In the end, Alaba could only get up and force the goal, and the football hit Hummels’ left leg and flew out of the line.

Bayern corners.

Seeing the scene, Douglas was temporarily relieved.

Bayern’s corner kicks didn’t achieve much after that.

Polite. Bender hit a big foot in the scramble to the midfielder, and Kuba quickly took the pass nearby.

Seeing this, Ye Feng also excitedly stepped forward, turned his head and ran towards the top of the opponent’s arc.

But before he ran two steps, Ye Feng saw Gray standing outside the big forbidden area with a calm and playful expression.

Ye Feng looked back.

Wipe! The ball is broken.

“Ram is really a veteran, knowing that he is not tall enough, he does not fight for corners, but instead prepares to fight for the big feet that may be opened at the back of Dortmund, which is not allowed to be snatched.”

Duan Xuan looked at Kuba, who was caught between Bayern and the two, and stood in place after losing the ball, making a brief analysis.

After the loss, Kuba was stunned in place, but also quite helpless, the other party used his side of the midfielder to move near the big penalty area, in the numerical advantage, and Ram is good at the ground fight, Kuba lost this goal is also reasonable.

Lahm, who regained the ball, did not hesitate to dribble the ball again and launch a new round of attack, and the Bayern attacking system was fully operational.

A number of hard-hitting midfielders and frontcourt players ran tirelessly and quickly.

The whole Bayern is like an anti-aircraft gun, constantly firing at Borussia Dortmund’s goal.

The entire Dortmon goalkeeper, defender back, midfielder, all breathless.

When they felt that the gunfire had stopped and finally raised their heads from the trenches, the other party actually methodically reloaded a shell and smashed it fiercely.

Zhang Lu looked at a very dangerous shot that Dortmund saved dangerously and said: “With Ram as a midfielder, the entire Bayern attacking system is indeed different, just like a martial arts master who uses a big knife as a weapon, after swinging one knife after another, he can constantly strike at the opponent by inertia, so it depends on how long Dortmund’s side can block.” ”

Duan Xuan said: “Bayern’s continuous and efficient operation of their own offensive system, although it will bring great pressure to Dortmund, but at the same time their own physical strength is also being consumed a lot, is such a reckless style of play really what Bayern wants, and don’t forget that Ye Feng and Kuba have been in the midfield, for nearly fifteen minutes, they are estimated to have recovered their physical strength at this time.” ”

At this time, Ye Feng, who was standing in the midfield, was also a little helpless, and in the first fifteen minutes of the second half, Bayern wanted to press his side of the defense like a mad dog, although sometimes Spen and others can also open their feet to pass the ball, but not long after receiving the ball, many were cut off by the Ram who returned to the defense in advance, that is, after Ye Feng ran a distance with the ball, Gray made up for it.

Gray is medium to high, not much different from Ye Feng, although the opponent’s speed is average but strong awareness, Ye Feng has changed direction with the ball several times, or the fake action was recognized by him in advance, and finally even if Ye Feng forced the gate, he was either saved by Bute, or flew out directly from the goal.

This made Ye Feng very helpless.

Of course, Gray is not without shortcomings, that is, his age, when he is older, his physical strength is not easy to keep up.

However, Ye Feng did not have a few good opportunities in the second half, and he either watched Ram with the ball in the opposing midfielder to continuously organize attacks, or accompanied the two of Gray to stare wide-eyed.

“I didn’t expect that Bayern sent veteran Gray to actually be able to prevent Ye Feng, and now the two of them are really idle standing in the midfield, if there are conditions, it is estimated that they can still put a table and drink tea slowly.”

Tao Wei saw that Ye Fengkong had an offensive method, but he couldn’t use it, and he could only cross his waist, and his heart was also a lot happier.

“There is no hurry, Bayern is not made of iron, such a high-intensity attack, at most five more minutes, by that time Dortmund should blow the horn of counter-attack.”

Duan Xuan calmly analyzed that on a data sheet in his hand, there was a simple number comparison.

7 to 3

In the space of 15 minutes, Bayern launched seven attacks against Borussia Dortmund, while Dortmund only made three, including one when Kuba was broken.

In other words, Ye Feng has only run with the ball twice in the second half in the past one-third of the time.

On the sidelines, Youergen said to Douglas: “You can’t go like this, Robben, Ribery, they obviously have some physical strength, but our guard line is about to break his legs.” ”

Douglas was also a little helpless when he saw this, who let Bayern dare to run so much, at this time Schmelzer and Piszczek were indeed unable to run.

Especially Piszcek, he felt like his two thighs were filled with lead, and every time he lifted and fell, he would feel pain, and every time he breathed, he would make a heavy breathing sound, which made him very sad.

Especially on one occasion when he had the ball and rushed towards his defensive area.

Piszczek took a deep breath and tried to make himself comfortable, but for a moment he was so black and light-headed that he almost fell backwards, causing him to shake his head in fright.

Just stunned, Ribery had already run over half of his body.

“Wang Defa!”

Piszczek hurriedly caught up.

Douglas also noticed this.

So when switching between attack and defense, he replaced Piszzek and Schmelzer, and let Humme and Subotic top.

Piszczek came to Yuergen and said dejectedly: “Coach, I…”

Yuergen patted Piszczek’s shoulder and said: “Well, there is no need to say too much, I know how long you can hold out, than nervous, now is not the time to fight for your life.” ”

Piszczek nodded, and he staggered back to his seat, and as soon as he sat down, he felt like he didn’t want to get up again.

At this time in the studio, Zhang Lu said: “At present, although Bayern’s score is still behind, the enthusiasm of the audience is very high, because it is Bayern’s home stadium, we can feel that no less than 50,000 Bayern fans are frantically cheering for their team, as if this can make the Bayern team members recover some physical strength.” ”

Duan Xuan also said worriedly: “Yes, Bayern’s amazing strength in adversity really makes us admire, it is worthy of being a strong team with a century-old history, the current score is still 3-1, and on the substitution list, Bayern has two substitution places, Dortmund is one, but Dortmund’s bench lineup is not comparable to Bayern, which is also likely to become a variable.” ”

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