Football Kung Fu Player

【59】Only Wang Xing! 【1 More】

Wang Xing paused for a moment, observing the goalkeeper's position, waiting for an opportunity.

And just at the oblique corner, Zheng Zhi rushed out, trying to stop Wang Xing.

"At this point, what exactly is Wang Xing going to do with the ball?"

Facing Zheng Zhi's sudden rush out, the female reporter was silently paying attention at this time, and pointed out the most critical issue to the point.

After regaining control of the ball this time, what kind of action will Wang Xing make? Should he distance himself from Zheng Zhilai again, or make a more dangerous goal in the penalty area.

Hao Haidong and Shao Jiayi of the national football team originally thought about waiting for Wang Xing to catch the ball, and then rushing out to block it, but facing Wang Xing's speed, this idea was silently shattered.

Zheng Zhi's timing at this time is undoubtedly what he thinks is the most appropriate, so he rushed out, but he just took two steps, and saw Wang Xing's sprinting speed...

Like a real bolt of lightning, the speed increased explosively, making it impossible for me to stop it.

So he retreated in his heart, he flinched, his instinct told himself that it was impossible for him to grab Wang Xing's ball, and at this moment, he no longer dared to fight against Wang Xing.

Anyway, Wang Xing will always come over, I'd better help my goalkeeper first and keep the goal.

The football kept sprinting on the lawn, setting off an invisible strong wind, slowly increasing its speed, Wang Xing was also running and sprinting, squandering his own strength

At this time, football has reached the frontier of the national football team's penalty area.

Qu Bo kicked the ball quite far, as if he was afraid that Wang Xing would not be able to catch his own ball. In order to avoid the prestige of the national football team, Qu Bo's kick used his own breastfeeding strength, abruptly. Make it close to half of the penalty area of ​​the national football team.

As for Hao Haidong and Shao Jiayi of the national football team, although Shao Jiayi was also acting as a striker, he gave up halfway through the run. He couldn't keep up with Wang Xing's speed at all. , have far surpassed him.

Only Hao Haidong was left to catch up with unremitting efforts. But they can't catch up at all, their running is doomed to be futile.

At this time, Wang Xing slowed down a little, the football was wrapped around Wang Xing's feet, Zheng Zhi stared at Wang Xing, and judged how Wang Xing would shoot.

Wang Xing was also extremely calm, for that short moment, Wang Xing didn't run, didn't make any unnecessary movements, just quietly spotted the opponent's exposed flaws, and won with one blow!

He raised his head and saw that the goalkeeper of the national football team was attacking, but he didn't charge directly, but attacked halfway, and then chose to block the angle.

Zheng Zhi also cooperated, and the two formed horns, one on the left and one on the right, and almost completely blocked the goal.

What should Tian Xing do if the goalkeeper blocks the near corner?

All eyes are on Wang Xing, looking forward to Wang Xing's next performance.

Wang Xing's gaze fell to the far end of the goal. The goalkeeper and Zheng Zhi blocked the goal from left to right. However, there was still a lot of space in the end, and there was their loophole.

Next is the shot....

Wang Xing lowered his head, looked at the football rolling under his feet, stabilized his figure, stepped on the left side of the football with his left foot, the football stopped abruptly, and fell into complete silence. He weighed his left foot, and then swung his right leg, like a big windmill, with whistling wind. Then the instep hit the middle and upper part of the football hard!


Grass clippings and mud clods in the gaps between the spikes were blown away and scattered in all directions.

The soccer ball sprinted forward against the turf, running at a high speed, as if it was on fire due to friction!

The goalkeeper of the national football team was already extremely frightened at this time. He had noticed Wang Xing's shot from the very beginning. shells.

So fast!

This idea came up when the goalkeeper communicated with Zheng Zhi, Zheng Zhi jumped up and tried to block the ball with his body, however, a white shadow flashed by the corner of his eyes, the football brushed his body, and went straight to the goal. The moment he landed, he also saw the goalkeeper with an annoyed face—he was lying in the air just like himself.

But even if Wang Xing slowed down the strength of the Vigorous King Kong legs a lot, the speed of the football is also not what he, who has already hesitated, can guard.


The goalkeeper fell to the ground, and when his fingers almost touched the football, the football rushed away from his fingertips, and continued to roll over without slowing down!

And all he could do was lie on the ground, look back and watch the football roll farther and farther, finally hit the inside of the far post, and then bounced into the goal with a thump...

"Long shot, the goal is in!"

The female reporter shouted excitedly again.

"It's...unbelievable! Unbelievable! Wang Xing scored another goal! In such a fierce duel, Wang Xing won another point for the Olympic team with his undisputed strength!"

Even the audience on both sides were overwhelmed by Wang Xing's strength at this moment, and it was rare for them to use such exaggerated words to describe Wang Xing!

"This is impossible!"

Ali Han, who was covering his head, was stunned. When Wang Xing shot the football into the goal, he blurted out this exclamation.

The goal Wang Xing scored just now...he is so familiar!

Isn't this the big-foot goal that the national football team launched a fast-break blitz just now?

This guy Wang Xing actually copied it again?!


At the same time, Shen Xiangfu, who was on the coach's bench, was only half calmer than Ali Han. Even he could not have imagined that Wang Xing's attack this time would be so outstanding. deal with others in the same way.

The big shot just now was Li Tie's fast break shot just now.

Wang Xing, however, repeated it with an eye for an eye.

Besides, the angle of the shot is simply too scary, accurately (Zhao) judged the reaction of Zheng Zhihe and the goalkeeper, and shot the ball into the goal with the most tricky angle, this shit, but he has not undergone any training.

Is it self-taught?

Outside the arena, countless fans of Wang Xing screamed again, there is nothing more powerful stimulant than their idol scoring a goal.

At the other end, Qu Bo continued to maintain his previous posture, instead of jumping up, he ran towards Wang Xing with a smile on his face.

The smile on his face grew brighter.

He wants to give Wang Xing a huge hug!

The female reporter shouted excitedly, raised her arms and shouted! She raised her head high, as if she was the one enjoying the fan worship and shouting at this moment.

Two great performances in a row!

Only do!

3:1, the Olympic team led by two points again, Wang Xing used the same move, and counterattacked a goal beautifully!.

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