086. The first student to play tricks on the judges [Update 1]

The score on the big screen showed 3:0 before both contestants finished presenting their dishes. Normally, Mito Yumei should have expressed her dissent, but at this time, there was no movement on the competition stage. If you look closely, you will find that Mito Yumei is sweating and half-kneeling in front of the cooking table. It is extremely difficult for her to pay attention to what is happening on the judges' bench.

As the first person to be attacked by this fragrance, Mito Yumei has actually reached her limit.

In her perception, the two unknown ingredients seem to be using her body as a battlefield. The attacks of ice and fire are like a surging tide that eats away at her senses. Being able to finish cooking under such pressure... is already the limit of a cook.

That guy... that transfer student's cooking... is so strong that it is simply incomprehensible!


She collapsed on the cooking table, looking at her final hot pot product. Mito Yumei reluctantly turned her head to look at the judges' table. She was shocked to find that the three judges had already given up their personal image while eating.

"This, this rich spicy taste!

Mixed with the fragrant fruits, it is like it is sublimated in the mouth!

Both the meat rolls and the vegetables are processed perfectly!

This is the most...


" The only female among the three judges, Zangmu Shiono, had a flushed face and kept savoring the taste lingering in her mouth.

However, just as she was immersed in this dish, the spicy taste that was still very"mild" when she took a bite suddenly broke out and swept directly across her entire throat.

It was followed by a feeling as if she was in a steam sauna.

Although it was very hot, the body couldn't help but feel that all the bones in the body were steamed soft.

As mentioned earlier, the two ingredients that were originally incompatible with ice and fire achieved a strange fusion during the cooking process.

Therefore, at the moment of taking the food, you will feel the fragrance of a fruit, but when you chew it, the Yavana pepper hidden in the dish will completely burst out.

The spicy taste that can make people unable to move for a year is not just talk.

Even the system admits that this dish has the effect of"making people unable to move for a year".

Bai Mu was curious about what would happen if the effect was reversed, just like the taste.

After such a long time exploring the system's"Eye of Insight", Bai Mu roughly guessed that L-level dishes should be equivalent to SSSS-level dishes in the system evaluation, and L- is naturally equivalent to SSSS+. So far, the highest-level dishes he has eaten at the Totsuki Resort are only SS-level. Of course, there are higher-level dishes, but the prices are too outrageous, and they are not available to everyone with money, so Bai Mu has not actually tasted SSS-level dishes so far.

As a result, he just felt a little curious, and saw the judge sitting at the edge suddenly stood up with a roar, his eyes full of bloodshot, looking like an angry gorilla, which really scared Kawashima Rei next to him.

"It's so hot! It's so hot! I feel full of energy now! I'm going to eat!"

After the judge finished speaking, he actually lifted up the small hot pot on the table and poured the whole pot of hot pot into his mouth as if he was toasting.

Kawashima Rei, who was standing by, was stunned and drooling.

For the first time, she secretly hated herself for being the emcee and not the judge.

It was undoubtedly correct for the three judges to press Bai Mu's button in advance, because from their current state, none of them were in the mood to continue commenting and scoring.

They were holding the hot pot and almost burying their faces in the pot.

How could they still be examiners? If someone dared to lift the hot pot in front of them and bring the next dish, everyone would doubt whether these three people would fight to the death with the person who took their dish away.

Compared with just now, the whole venue was now silent.

All the students were stunned.

They watched the three judges on the big screen eating hot pot without caring about their image.

Speaking of the Shokugeki Contest, it was held very frequently, from small ones with only two or three spectators to large ones with the whole grade watching.

As long as there were conflicts and problems that could not be negotiated, the students of Totsuki Contest were used to using Shokugeki Contest to solve them.

Therefore, it can be said that most of the students present had the experience of watching Shokugeki Contest.

In their impression, all the judges in the past had a picky face, commenting on the students' dishes.

Although they usually would not directly point out the defects of the dishes, it was impossible for a defective dish to be hidden from these people and win the Shokugeki Contest.

You have to know that being judged by Totsuki Contest is not a good thing.

Who of those invited by Sono to be the judges of the Shokugeki Contest is not a famous gourmet? The pickiness of these people is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and they even have many opportunities to taste the most"top-notch" dishes.

But now the three judges on the big screen can be said to be eating without caring about their image.

Let alone commenting, everyone thinks they are very dedicated when they can lift their heads from the food and say a word.

In the previous Shokugeki Contests, which time didn't the students nervously wait in the audience, waiting for the judges' decision in fear? But when it came to Shiraki, he made a fool of the three judges, and the three judges didn't complain at all, as if they could ignore everything as long as they were eating the dishes in front of them.

Looking at the three judges eating in an exaggerated manner without caring about their personal image, everyone was shocked.

Some people felt a sense of oppression from the back of the boy standing in front of the judges.

Is this... the strength of that transfer student?

It's so scary!

Looking at Mito Yumei, who fell down in front of the cooking table like a defeated dog before even putting up the food, everyone swallowed their saliva...

They have seen countless crushing"food battles", such as the one between the top ten and the ordinary students, but... this is the first time that everyone has seen a"food battle" with such a huge gap in strength. Although Mito Yumei has not yet served"her" food, anyone with a little bit of brain can see that it is almost impossible for her to turn the tables in this"food battle".

Mito Yumei, who is called the"meat invader", didn't even do the most basic thing of serving the food, and she suffered such a miserable defeat?!... If it were me...

No one dared to think about it, because they suddenly realized... I was really brave to hand over the"food battle" challenge letter to this transfer student!


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