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Erina Nakiri couldn't help but be moved by Ye Nan's confidence. Ye Nan was really too confident.

"Humph, don't be so stubborn now, I want to see how long you can keep being stubborn."Erina Nakiri couldn't help but curl her lips.

Ye Nan smiled:"Anyway, you will understand, I also know the strength of Kurokiba Ryo, it is indeed very good, but I am confident that I can defeat him."

"Really?" Nakiri Erina was suspicious, because she really didn't understand where Ye Nan got such confidence from?

Originally, Nakiri Erina didn't care much about Kurokiba Ryo, but because of the food battle between Kurokiba Ryo and Ye Nan, Miss Erina specially asked her secretary Hisako to carefully find out about Kurokiba Ryo's strength. The facts she got surprised Nakiri Erina, because she found that Kurokiba Ryo's strength was not inferior to her cousin Alice!

So Nakiri Erina came to remind Ye Nan on purpose.

But seeing that Ye Nan was so confident, Erina didn't say much.

""Erina, where are we going to have the Shokugeki?" Ye Nan couldn't help but ask.

Ye Nan didn't know the exact location of the Shokugeki.

Hearing Ye Nan's question, Erina said,"Come with me, it's in the special kitchen on the third floor of the hotel."

"Oh?"Ye Nan had heard of it before. On the third floor of the resort's hotel, there was indeed a special kitchen that was used to entertain VIPs. It was said that the ingredients inside were all available, and it was the best kitchen in the resort.

Following Erina to the third floor, at the same time, Megumi Tadokoro, Rou Mei and others followed. These girls were also worried about Ye Nan, and all came to cheer for him.

Seeing Megumi Tadokoro, Rou Mei and others following, Erina couldn't help but shake her head slightly and snorted. She seemed very dissatisfied with Ye Nan, and she felt a little jealous.

Erina walked in front and opened the There was a noise at the door of the cooking room on the third floor, and several people were seen standing in the cooking room.

Needless to say, Alice and Kurokiba Ryo were supposed to be there. At this moment, Kurokiba Ryo was staring at Ye Nan like a wild beast, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and his gaze at Ye Nan was full of aggression and desire to win.

Ye Nan shrugged, and he didn't face Kurokiba directly at all.

Alice stood aside, looking a little embarrassed. Unable to persuade Ye Nan and Kurokiba Ryo, Alice could only watch from the side.

The most eye-catching thing was the judges this time..

This time, the food battle needs to be witnessed by judges.

The first judge was a muscular guy wearing a brown suit, who looked at Ye Nan and Kurokiba Ryo with interest. He was the resort's chief chef and one of the most powerful graduates - Gin Dojima! It was rare that Gin Dojima came to watch the competition between Ye Nan and Kurokiba Ryo.

Not only Gin Dojima, but there were two other heavyweights.

Kojiro Shinomiya.

Pink hair, wearing a pair of glasses, wearing a white chef's uniform and a red scarf, it was Kojiro Shinomiya.

This big guy The famous chef Shinomiya is also a judge this time.

Ye Nan's heart moved, he didn't expect that he was so important.

Whether it was Dojima Gin or Shinomiya Kojiro, these two were the former chiefs of the Ten Greatest Chefs of Totsuki, and their current status in the global culinary world is quite amazing, and they are among the top chefs in this world.

The other one is the short-haired Fuyumi Mizuhara, this Fuyumi Mizuhara was also one of the Ten Greatest Chefs of Totsuki, but she was ranked second among the Ten Greatest Chefs of Totsuki, just below Shinomiya Kojiro.

It can be said that this time the lineup is absolutely super luxurious.

It can be called top.

"I didn't expect that there would be three of them acting as judges." Ye Nan smiled, with a faint smile on his face.

"I just want to taste your cooking again, Ye Nan, but your opponent is also very strong this time, I will not cheat for personal gain. You better be careful." Dojima Gin said lightly.

Hearing what Dojima Gin said, Shinomiya Kojiro also pushed his glasses and whispered:"I just want to see what the cooking that Dojima Gin has always praised is like."

"I am the same, I am looking forward to it."Mizuhara Fuyumi also said.

The three judges all looked at Ye Nan. It seemed that Ye Nan's guess was a little wrong. These three people were not someone that Erina Nakiri or Alice Nakiri could invite. Most of them were even here for Ye Nan.

Ye Nan shrugged and said nothing more.

"Well, if both sides have no objection to this food battle, let's start!" Erina Nakiri stepped forward, stood on the stage, and said lightly:"If Ye Nan wins, then Kurokiba Ryo will leave Totsuki Academy. If Kurokiba Ryo wins, then Ye Nan will hand over the entire set of knives on his body, and they will belong to Kurokiba Ryo."

"No problem."Ye Nan glanced at Kurokiba Ryo and said lightly.

Kurokiba Ryo also sneered and nodded slightly. He suddenly took off the red scarf in his hand and put it on his head. The whole person's momentum was completely changed, as if he had changed into a different person, becoming a little fierce, even a little scary_Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel A

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