Football Winner

Chapter 101 Exposure

Thank you~~~ Thank you~~~ Thank you On the car to the police station, the little girl's mother's thanks to Li Yi accompanied him all the way.

That~~Did I see you there? Just when he was about to arrive at the police station, he often said suddenly as one of Li Yi's side.

In fact, Li Yi also found that the policeman had been staring at him all the way, but he was a policeman, what could Li Yi do? Although he didn't do anything bad, he was still a little nervous to be stared at by a policeman.

No~ I haven't done anything bad, and I've been abroad most of the time, Li Yi replied.

Excuse me, your name is Bruce Lee the policeman asked suddenly.

Uh~~~ Compared to Bruce Lee, I prefer people to call me Li Yi, Li Yi replied.

Ah~~~ it's really you The policeman was immediately excited.

The policeman's performance instantly attracted the attention of all the people in the car, but fortunately, the car just arrived at the gate of the police station.

Recording a confession is actually a simple matter. What the police asks, what he answers, and what happened just now will be recounted.

Recording a confession didn't waste Li Yi much time. What made Li Yi uncomfortable was the enthusiasm of the police, especially the fans among the police.

In the end, the police station almost turned into Li Yi's autograph meeting. After learning Li Yi's identity, not to mention a few fans, the police who were not fans also came to ask for autographs and group photos.

Uncle~~~ When Li Yi walked out of the police station, the little girl rushed up immediately, with her not only her mother, but also her father.

Little brother~~~ Thank you so much for today. This time it was the little girl's father's turn to thank him.

Brother, please don't thank me any more, the eldest sister has already told me many times along the way, Li Yi hugged the little girl and said.

Jieqiong~~~ Come down quickly, don't be so rude, the little girl's mother said to the little girl.

Jieqiong~~ So your name is Jieqiong Li Yi didn't care about the little girl's name before.

Zhou Jieqiong~~~ Uncle~~ My name is Zhou Jieqiong The little girl emphasized that she knew her name.

Zhou Jieqiong? Why is this name so familiar? Li Yi couldn't help but glance at Xiao Zhou Jieqiong more.

Don't~~~ I want my uncle to hug Zhou Jieqiong couldn't help struggling when she saw that her mother was coming to hug her.

It's okay~~~ In the case of so many people before, Xiao Jieqiong found me to represent our destiny Li Yi said to Jieqiong's mother.

Is little brother free now? If you don't mind, how about we have a meal together? Dad Zhou said.

Then you are not allowed to say thank you to me after this meal. Li Yi looked at the Zhou couple.

Hahaha~~~ Okay Dad Zhou couldn't help laughing.

Now that they have eaten, Li Yi naturally wants to take them back to his uncle's house. After all, Li Yi is very confident in his uncle's craftsmanship. Besides, it took him so long to go back.

Along the way, Li Yi chatted a lot with Zhou's father. It turned out that Zhou's father was a native of Zhejiang, but he was working in Shanghai. This time he came to Hengdian for tourism.

Today's father Zhou made an appointment to meet some old friends, and mother Zhou took Zhou Jieqiong out to play. As a result, mother Zhou didn't know if she ate something unclean.

The next thing is easy to explain. Xiao Zhou Jieqiong was abducted from the public toilet by the trafficker who was hiding in the crowd with a few lollipops. The middle-aged woman assisted him to take him away, but he did not expect Li Yi in the middle. misfortune.

Speaking of which, Li Yi was also considered to be helping the people this time. Not only did he crack a single child abduction button, but he directly arrested the entire gang. Thinking of this, Li Yi didn't know how many innocent children he had saved.

Brother~~~ You're finally back. The first time Li Yi walked into the restaurant, Liu Yao walked over with a look of resentment.

In Liu Yao's heart, it must be Li Yi who went out to play without her. In just a few days, their brother-sister relationship quickly warmed up.

Don't make trouble~~~ I'm not going out to play, I brought guests over without seeing me, Li Yi said.

So cute little sister Liu Yao naturally also saw the little girl Li Yi was holding.

As the saying goes, fat and water don't flow to outsiders, this is my uncle's restaurant, and my uncle's cooking skills are quite good, the restaurant is also considered a little famous in this generation, Li Yi turned his head and said to the Zhou couple.

Then thank Xiaoyi for bringing us to such a good place, said Dad Zhou.

This meal was used by the Zhou couple to thank Li Yi, so Li Yi was rude. Besides, after a long time in Europe, it is inevitable that he will bring a little habit.

But just when Li Yi finished ordering the dishes, an unexpected guest came outside.

Hello, Mr. Li Yi, I'm Hu Guangsheng, a reporter from Zhejiang Daily. The uninvited guest came directly to Li Yi and said with his press card.

Hello~~~ Li Yi stretched out his hand.

I don't know if Mr. Li has time, but I want to give you an interview, Hu Guangsheng asked.

Sorry~~~ Now I'm about to finish my meal, and I don't have time Li Yi refused.

What about after dinner? Hu Guangsheng was obviously not willing to give up just like that.

At this time, several reporters came in from outside the restaurant, and picked up the camera to take a swipe at Li Yi, and this phenomenon immediately attracted everyone's attention, although it was still a little early before dinner time. , but there are already many people sitting in the restaurant.

What's the matter? This situation also alarmed Liu Dalu, who was in the back kitchen.

What do you want to do~~~ What are you doing around my nephew? Wherever Liu Dalu went, reporters could only retreat. The kitchen knife in Liu Dalu's hand was too deterrent.

This gentleman, you must be misunderstood, we are not bad people, we are reporters. Hu Guangsheng took out his press card to Liu Dalu again and continued, We just want to interview your nephew.

Interviewing my nephew? Liu Dalu was obviously fooled by these reporters.

Could it be that Mr. Chef doesn't know what his nephew is doing? The reporter was so shrewd that he immediately learned from Liu Dalu's expression that something was wrong.

Of course I know what my nephew does. Liu Dalu's words made the reporter a little confused again.

If you want to interview me, please wait a day or two, and I will arrange a time. If you continue to disrupt the normal operation of the restaurant here, then I can tell you that you will never be able to interview me in the future. Li Yi Bad tone.

That's okay~~~ I won't bother Mr. Li Yi, this is my business card Hu Guangsheng knew Li Yi before he came here, and he knew Li Yi from someone who really knew Li Yi.

Liu Xiaoyi and Hu Guangsheng were classmates with the Italian reporter of Sports Weekly, so Hu Guangsheng knew that the young man in front of him was really a ruthless man.

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