The game was a big success.

After the game, the media did not choose Abraham, who scored a hat trick, in the selection of the best player, but awarded the best player award to Xia Yuan.

The reason is simple. Almost all of Aston Villa's four goals in this game were related to Xia Yuan.

Directly assisted two goals and indirectly assisted two goals!


Xia Yuan also had an outstanding performance on the defensive end.

Continuously disrupted the opponent's attack many times.

In the interview session after the game, Aston Villa coach Dean Smith continued to praise Xia Yuan!

"Coach Dean, please comment on the performance of 17-year-old player Xia Yuan, who was selected as the best player after the game."

A reporter from the Birmingham Sports Daily asked Dean Smith.

"Of course!"

When Dean Smith talked about Xia Yuan, a smile instantly appeared on his face.

"To be honest, I didn't expect him to have such an outstanding performance. This is really surprising!"

"He is a very versatile player. He can play as a defensive midfielder or a front midfielder, and he performs very well in every position!"

"He is the most talented young player I have ever seen. Xia Yuan is the biggest treasure of the Aston Villa team!"

After the game, many English sports media began to pay attention to Xia Yuan.

"Sky Sports" even opened a column for Xia Yuan.

Sky Sports: "Xia Yuan, a 17-year-old Aston Villa midfielder, helped the team win a difficult game with two excellent passes! This Chinese teenager from Norway has made four assists in the Championship! And he has only played twice in the Championship, one of which was as a substitute."

"Although he is only 17 years old, Xia Yuan's performance in the game is quite sophisticated and calm. Not only can he assist Aston Villa's striker on the offensive end, but he also showed his excellent physical fitness and good confrontation ability on the defensive end."

"Perhaps, it won't be long before this 17-year-old boy will join a top team."

Sky Sports is still quite well-known in England.

When this column report was issued, more fans began to pay attention to Xia Yuan.

At the same time.

There are also many scouts who began to pay attention to Xia Yuan.

Among them is Chelsea's scout Vidiel.

Vidiel's job is to observe the competitive state of Chelsea's outbound loan players.

When Vidiel was sorting out the league data of Aston Villa striker Abraham, he accidentally discovered Xia Yuan's name. When he saw that Xia Yuan had given Abraham two assists in two consecutive games, Xia Yuan immediately attracted his attention.

Then Vidiel began to investigate Xia Yuan's information.

When he learned that Xia Yuan was only 17 years old, he could not contain his excitement and immediately turned out Xia Yuan's game video to watch. Soon, the Chelsea scout was impressed by Xia Yuan's skills.

He immediately sent Xia Yuan's technical report to the mailbox of the first-team coach Sarri.

In addition to the attention of scouts and the media to Xia Yuan.

Jonathan Barnetta, a well-known English agent, also attaches great importance to Xia Yuan.

Aston Villa's core, Xia Yuan's friend Grealish is the player signed by Jonathan Barnetta.

During the chat with Grealish, Jonathan, Barnetta learned that a talented star appeared in Aston Villa.

At the age of 17, he became a first-team player for Aston Villa and assisted in scoring twice in his debut.

This undoubtedly aroused Jonathan Barnetta's strong interest.

So, the famous English agent prepared to watch Xia Yuan's next game in person.

In Norway, there are also a lot of sports media reports.

"Norwegian Sports Daily": "Norwegian 17-year-old genius midfielder assisted in scoring twice in the English Championship! Helped Aston Villa beat its rival Sheffield United!"

"Norwegian World": "Chinese-Norwegian players emerged! 17-year-old Xia Yuan will be the future of Norwegian football with 19-year-old Erling Haaland!"


Distant Xia Country.

Xia Yuan's name even appeared at the top of the hot search list on the social platform.

After this game, more Xia people began to know Xia Yuan.

In the player's apartment.

Xia Yuan does not care about the evaluation of the outside world.

, he was thinking about adding points.

After completing the task issued by the system, Xia Yuan successfully obtained 5 free attributes.

After he opened his personal attributes and thought about it carefully, he decided to directly increase the long pass from 99 to 100!

The maximum attribute of a general player is 99, but Xia Yuan can reach 100 at most.

Although 99 and 100 are only 1 point apart, they are completely different concepts.

[Ding! Long pass 99-100! ]

[Remaining available attribute points 4! ]

After that.

Xia Yuan added another 4 points to the confrontation attribute. The reason for choosing to add to the confrontation attribute is that Xia Yuan wants to become stronger.

Although the confrontation ability of 82 is enough in the English Championship, it is only enough!

It cannot reach the level of excellence.

In order to make his body stronger, Xia Yuan directly added 4 points of attributes to [Confrontation].

[Ding! Confrontation 82-86! 】

[Remaining available attribute points: 0]

After adding all the points, Xia Yuan's current personal attributes are as follows:

Host: Xia Yuan

Age: 17 years old

Height: 183cm (growing)

Weight: 75kg

Position: Midfielder

[Physical attributes]

Speed: 72

Confrontation: 86

Bounce: 71

Health: 70

Physical fitness: 79

[Technical attributes]

Long pass: 100

Short pass: 69

Through pass: 68

Arc: 67

Shooting in the penalty area: 68

Long shot: 69

Set ball: 69

Heading: 69

Penalty: 68

Stop: 67

Stop: 67

Vision: 84

Breakthrough: 67

Interception: 65

Steal: 74

Tackle: 65

Defense: 67

Total score: 75

Level: C!

Star Skill Cards: Pirlo Peak Long Pass Card (Peak), Xabi Alonso Vision Card (Platinum), Schweinsteiger Confrontation Card (Platinum).

The total score successfully reached 75.

However, Xia Yuan also knew that it would be difficult for him to join a top team at his current level. He must obtain more attribute points and skill cards.

The next day.

Aston Villa training ground.

Xia Yuan came to the stadium for training before seven o'clock.

In the next game, Aston Villa will go to play against Reading away.

Reading is a mid-level team in the Championship, currently ranked 12th in the Championship.

Although this team is not as high as Aston Villa in the rankings, Reading's away games are not easy to play.

In the last five home games, Reading remained unbeaten.

A true home dragon!

It is worth mentioning that the match between Aston Villa and Reading happened to be on the day of the Spring Festival in Xiaguo.

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