is very clear about the mentality of the players, but he is also helpless, because Roma does not know that the players are like this now, even the chairman is like this.

Roma has not invested in the transfer market in the past two years because the chairman feels that the team is strong enough and does not need to buy other players at all.

This is why the news of Capello's departure from Roma this past summer has so much relevance, because Capello knows that this Roma has not been aggressive after winning the Scudetto.

And Mr. Roma’s performance made Capello even more chilling. Sensi said in an interview that Capello can leave at any time, as long as someone is willing to pay the liquidated damages, and even Sensi has already found a successor.

But in the end, Capello still did not leave. It is not that Capello was reluctant to Roma. The club chose the head coach, and the head coach also chose the club. The reason why Capello did not leave was because he did not have a favorite team.

This was fully proved a year later. When Juventus extended an olive branch to Capello, the Serie A coach did not hesitate to abandon Roma, who was not aggressive.

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