073. I, Kuga Teruki, would rather die of starvation, die outside, or jump off from here than eat a bite of your food [Please order first! ]

Of course, Shiraki rejected Alice's request without hesitation.

Just kidding, before Kuga Teruki jumped into the big pit he had dug in advance, Shiraki would not let anything unexpected happen, after all, this was related to his plan to brush up his score.

……But in fact, this idea was just a spur-of-the-moment idea he came up with last night.

Whether it will work or not is still unclear.

After all, his current behavior, how should I put it, is more like the villain boss than the protagonist Soma Yukihira.

Shiraki himself has some idea of this.

So if we talk about Shiraki's mentality now, it is more of a casual play.

If he can successfully surrender, of course it would be the best.

If he can't succeed, he will just press the Ten Elites of Totsuki to the ground one by one, and finally climb to the top.

This is also the most common routine.

But anyway, the results of the two methods are the same.

It won't lose any meat if he tries.

Shiraki made this terrifying plan with such a casual idea.

And now, the horror of this plan has been fully demonstrated.

Not to mention the three girls, Erina, Hisako and Alice, even Kuga Teruki widened his eyes when he felt the wonderful fragrance that seemed to nourish his limbs.

"What is this... dish?"

He stared straight at the source of the aroma in the kitchen.

It was a dish that looked like a work of art.

Various colors formed a harmonious picture.

Just one glance at it, as if one was in another wonderful country that only existed in the cuisine.

And this feeling...

was not an illusion!

It was as if a real mist filled the interior of the kitchen.

Everyone, including Kuga Teruki, felt as if their bodies were not touching the air, but returning to the warmest place in the depths of their memories.

The soft feeling that emerged from the soles of their feet was about to completely swallow everyone up.

It was a feeling of being completely immersed in memories, and even the body seemed to feel the joy.

Erina closed her eyes in a trance, and suddenly found that she had returned to the backyard of the Nakiri family without knowing when, but she was not in a state of having her feet on the ground, but was held in someone's arms.

"Managi, come and try the new dish I developed."

Suddenly, a voice came to Erina's ears that made her feel like she was falling into an ice cellar. However, unlike her impression, the tone of this voice was not as cold as usual. Instead, it had a cautious feeling, as if something was being protected in the palm of one's hand.

""Shh, Erina is asleep."

Just when Erina was still feeling very confused, a soft female voice came into her ears. Hearing this voice, Erina's whole body trembled. This familiar voice and feeling... is it her mother? She is in her mother's arms?

Only then did Erina realize that she had become the size of a baby without knowing when. After Nakiri Managi said this, Erina felt that she turned around. It was at this time that she saw the figure of the man who she had always regarded as a nightmare.

"There aren't many opportunities to look at her like this."

I heard my mother sigh again.

"Indeed, when Erina grows up, I will teach her to make the dishes we developed together."

The man in front of Erina looked at her with an expectant look that was completely different from what she remembered. However, just as Erina stretched out her hand tremblingly and wanted to say something, everything in front of her seemed to be an illusion, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Is this...

the feedback from God's Tongue about the taste of that dish?" Erina came back to her senses and suddenly found that she had collapsed on the ground without knowing when, because the smell in this room had an unexpectedly great impact on the body.

She had only stood here for three minutes, and not only did her God's Tongue start to clamor for a taste of this dish, but she had not even tasted the taste, but it stimulated her"sensory taste", which had never appeared before, and was based on the real world rather than the taste of the dish itself.

But why... the memory scene she saw was like that?

Did she really have such a warm family? In her impression, wasn't her mother running away and her father forcing her to accept those"perfect" dishes? As for those defective dishes, will they all be thrown into the trash?

Why... is it like that?

Erina wanted to find the answer from the dish, but her body was completely numb from the extremely comfortable smell. It was difficult for her to just stand up, let alone endure this feeling of extreme pleasure of the physiological mechanism and move forward.

It was an indescribable feeling. Obviously, every limb was full of strength as never before, and all the senses became unusually clear, but being invaded by this refreshing smell made people unable to move a step. It was just like... a tide of Kuai||||The feeling was like swallowing up the whole person.

He didn't even get within ten meters of the food, but he was forced to such a point by the aroma. It was extremely difficult to even move!

It's hard to believe that the food alone can cause such a strong physiological reaction in people. What will it taste like when you actually eat it?

Even the Tongue of God is like this, let alone the others.

Looking at Kuga Teruki, who has gone from looking like he deserves a beating just now to sweating profusely, Shiraki said the same thing again,"Why���How about that? Are you interested in becoming my follower now?"

""Yes, yes, yes! I'm happy to be Shiraki-kun's follower. It's totally fine even if I give Erina to you. So let me have a bite, just one bite, okay? Just think of it as me exchanging Erina with you?"

Alice at the back couldn't wait to raise her hands to interrupt Shiraki's question, and even sold Erina out without hesitation. If Erina and Hisako next to them hadn't been trying hard to control their bodies and didn't notice Alice's words, the two of them would probably have been bickering again.

"I admit... your cooking is indeed amazing... but you underestimate me!" Kuga Teruki knelt on the ground at this time. Although his words were very beautiful, he seemed to have no momentum at all, just like a husky that shouted that he would never touch the bones in front of him. He suddenly increased his volume and roared powerfully,"Even if I, Kuga Teruki, starve to death, die outside, or jump from here, I will never eat a single bite of your food!"

""Oh? I see."

Bai Mu nodded casually, then suddenly walked to the cooking table at the back and brought over the dish he named 'Thanatos's Courtyard'.

"Alice, open your mouth."

Looking at Alice who was staring at him eagerly but unable to move because of the fragrance that made her body soft and limp, Bai Mu suddenly picked up a bunch of cabbage shreds carved into a bush with chopsticks and said to her.


Alice heard it and did it without hesitation.


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