‘What’s behind him?’ ‘Although Ai Hayasaka also belongs to the mysterious side, because she is a close attendant of Kaguya Shinomiya, she has not left Kaguya’s side for a long time, which often leads to her knowledge is not particularly rich, and she cannot directly judge what the ability of Gin Sake is. 】

[“I can’t see the substitute, but I can feel the attack of the substitute, you have great potential, do you want to work for me.” “Gin Shu loves Hayasaka with a love for talent, thinking that the people in his organization are either rookies or traitors, otherwise he doesn’t need to personally take action this time. 】

“Stand-in? What is that? Ai Hayasaka still wanted to put some words out of Ginjiu’s mouth, but Ginshu didn’t answer her. However, the video still explains to the audience what a stand-in is. 】

[A substitute is an image with great power generated by the life energy and spiritual energy in the body, and because this image always appears next to the human body, it is named a substitute. Each substitute will have its own special ability, and at the same time, in addition to the substitute messenger, only people with strong spiritual ability to a certain extent can clearly see the appearance of the substitute. 】

‘Does that gin actually have such ability?’ Shuichi Akai looked at the introduction on the video and thought, not to mention that the fact that the other avatar can’t be seen is already very deadly, which means that as long as you get close to Gin Jiu, you may not be able to notice that he controls the avatar to attack you.

Shuichi Akai originally knew that Gin was very tricky, but it was not impossible to defeat him, and now it seems that the possibility of defeating Gin is even smaller than he expected.

“It’s just an invisible bodyguard, what is there to show off.” Ai Hayasaka also knew that the substitute was not as simple as she said, and judging from the wind pressure felt on her face just now, the strength of the substitute fist of Gin Jiu had to be at least measured in tons. Ai Hayasaka is obviously a crispy assassin character, and if she eats a punch from a gin stand-in, she may not even be able to save her life. 】

[But again, this is the same for ginjiu, the body of the substitute messenger is also normal (except for selling fish strong), as long as Ai Hayasaka can seize the opportunity to use kunai to give ginjiu to do so, she can also take the gin wine in an instant to end the battle. ] 】

[‘That said, it’s a battle of speed, which happens to be my strong point, and there’s no reason to lose to this guy at all. Ai Hayasaka held Kunoichi back, very confident in this battle. 】

【”Hmph~ I have the time-space ninjutsu in my hand, but your insight is so short-sighted. Gin Jiu snorted coldly, in the end it was just a maid, and the insight could only depend on her master. Gin decided to show Ai Hayasaka where his stand-in was truly terrifying. 】

“If you want to prove your ability, you might as well take a step forward.” Gin decided to play with Ai Hayasaka first, because his stand-in is invincible and there is no need to worry that Ai Hayasaka will defeat him. 】

“What do you say? “Hayasaka loves to see this cold-blooded killer become happy so suddenly, since he still wants to play a game with her? Ai Hayasaka is always ready to use the Flying Thunder God, and the sudden change of attitude of Gin makes her a little uneasy. 】

“Since you are not afraid of my substitute at all, then you should take a step forward to prove your courage.” This small step is enough. “Gin continues to induce Ai Hayasaka. 】

“What a joke, of course…” Ai Hayasaka’s body was making a move forward, but Ai Hayasaka suddenly found that the distance between him and Gin had not been reduced by this step, or even farther. 】

‘I stepped back? Ai Hayasaka looked at the distance between herself and Gin in shock, she was definitely walking forward just now, but why did she step back. Is it because of the ability to substitute for ginjiu? But he obviously stood in place and did not move. Could it really be that I was scared, and my body was retreating uncontrollably! 】

“See, although you have been refusing to admit it, you have clearly felt the gap between us in your body. Uncontrollably retreated. Gin was so pleased with Hayasaka’s wavering appearance that he decided to add another fire, “If you want to prove yourself, come close to me and try it.” “】

[“Blocking the name of the Shinomiya family, I will definitely not lose…” Ai Hayasaka walked forward and returned to her original position, but just as she was about to take another step forward, Ai Hayasaka actually stepped back again. 】

【”Huh~” Gin Jiu doesn’t need to talk more, it’s just a simple sneer that has made the meaning very clear. 】

“‘You can’t panic, although I don’t know what he did, but it is obvious that this is caused by that substitute ability. It’s an area I’ve never touched on before, and I can’t be limited by the inherent thinking and the ability to boldly guess the other person. The distance has changed, can his ability also affect the space? Manipulating the distance between us? ‘Ai Hayasaka also knew that she had won the agitation of ginshu, and first felt angry at the fact that Gin Shu ‘shot at Shinomiya Kaguya’, and then was angered by his taunts, so he had to calm down and think first. 】

【”Roar~ You can actually calm down so quickly, you are very good.” The last silver broom head was deadlocked with me for a long time and refused to give up. Gin smiled evilly. 】

“What is that person’s abilities?”

“It wouldn’t really be about controlling the distance, would it? But this is not invincible, right? ”

“Yes, that Hayasaka’s ability is spatial movement, isn’t it the ability to restrain ginjiu?”

“Hayasaka!” Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Ai Hayasaka in the video very worriedly, and held Ai Hayasaka’s hand tightly beside her, she was very worried that Ai Hayasaka would encounter mysterious danger in the future.

“Don’t worry, Miss Kaguya. I will not leave you. “Ai Hayasaka is also gently stroking Kaguya Shinomiya’s hair, not Ai Hayasaka has no bar to tell Kaguya the truth, if she really encounters an enemy that will threaten Kaguya Shinomiya like in the video, Ai Hayasaka will definitely do everything to clear the way for her like she in the video.

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