Coach Bianchi was cursing on the sidelines, but when he saw Petrov scored a goal directly from a free kick, he also danced and celebrated!

Zaragoza changed its formation first, with right winger Cani replacing front midfielder Javier Oscar. Li Ming saw that the opponent's attack line was almost in a parallel position pressing towards his goal. Everton and Diego Milito were in a more central position. Li Ming thought, they were two goals behind, should they use four forwards to fight?

Sure enough, the Zaragoza team changed its formation to 4-2-4, wanting to fight again in the last twenty minutes!

Lopez and Velasco, who were already poorly trained, were exhausted again in a trance. Lucin could only return to the penalty area to keep an eye on Everton. Savio dribbled past Velasco again, and with a cross, Diego Milito shook off Perea and jumped to the top! This momentum and strength are like a rainbow piercing the sun!

But in the eyes of Li Ming, who had a full-level reaction, this was not too fast. He immediately turned over and punched the ball out with his fist! Pablo followed and was about to kick the ball away, but he didn't want to use his strength correctly, so he kicked it, and the ball hit Lucin, who also came back to defend, on the head!

Lucin felt a black screen in front of his eyes, shook twice to prepare for another fight, and found that Everton, who was defending him, had rushed out from behind, grabbed the landing point, and exploded on the spot.

Fortunately, the ball was not high, and Li Ming was too lazy to fall to the ground to save the ball. He met Everton's shot and kicked it directly! Who knew that Li Ming's footwork was really average, and the football was not kicked away, but drew a strange arc in the air and still fell into the penalty area!

Diego Milito came around and shot again without waiting for the ball to land! Li Ming thought, I don't believe it, can't I just kick the ball out with a random kick? I can't let Lopez kick the ball for me every time. So he kicked it back again, but he used the force to hit the ball, and didn't kick it high or far, but directly hit Diego Milito's face!

Milito was hit in the face and fell in the penalty area, but the ball rolled to Savio's feet. At this time, Savio was still hanging with Velasco, which stuck to Savio like a dog skin plaster, but couldn't stop Savio from shooting again!

But under the interference, the speed of this shot was not very fast. In Li Ming's eyes, it was just like a slow roll. He bent down and picked up the ball!

The audience exclaimed, what kind of goalkeeper is this? Although the ball needs to be improved, he is able to keep the goal!

The TV commentator even shouted: "Oh my God! No matter how Zaragoza shoots, they can never break through Atletico's goal. Let's remember this young Atletico youth training goalkeeper. What's his name..." "Sorry, it's No. 25 Li Ming! Dutch nationality!"

In the 35th minute of the second half, Atletico also started to make substitutions. Galletti was replaced by Francisco Molinero, a young right back from Atletico's youth training. Kezman, who had been doing nothing throughout the game, was replaced by Argentine midfielder Ibagaza. Lucin's position on the field was also further back. At this time, Atletico's lineup almost became a 631 iron bucket formation, with Torres standing alone at the front.

In other words, relying on Li Ming's high-level defense and the addition of the number of Atletico's back line, Zaragoza no longer had the strength to attack. Everyone on the Zaragoza team was almost confused, thinking that the goalkeeper was really lucky today!

Atletico Madrid was in a dominant position and Ibagaza, who came on as a substitute, was furious. He thought that he had been in La Liga for almost six or seven years, but now he could only play as a substitute. If I didn't show off my skills, you coaches really thought I was a rookie!

Ibagaza took the ball, made a Marseille turn, and squeezed through the two defensive midfielders of Zaragoza. He made a precise pass and found Petrov. It is definitely controversial to say how strong Ibagaza's skills are, but he is short and has a stable chassis. It is naturally his specialty to find a gap in the opponent's defense line and poke his foot.

Petrov accelerated all the way from the left to the Zaragoza penalty area, attracting Milito and others to mark him. The rest of the people were staring at Torres, but Maxi was left empty.

Petrov slightly adjusted his pace and sent a cross-kick with the outside of his foot. Torres was sensitive and missed the ball. The ball fell to Maxi's feet. The latter pushed the ball and the football went into the lower right corner of the goal smoothly!

Petrov returned the favor by taking the free kick, and the Atletico players gathered together to celebrate again! As for Petrov's unwillingness to return to defense in the first half, everyone forgot about it.

3-0! Atletico Madrid leads at home! Atletico Madrid played defensively throughout the game, but the final score was easily controlled.

The ultimate low-key is to reap a gorgeous surprise. Torres even excitedly imagined that the team had hope of advancing this season.Champions League!

With less than ten minutes left, both sides have used up all their substitutions, and Gabi from Atletico Madrid also came up to feel the atmosphere of the top league. Zaragoza's offense was no longer able to improve, and with two short and one long whistles from the referee, the game was over!

The stadium DJ also played "Atletico Madrid Anthem" at the Calderon Stadium. The majestic music was accompanied by the singing of tens of thousands of fans, as if the whole Madrid was shaking with excitement!

Li Ming stood in front of the goal, the night wind blew across his face again, he put his hands on his hips, as if he was the owner of Calderon! At least the owner of the goal!

At this time, the system voice in my mind sounded: Congratulations on completing the first league! Today, the opponent's attack group rating is B (classic and practical), but the main offensive player rating is A (dominant), your performance rating is "suppress the opponent", and you can get 3 skill points in this game. Goodbye!

Li Ming thought he could beat the opponent today, but why is he still suppressing? No matter what, of the three skill points, I will use two to fill up the one-on-one, and add one point to the decisiveness.

This is the panel in front of me: Reaction 20 (full), One-on-one 20 (full), Decisiveness 8 (7+1), and the other values ​​are still 7. Li Ming thought to himself that he must play more games to make himself strong enough to not be afraid of any La Liga giants!

At this time, Torres ran over, put his arm around Li Ming's shoulder, and said with a smile: "What are you doing standing here stupidly? Go to the line to thank the audience!"

Li Ming was still not satisfied: "If I have the opportunity to find more excellent forwards like you to practice, maybe my goalkeeping skills can be improved."

Torres was stunned: "If you want to find more good shooters, wait for my call the day after tomorrow morning!" After that, Torres winked at Li Ming.

Li Ming nodded repeatedly, looking forward to it.

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