Erina fled in panic. Seeing the angry figure of this young lady, Ye Nan smiled.

She was really arrogant to be rated as unpalatable by this young lady.

"Forget it, we will meet again at Yuanyue College in the future, she can't escape."Ye Nan thought to himself. He was not in a hurry, he still had a way to go to Yuanyue College.

And Ye Nan was immediately surrounded by countless diners around him.

"Mr. Ye Nan, can we try the new dish you just made?"

"Yes, yes, it looks delicious."

"Master Ye Nan is the best!"

After these few weeks, Ye Nan has become the star chef here and has many female fans. Looking at the twinkling eyes of these girls, Ye Nan thinks these girls are much cuter than Erina Nakiri.

"Well, I will make this West Lake Vinegar Fish for you. I hope you like it."Ye Nan said with a smile


"You are truly worthy of being called Lord Ye Nan!"

""Master Ye Nan is the most superior!"

Amidst the voices, Ye Nan began to make West Lake vinegar fish again.

Thirty minutes later, several dishes of West Lake vinegar fish were served, and the diners couldn't wait to taste them.

These people first tried to pick up a chopstick, and then carefully tasted the taste and texture. In an instant, everyone was shocked.

This smooth taste, this treatment without any fishy smell, and the fusion of every bite of fish meat and starch sauce made everyone feel fresh, sweet and sour, as if every bite was delicious and refreshing.

It's like eating ginseng fruit, which makes every capillary in the body open and feel particularly comfortable.

This extreme taste and moving deliciousness make people feel like bathing in the spring breeze, returning to the bank of West Lake, feeling the warm breeze, and appreciating the intoxicating scenery.

"This dish is simply……"

"It's really hard to describe. I originally thought that fish soup was the best fish dish I've ever eaten, but now it seems that this West Lake vinegar fish is even better than fish soup."

"It is really amazing, he is worthy of being called Chef Ye Nan"

"Mr. Ye Nan……"Some crazy fan girls had stars in their eyes and continued to stare at Ye Nan,~

"What? The tongue of God is not always reliable. This dish is so amazing that I almost want to eat the plate."

"That's right!"

Everyone was questioning Erina Nakiri's judgment.

Such delicious food was said to be unpalatable, which made everyone very dissatisfied. They all complained about Erina Nakiri.


On the other side, Erina Nakiri and Hisako also left in a hurry.

Erina and Hisako were in the car, looking at the endless stream of cars outside the window. Erina felt annoyed and kept thinking of someone's hateful face.

So, Erina was a little crazy and took out her anger on the pillow in the back seat of the car. She kept hitting the pillow to vent her dissatisfaction

"I'll let you do bad things, I'll let you hate me, you damn guy!" Erina mistook the pillow for Ye Nan and began to"ravage" it crazily, which made Hisako and the driver on the side gasp in amazement.

After a while, Erina seemed to realize that she had lost her composure. Her face turned red and she shouted,"What are you looking at? Is it beautiful?"

Hearing what Erina said, the driver coughed and dared not speak. He concentrated on driving obediently. Hisako also stuck out her tongue and whispered,"Miss, do you hate Ye Nan so much?"

"I, I, how could I hate him! I was just in a bad mood and wanted to vent, what does that damn guy have to do with it! Besides, that guy is annoying to begin with, don’t you think so, Hisako?" Erina blushed and glared at Hisako.

Fascinated by Miss Erina's aura, Hisako whispered weakly:"I, I think it's okay, Ye Nan, his cooking is really delicious"

"Humph!"Erina raised her head, snorted heavily, and put on a proud expression again. Hisako said weakly:"Miss, but why do you hate Ye Nan so much? I think he is a little rude, but, but the food is really delicious"

"You mean my evaluation is unfair?" Erina turned to look at Hisako.

Hisako thought it was not good, and knew that she could not speak for Ye Nan at this time, so she shook her head and said,"No, no. I just think that Ye Nan's West Lake vinegar fish is very delicious.……"

""Hisako." Erina tried to calm herself down.

""Well, young lady?"

Erina looked into Hisako's eyes and said,"You are not in love with Ye Nan, are you? Don't just look at him because he is handsome and has good cooking skills, you are in love with him, right?"

"No, no way!" After hearing what Erina said, the secretary's face immediately turned red. Thinking of Ye Nan's face, her heart started beating inexplicably again.

Erina looked at Hisako's eyes for a while, said"Oh", and said:"Really? I hope so."

""Miss, Ye Nan is coming to Totsuki Academy, what should we do?" Hisako asked.

Upon hearing this, Erina almost jumped up like a kitten whose tail was stepped on:"I, how should I know, I will not let that bastard into Totsuki Academy, absolutely not!"


3 more~~~~~~~~Please give me flowers, collections, and rewards for my cute secretary

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